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Why they anyhow scold people?


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Neutral Newbie

Happen to be travelling about 70km/h along Bt Timah Rd yesterday. I agree that the distance between each car is not really really sufficient unless your brakes bite well. My front suddenly braked in the middle lane which forced me to do so as well...this bike behind me still dont know how to slow down upon my brake lights so, end up bang on me lor. I came out, my first reaction was to make sure he was fine physically but u know whats his first reaction? - scold me! I just dont understand why these people dont see further and react accordingly... u bang on me and u still scold me???? i havn't started to scold u! I should be claiming u for thiose small scratches on my car! i know my car is hardy and no scratches though... it was a big wooden block that created this problem actually. But please, if u are driving or riding at whatever speed, leave sufficient braking distance...this is one very big problem about s'porean. [rifle][rifle][rifle] take care, saying sorry does not not work in some accidents.

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Neutral Newbie
[:|] F him....Bikers have a height advantage...they should be able to see over your car (unless its a SUV/lorry/van)...It should be clear to them there were ppl braking in front of u!!
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Neutral Newbie

Once i had the same problem with one stupid yellow top cab... that F****r scolded me and say why dont i make sure nobody behind before i brake...i think that was the biggest joke back in 1998! [laugh] he die die dont want to pay me, since that was my very very old suzuki swift, i chin chai lah, he paid me the stupid $40 then i heck him away lah.. these people really a bit ding dong one...

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Neutral Newbie

Aiyo...tats the problem wif bikers....


They dun care for their life but expect others to care for them.


Few mths back a biker (wif his pillion girlfriend) skidded just in front of me (just stopped raining) as I was exiting the driveway of my estate. I stopped to help the couple, asked the guards to make some hot drink for the shook-up girlfriend. After ensuring that they are fine, I gone on my way.


That evening as I returned to my estate, my guard told me to contact the biker (left his no.), I called him and he asked for my particulars and wanted to claim against my insurance.....WAT THE FXXK!


I screwed him and asked him to fly kite, neber heard from him since.



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Yeah Bro [grouphug][grouphug][grouphug]


Langga onto people's ride liao should be apologistic & say sorry and not KPKB at that person [:|]


He, himself is in the wrong & owe people a reason hence should have F him up jialat jialat & claim his insurance [sunny][sunny][sunny]

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Once i had the same problem with one stupid yellow top cab... that F****r scolded me and say why dont i make sure nobody behind before i brake...i think that was the biggest joke back in 1998! [laugh] he die die dont want to pay me, since that was my very very old suzuki swift, i chin chai lah, he paid me the stupid $40 then i heck him away lah.. these people really a bit ding dong one...


my friend also kenna tat from a lady. in the end he apologize and paid for all the damages [hur] we were all telling him why so silly???

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Neutral Newbie

Cannot Tahan manz......worst is over the phone he told me tat his bike repair ard 1000+ he just a student cannot afford, since I stay private condo, claim my insurance 3rd party I dun need to pay a cent mah....help him...


These people really deserves to be ran over manzx



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This fellow is [hur][hur][hur]


Since he is a student & cannot afford to repair then sell off his bike lah [:|]


This type of [hur][hur][hur] Gin Na really got no brains man [mad][mad][mad]


To think he has the cheek to tell you to help him in his repairs by claiming your insurance [dizzy][dizzy][dizzy]


Really [hur][hur][hur]

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