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Superb gear shift - proper technique usage.


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Just want to share with the bros here about the Superb's gear shift. Recently my gear shift had some issues and it was detected that the contact release button to the clutch was snapped under the silver button, this caused my gear not to be able to be shifted to drive mode after it was at park mode, it was later rectified at Skoda dealership as it was covered under warranty.


As I spoke to the technician he suggested the following proper technique in shifting gears.


In the two pictures I posted, shows the correct way to depress the clutch release(chrome shiny button) with your thumb spread evenly over the entire contract surface of the release button and depress it at an even pressure. This will ensure the connector switch in to contact properly as you shift the gear from park mode to drive/neutral/1/2 gear.


The second picture shows the incorrect way of depress the clutch release. In this wrong prosture illustration, unknowingly you the one-sided pressure contact point over time will force the contact point under the switch to be angled and thus cause it to snap within the switch, this is probably due to wear and tear, through in proper contact, but it is covered under warranty during the warrany months.


I would encourage the bros/sis to use the proper technique to extend the lifespan of your gear shift and enjoy your ride.



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I am not sure bro, probably bro Koolaba can advise.


And this reminds me I want to thank Bro Koolaba for helping.


That night when it got stuck, I called bro koolaba and he advised me how to get around the problem, better than Skoda 24hr service - if there was such a thing.


Skoda should award Koolaba with some recognition to his contribution to the Skoda community!!

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That was precisely what happened to me for the past 2mths. My gear shift knob was very very loose. Till a point i had problems shift from 'P' downwards.


Fixed it at the service centre. Now using the correct technique which Koolaba mentioned in the other thread.

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thanks bro,


now i know that my technique is correct, btw, nice ring with DIAMOND !

oh, and nice cubic printed console too...


i was going to say "nice hands" but i ain't gay.... [:p]

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Changing to an aftermarket gear lever could help to solve the problem.


The problem with the design of the gear shifter on the Superb: The chrome button is a tad too large compared to the actual area of the switch.


If you observe the B5.x Passat, A4, there is virtually 0 complaints about the brkoen lever switch.

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wow.I didnt know driving a Superb need to wear a watch with Cr3 computer.convert kph to TAS is it? ha ha..btw, that is no " humble" watch..n it is NOT a Casio. If I am not mistaken it's a C.Navitimer. [thumbsup]


btw, nice writeup n if I may add, if u break that knob release. skoda agent will sell u one for around $200 plus! Echelon is right about his methods and if I may add, dun press n shift at same time. press, hold,hear the click n then shift because it take some micro seconds for the inner spring catch to release.

Esp when u engage R(everse) , wait till ride fully stop,press Brake, then depress,hold,click n shift.


jus my 2cents.





Haa...sorry did not mean for my humble casio to be a distraction. Concentrate on the geasr shift guys. [sly]
Edited by Conned
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[sweatdrop] You catch everything eagle-eyed Conned....haa. it is a Citizen WR 100. My wrist watch and ring was a terrible mistake to wear them when taking pictures for the gear shift - haa.


Thanks for important additional input, that is right we need to do exactly what you said to wait for the clip and not press the button and shift at the same time. - Thanks bro [thumbsup]


How I miss a manual car..... [:/] hmm....hopefully next Superb has DSG.

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