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Lure Of The Dragon Ladies


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thanks to all the 'ignorant' ah peks. now that our cpf minimum sum and draw down age has been increased ! the gov 'thinks' since the money is going to throw away to the mei mei, might as well keep them in the cpf warehouse for another few years !




tats probably one reason why the CPF age n min sum are increase.... whahahaa
Edited by Wt_know
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It's quite pitiful really. Most of them are really out to look for companionship and get tricked. If it's just one-night stand they're looking for, well, don't need to throw away 24k... Next time, when I'm that age, will make sure to trick the dragon ladies [laugh] Promise to give money, but drag and drag for more favours... [rolleyes]

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tats probably one reason why the CPF age n min sum are increase.... whahahaa


The Ah peks probably expected themselves to live only till 70 years old.


When we draw out our CPF at the age of 65, we only have 5 years to enjoy our life savings. How to spend $300k within 5 years? The easiest way is to seek instant gratifications. One of ways would be woman companionship.

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Pitiful indeed. An expensive lesson for them. To some, all these news about people kenna 'conned' by PRC woman will fall on deaf ears. They will think that they are different from those victims before them. I see a lot of such men in my estate.

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My cousin 30 plus only also kena con a fortune by a dragon lady. [shakehead] Some more the dragon lady not chio, look like a typical china villager face but still got the ability to con a guy. I muz say this also another type of talent tat govt happen to bring in. Its either the men here are too stupid or they are too smart. I dunno.

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the problem of these ah peks/man or whatever is they think they too smart... but in fact, they are hell far from it.. they think they are in control.. but the small head took control of the bigger head up there... and wala, there goes the $$... those women freaking look like a farmer more than a villager face.. *vomits* [shakehead][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie
got hole can already....


A lot of things also got hole. Donut got hole. Sink got hole. Wall can drill hole...

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