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Peeing in middle of a service rd ...


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Neutral Newbie

what a waste of PEE !!! do it on the grass or tree at least can help water the plants [rifle] .... pee into the drainage then need more chemical process to convert to NEW Water [:|]

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i kid is yet that stage... soon maybe.


Also trust me, the kid aint crying or ranting at all. i saw the whole situation. in fact they crossed the road, then reverse back to pee along the drain.


As for toylet train, its pretty sensitive to say wat age a boi needs to be trained( its almost like comparing who is a better parent. that boi , i guess can be easily 4yrs old( see that he even knows to chk his fly). (my niece, is already almost there by 3 yrs of age.


anyway, do u think the pee spot is a good place ?



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IMHO, i'm willing to bet that the offender is mainland chinese, or at least, some other 'foreign talent' [sly] It's a common rural practise to 'pee as you go'... [rolleyes]


But this is not as bad as the situation in my hdb block. There is some joker who insists on peeing in the lift almost daily. Has been going on for some months now, and residents just side-step the stinky pool in the corner and bear with it. By the way, the lift landing has 2 cameras (donno for what purpose??) installed.

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... after she watch shiok shiok liaoz then stomp him ...


do u mean "... after she watch shiok shiok liaoz then stomp him ..."


ha ha ha ...

Edited by Bluemice
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