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Dose the side mirror still work?


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Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe on his way to get the mirror repaired or replaced? [:)]


I once saw a car with masking tape holding the glass mirror to the mirror cover too.

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I once kena also, but by motorcycle [:|] In a traffic jam then some malaysian motorcycle squeeze here squeeze there and BANG! Suay suay I kena... but he never even bother to stop and quickly speed all the way to the front and gone liao.


I stuck in jam LL can't get his license plate. As the mirror was not completely dislodged, it was dangling and was hitting my door. So quickly buy some tape and tape it to the door like above pic lor.


Damage $300++ eat myself + kena laughed by other ppl say side mirror broken liao still want to drive. [bigcry]

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Neutral Newbie

This one sad case but luckily on way to fix it


Actually he maybe can not c blind spot...(if i m not wrong)

Edited by Suhong
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