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Remember to leave a note when you knock a parked vehicle...


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My friend's car kena knocked by a reversing van and we saw it from his 9th floor flat!!! Then the driver came down and wrote a note and put on the windscreen.


The note contained an apologies and stating his hp number and he was in a rush to somewhere and asked my friend to call him later that night. [thumbsup]


And later that night, my friend called and guess what? The number belongs to another person!!! And that person do not even have driving license and still in NS!!!! [whip]


Obviously the driver of the van provided a false number! So the morale of the story is... you can leave a note with a bogus number and get away with it [lipsrsealed][lipsrsealed][lipsrsealed]



next time i will write ah long san number


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i've seen another case ... at Taka ... saw a beetle kena banged ... the culprit already gone but i saw a note .... (post it note) written on it ... "So i banged your car, Sue me!"





what goes around comes around (x10 i hope)

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