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Any benefit to this "active" setup?


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Bros, as my Pioneer 8850 HU does not have active 2-way so I'm thinking of doing this.


HU --> passive crossover --> 4 ch amplifier --> component speaker.


Any benefit to this setup?

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Neutral Newbie

I think you are trying to say HU to Hi-Lo convertor (which splits the frequencies up into 4 different channels for individual tuning purposes) instead of passive crossover. Passive crossovers are those tha comes with the component speakers and it comes after the amp, ie, HU to amp to passsive crossover to component speakers. You can't connect the passive crossovers directly to the amp because it has no RCA inputs/outputs.


Your tuning will all be done on the convertor. You can still achieve 2 way active.

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Thanks, I'm not referring to HiLo. Right now, my HU is connected directly to the passive crossover and in turn to the speaker. Using the same connection, my intention is to break the connection from the passive to the speaker and feed them in my amplifer (my 4ch amp can take in speaker line input). Thus making it "active". Can do right? Any benefits to this?

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Actually, yo don't need to do any of that.

8850 can go active. I know of some people doing that.

It's not proper but it works.


8850 has FRONT---REAR---SUB correct?


Just use the FRONT for mids, the REAR for tweeters and SUB for sub.

Depending on which one has the lower HPF...i forget liao...


Maybe you can list down the HPF/LPF settings for both your FRONT and REAR so i can better advice you?


Basically if i remember correctly, i think the FRONT has both HPF and LPF settings your can configure, if so, then this will be your MIDS...the Rear will should only have either LPF or HPF, this will be for the tweeters. Basically Tweeters only need to block out low freqiencies while the mids will need to block both low and high, hence the need for both LPF/HPF

It definately works though..just need to get it right.


You will get an active setup this way, just that you need to know which is which :) TA and all will still work the same.

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That's a ingenious way to do an active setup. I talk to the installer about this. Anyway, Amp will still be there driving the speaker. The only difference is whether to use the HU's "crossover" or the passive crossover.

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If you want to run this way, you can't use the Amp's speaker input.

Because the HU's features for all this only works when you use the RCA outputs and not the speaker wires.

In any case, if you can use RCA, use RCA...it's much better than using speaker inputs on the amp

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