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Hit by others yet told 50/50 case.


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Bros / Sis(s)


Have anyone encounter this before?


I was in the lane to go into AYE (Towards Keppel Direction)


On my left,a mini commercial mini bus then suddenly cut into my lane and hit me on my left side.


He signalled and just cut out so as to go into AYE. The moment, I saw his signal I braked and my vehicle come to a halt. But he was too close to me when he cut in my door and side mirror all kanna.


The first thing he said was each pay for each damages. He said lots of things like, he "assumed" I was giving way, then mirrior was shone by the sunlight and cannot see me on the side and cannot hear me horn him, and argued that he was already half way in my lane.


The actual thing from me is that once I saw his signal light I hit my brakes till my vehicle came to a halt and watched my side getting hit helplessly.


We then moved to the side and he told me cannot claim one. Sure 50/50.


Then he keep using words to make me go off from the sence. Had no choice he passed me his vehicle number and hp number. And left the sence as we have alredy caused quite a jam at the location.


Now here although he passed me his number, he never agreed to let me claim against him. I have never met an accident before hence I was so blur and not sure what was the right procedure..


Now I only have photos of my ride after the whole accident.Nothing on his van.


What can I do here to do my claim against him? Now feel cheated by his words and after explaining to my friends and I confirmed I was doing all the right things to avoid the accident.


That is why the damages was minimal to my ride, but just feel unfair to get hit and have to pay for my repairs.


What should I do? [bigcry][furious][confused]

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it seems that he didnt perform duty of care...


where was his damage? the only concern now is ur words against his, unless u have witness. Another thing is based on the damages. After clarifying, u shd call him how he want to settle..to pay u privately or go thru claims which he shd admit his fault (make sure he write this down)

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Report straight away to ur insurance company. If your's is Aunty Lucy, then yo need to go IDAC. The minibus driver may even have made a report citing untrue statements unfavourable to you. Do it asap

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He only said he din see me and stuff .. He is very persistent on me paying for my damages.I have called my insurance agent and they advice to call the claim asseser to see if I have a case to claim.


Witness ar?


All on his bus..


Now I worry he turn his words and say I dash in and side swipe him..


But anyway cos my vehicle come to a stop the damages can show I was never speeding..If IDAC or insurance companies need to take photos or stuff I am more than willing to prove..


Just worry as the way he talk worries me..I am afraid he turn his words against me..


Guess have to call him tomorrow and see how.

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sorry to hear about this.. inconsiderate idiots are everywhere.. strike when you least expected it.. crazy.gif


regarding your case, a bit tricky.. you dun have the pic which showed BOTH vehicles' location, the damage, skid mark, etc.. without these, try claiming him may result in 50-50, or worse, if he (or his insurance company) lie that you are the one at fault.

have u made him sign the accident form which indicate the damage and situation towards the accident?


imho, try reason with him its still due to his action that caused the accident.

he should pay.

worse case, you may LL just repair on your own, since its minor damage

for that, you should get the agreement with the van that you will not claim each other.

remember to report your insurance co for record, whether or not u are claiming. in case kanna claimed 'hit-and-run'.

good luck.

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Report to insurance and police asap...


The driver may have made a report also, and maybe using his words against U..


Btw, he hit U at the side, so 90% your favor as many know that it is impossible for U to hit him from your side rite..

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side to side accident very difficuly to fight, unlike front to back, each party can create their own story.... moral of the story, whenever u see someone try to cut into your lane,or even trying to keep very close to your lane... horn at him or slow down.... plp might curse n swear at u for being so "horny" but too bad, its better than kena accident rather than being curse...

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He will definitely turn his words 9 out of 10 times. So u LL suck thumb becos it is going to be a side-swipe case whereby both end up 50:50. The only way is that you get him to admit fault by SMS (more accurate). Bear in mind that a written note of admission may not have the correct particulars & signature. Furthermore, it may entitle the insurer to repudiate the claim as policyholders are NOT supposed to admit liability.

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ok, 1st check whether you 2 have the same insurer. if yes, do nothing .... actually he's right, its VERY hard to claim if side by side accident, unless got witness. I tried before, in the end, each of us paid our own claim, BUT if your 3rd party claim is rejected ( meaning 50/50), you cannot change and say you wanna do an own damage claim ..... you will have to pay the insurance company for your repairs + legal fees if any ...

but that also means its very hard for him to claim against you ....

call ur insurer to get more info ...

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bro...if u can get his namecard...then ideally can get a witness from his bus. Cos clearly this fellow is at fault.


From past cases, such accidents normally 2 types...the one at fault admit fault. 2nd type, the one at fault changes his story. So to minimise his own NCD and premium surcharge, they may tempt to choose the latter. photos normally cant show much....but it really boils down to the accident report story. If he changes story, then i must say need to go thru proceedings liao (i.e. fight it out thru insurance). If he admit fault, it will be straight forward, ur insurance coy just claim his insurance - end of story. So now it depends on his stand liao. [:)] Hope it helps bro

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Bro after hearing what you said..


Beri sad..




What to do..


Luckily I have done whatever I can to prevent it from being worse..


Thinking back I also dumb say I am in a rush to go to school..Hence he take the chance to talk me out to move off from the sence...

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since urs is aunty lucy, go idac and make the report. things that will be in ur favour... a) i assume merging lane, so car on right has right of way b) u in ur lane c) clean record


juz state the facts and make sure u stay with it, esp in the above areas where the van driver will be giving his side of the story... that will jolly well be opposite of urs. neber mind, idac will give general advice and if u in ur lane, u heng liao.


u can claim od, then let aunty claim from that side. if aunty judge ur liability [sly]

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My insurance will only turn to Aunty Lucy on the 4th Oct.




Call up AXA already.. Dunno what to do now at a loss..


Back from school and after a long day...



Tired, dejected and demorolised.

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Does witness really helps? Recently i just met with an accident with a taxi....he was turning out from small road and i am travelling at the main road on lane 3 which is a 3 lane road...he turned out suddenly and cause me to sway from lane 3 to lane 1 in order not to hit him but who knows he got the cheek to cut 3 lanes diagonally.... in the end we still collide together.... now my car is repaired and waiting for claim result... i do have a witness and the statement was submitted too. What are the chances of my claim?

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Im sorry to hear your plight...maybe this might help you out abit...


1) Firstly, having photos of your car after the accident do not constitute much of a help. It would be better if you have taken photos of the accident with both vehicles intact (w/o shifting of car)


2) Both have to write up a brief description of the accident and also the time/venue/driver's name/NRIC/contact number/vehicle number/insurance company. But I doubt he will want to do so since he told you off to pay for your own repair...


3) You have to file a report at IDEC within 24 hrs. It will be better if you do not drag cause you never know what the other party will do/turn story back at you.

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Report straight away to ur insurance company. If your's is Aunty Lucy, then yo need to go IDAC. The minibus driver may even have made a report citing untrue statements unfavourable to you. Do it asap


It isn't wise to go straight to your own insurance company. In this case you are claiming your own and might result in loading of premiums in future as well as losing your NCD...


I suppose in this case, he would like to claim 3rd party insurance against the other driver...

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