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BMW 3 series or Lexus IS250


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Neutral Newbie

I take 6 pot BMWs... the Lexus is TOOOOOOO cramp. Keep bumping my head when testing the car. I am not even 1.8m. You can also find a lot of IS in the used market now... I think it tries too hard in the design dept in the expense of space. Why dont go for PI Camry 2.4 V6 or Mark X which share the same chassis as IS250?

go to sgcatmart,there r even more owners letting go their year06 320i than IS250.

I must say the 320i is really underpowered!


Although the PI Camry 2.4 V6 or Mark X shared the same chassis as IS250, the class,comfort is completely different!

Kindly test-drive both rides and u will know what i mean.thks.

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If you ever get to choose between these 2 cars based on current design which will you pick? Both are quite near in terms of pricings.


Frankly, given a choice, I will go for BMW anytime, the IS is just a camry or Mark X with another logo..To say that, a 5 series will be the minimum for owning a BMW... Of cos if you are talking about 330...that is different...

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Neutral Newbie
IS shouldn't ever be compare with the 3 Series.. although i dunno why they are near in price...


IS should be compare with camry or cefiro...

Ya I also dunno why the 320 is priced the same as an IS250.


The "poor man's BMW" 320 is just a fuking crap car with a 4-cylinder engine that makes it not much different from the Camry or Cefiro in terms of performance.


Edited: Oops sorry my mistake. At least the Camry is more powerful than the 320. And oh ya, at the very least, the Cefiro is a 6-pot engine. In my opinion the BMW 320 should be priced at about $90k+. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

I must say that alot of ppl here doesn't know whats a premium or luxury car?

B4 u post comments here, have u test-drive both rides?


Most of them chose 320i cos of the branding or they r currently driving a lower cc rides.Sorry if i have offend anyone.

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Neutral Newbie



People choose the 320 bcos of branding. If you slap the BMW badge on the Cherry QQ and price it at $120k, there will still be people who will go buy.


I am only responding to unjustified comments like "dunno why the IS250 priced the same as a 3 series". While I can give you a whole good list of reasons why the IS250 is a more premium car than the 320, can you do the same? Ha.

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Neutral Newbie

I totally agree that Premium cars speaks for itself. I've had the opportunity to test drive at a Lexus event in the States last yr where the IS250, IS350 and BMW 325s were all offered to be driven in the same circuit.

In terms of performance and comfort, I definitely would go for the Lexus. The amount of thought that goes into a Lexus and the fine fine touches really makes a Jap car "OutF#@Kstanding". The BMW's interior has always been the same old boring straight in the face design and i agree that people tend to go with BMW cos of the name.

In terms of maintainence ,Lexus would also be a better choice. I drove a 7 yr old Lexus and the engine was still running as quiet and smooth as ever. Though a Lexus may be a "Ang Moh" toyota, its still worth every cent.

And to compare it as though it was a Cheery against a Honda(BMW) is totally shallow as Bimmer12 did.

Pls do yourself the favor and go test drive both the cars and you will appreciate which is the finer ride.

Hope no offence taken though I sound biased towards Lexus.....

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Neutral Newbie

Yes please. Go test drive the cars la!

I am fortunate to have tested many cars due to some opportunities and contacts in the automobile industry. Yes granted that my comments might not be the universal representation for everyone, I make comments because I HAD tested those cars. So for people who challenge me to test drive the cars first, you can be rest assured that I had.


I am a car lover just like you guys and it saddens me that people pay tops monies for.. rubbish.

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Neutral Newbie

Yup I will choose the 323 over the IS250 too, if the 323 is priced at about $130k. And the 323 is an I-6! [:)]


Don't get me wrong. I actually like a few models in the 3-family. For record, I am actually saving up for a 335, but sometime end of next year ba..

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But last time Lexus sales ppl quite lousy...

Not sure now la... Last time when I visited, asked for detail but they seem not interested to entertain me... finally no choice, go and buy conti.

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Lexus don't let me test drive leh... [:/]

So cannot compare... hehe [laugh]


But that's a few years ago case liao... now maybe service better already?

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Neutral Newbie

Yup thats the problem when Customers find Car instead of Car find Customers. But end of the day, who is the big boss? YOU cos you are the one paying the money not the SE. Demand for the info and if not happy with their service, speak to the mananger. Don't let your decision be swayed because of some stuck up SE.


The other way to test drive is go 2nd Car dealer lor. Same engine same performance , price and service different only.

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Neutral Newbie

Haha ya that's the greatest mistake that a sales person can make - pre-judge a potential customer. Last time I went to Cortina Watches to look at watches with a friend. Nobody served us for so long, until my friend unintentionally lifted his left hand to his chin and revealed is AP Royal Oak Offshore rosegold edition. Then you can see people fighting to serve us.. [laugh]

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Actually not only SE... once in a while, some brand give big offer and freebies...

I also consider my old car trade-in price that was offered.


Ultimately... I will get those who offer me best package.

To me... 323i, IS250, C230 are all almost "same" to me, I choose base on best package offered when purchasing.

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No wonder la... That time I walk to Lexus showroom because Leng Kee area "showroom to showroom" very near, so just park at 1 showroom and walk around.


Maybe the SE thought I just ask for fun because they never see me drive there... [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
Frankly, given a choice, I will go for BMW anytime, the IS is just a camry or Mark X with another logo..To say that, a 5 series will be the minimum for owning a BMW... Of cos if you are talking about 330...that is different...


Please justify:


1) Why is the IS250 "just a Camry"? May I know how are they the same?


2) So you are also saying that a Lotus Elise is just a Toyota Celica with another logo?


Another one of those bull comments... [shakehead]

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