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I gotz skillz(n a tiny car)... (incl pics)


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brudder, u more violent than me leh [laugh] but u never read my story properly lah, i got no choice cuz thats the only lot left [:/] so just nice i not rich so oni got small arse car, so squeeze lor, AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to that huge thing [sly]


but my prediction correct - i left for work at 10am the huge thing STILL THERE [rifle]


seanboi, maybe i take ur suggestion n send into stomp or URA/LTA, since my actions were ineffective [rolleyes] haha...


bro paiseh never read that its the 'only lot left', yep then you are right, no point go and park elsewhere unauthorised place then kena summon just because of this type of people [rifle]


my MSCP also got one (surely is used car) 5series BMW, the model that come with the SDxxx plate one, fat fat, just before BMW's radical facelifts

--this fella ALWAYS park crooked, ALWAYS park head in, ALWAYS never straighten the steering after parking, ALWAYS eat a bit into next lot (you know what i mean---that problem happens when you park head-in)

recently i noticed his tires flat until growing a paunch at the bottom already


--conclusion: sometimes is not that people attitude problem or guai lan park like this, but its just simply BO CHUP [rifle] hahahhhh, but live and let live

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very true, some are genuine bochuppers. but i think they're equally annoying [:/] live n let live is good philosphy bro, dun give up on that. but me, i use that only on ppl who're deserving. on the other hand, i oso dun suka suka lose my head before hearing the other's side [nod]

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some cars dun have key holes other than driver side.. and if this dude's keyless entry somehow not working, he probably got to climb in from the boot laugh.gif

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I'm Gonna Make A Change,

For Once In My Life

It's Gonna Feel Real Good,

Gonna Make A Difference

Gonna Make It Right . . .


As I, Turn Up The Collar On My

Favourite Winter Coat

This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind

I See The Kids In The Street,

With Not Enough To Eat

Who Am I, To Be Blind?

Pretending Not To See

Their Needs

A Summer's Disregard,

A Broken Bottle Top

And A One Man's Soul

They Follow Each Other On

The Wind Ya' Know

'Cause They Got Nowhere

To Go

That's Why I Want You To



I'm Starting With The Man In

The Mirror

I'm Asking Him To Change

His Ways

And No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself, And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself, And

Then Make A Change)

(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah)


I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish

Kind Of Love

It's Time That I Realize

That There Are Some With No

Home, Not A Nickel To Loan

Could It Be Really Me,

Pretending That They're Not



A Willow Deeply Scarred,

Somebody's Broken Heart

And A Washed-Out Dream

(Washed-Out Dream)

They Follow The Pattern Of

The Wind, Ya' See

Cause They Got No Place

To Be

That's Why I'm Starting With


(Starting With Me!)


I'm Starting With The Man In

The Mirror


I'm Asking Him To Change

His Ways


And No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change)


I'm Starting With The Man In

The Mirror


I'm Asking Him To Change His


(Change His Ways-Ooh!)

And No Message Could've

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make That . . .

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make That . . .)



I'm Starting With The Man In

The Mirror,

(Man In The Mirror-Oh


I'm Asking Him To Change

His Ways

(Better Change!)

No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make The Change)

(You Gotta Get It Right, While

You Got The Time)

('Cause When You Close Your


You Can't Close Your . . .Your


(Then You Close Your . . .


That Man, That Man, That

Man, That Man

With That Man In The Mirror

(Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)

That Man, That Man, That Man

I'm Asking Him To Change

His Ways

(Better Change!)

You Know . . .That Man

No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah

(Oh Yeah!)

Gonna Feel Real Good Now!

Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!

Yeah Yeah!

Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah

(Ooooh . . .)

Oh No, No No . . .

I'm Gonna Make A Change

It's Gonna Feel Real Good!

Come On!

(Change . . .)

Just Lift Yourself

You Know

You've Got To Stop It.


(Yeah!-Make That Change!)

I've Got To Make That Change,



(Man In The Mirror)

You Got To

You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .

Brother . . .


(Yeah!-Make That Change!)

You Know-I've Got To Get

That Man, That Man . . .

(Man In The Mirror)

You've Got To

You've Got To Move! Come

On! Come On!

You Got To . . .

Stand Up! Stand Up!

Stand Up!

(Yeah-Make That Change)

Stand Up And Lift

Yourself, Now!

(Man In The Mirror)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!


(Yeah-Make That Change)

Gonna Make That Change . . .

Come On!

(Man In The Mirror)

You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know . . .

(Change . . .)

Make That Change.

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hmm... daytime + lorry = contractor? how long was he parked there for? if got other lots available then ok lah, if not [rifle]


How much is it to own HDB car park? you are the first person i know that owns a HDB car park leh! wow

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honestly, who can be happy 24/7? for me, buey tahan then chill n light one up lor. if really really blatant type boh simi gong liao then i geef u 1 cigarette's headstart, u better run [laugh][laugh][laugh]


but ah bro, wats "stim" ah?

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eh...wolf context, i can only think of 1 thing n that is he is in HEAT aka markita aka got Bone to pick aka jiao chun laugh.gif

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dun worry lah...he will still continue de lah....he got fleas in his fur...haven't gone for de-tick u know...so whole body very itchy laugh.giflipsrsealed.gif

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bro, dangerous man you, for my own parking, i always park as close as possible to kerb/wall/corner, so the other car (whether there yet, or still an empty lot) will have no excuse to give me any souvenours


there was once still, i park very close to the wall, and the next car "take for granted" and park still very close to me (his/her tires are on the white painted line on the floor)


nbcb, i use my car key give that car new artwork, ccb, actually should have make him/her next day dont need to go to work, f*cker, already give so much allowance still got 'eaten' by other people

u are one low life formnod.gifnod.gif

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