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Army so desperate?


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The waiting time is mainly due to the kiasuness and kiasiness of the lower rank commanders. If HQ plan the exercise to start at 1200hrs, the battalion involved would ask their COs to get ready at 1100hrs. The COs will tell their Platoon commanderr to get ready at 1000hrs, and the PC would get their section commander to be ready at 0900hrs, and section commander will get the man ready at 0800hrs. The man themselves will ready themselves at 0730hrs.. But they wake uo at 0600hrs to prepare the stores and draw weapons..

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  On 12/27/2009 at 3:45 AM, Ender said:

The waiting time is mainly due to the kiasuness and kiasiness of the lower rank commanders. If HQ plan the exercise to start at 1200hrs, the battalion involved would ask their COs to get ready at 1100hrs. The COs will tell their Platoon commanderr to get ready at 1000hrs, and the PC would get their section commander to be ready at 0900hrs, and section commander will get the man ready at 0800hrs. The man themselves will ready themselves at 0730hrs.. But they wake uo at 0600hrs to prepare the stores and draw weapons..


haha precisely.

that's chain of command for you. [laugh]

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  On 9/12/2007 at 3:14 PM, Curahee said:

This thing can attract those poor family background youngster to sign on. My friend sign on during army bcoz his family all waiting for him to feed. If no army, he will go outside and work to feed his family, the 2.5 yrs army life force him to sign on the dotted line. Imagine remain as NSF for his 2.5 yrs with a few hundreds dollar monthly, how to feed his family??


What for? Go joing French Foreign Legion. Got chance to learn new language (French), get sent to exotic combat locations, Senegal, Afghanistan, etc. Learn real combat skills. Got chance, go parade on Bastille Day. Become citizen in the end, enjoy French benefits and Legionaire benefits.



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  On 12/26/2009 at 12:42 PM, Nolicense said:

that's why its all pushed to NSmen. i wonder how other countries, like sweden or israel or switzerland do it.


Sweden? Become reservist can drive their private car to range, military exercise. Their army don't provide transport unless there is a war. Why spend so much money on transport to go range?


Isreal? No need to say. Too busy fighting. You should be glad you are alive and used as a bargaining chip if you are captured.


Switzerland? A bit of problem here. The young want to vote out their NS policy.

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  On 12/26/2009 at 5:13 PM, Ultramega said:

Gurkhas are in the police, not military, right?


There are two kinds of Gurkhas.


There is the police version and the army version.


The army version can only be found in HK and UK. Their pay and pension pales in comparison to the Gurkhas serving in our police force. A lot of them want to come over to the Gurkha Contingent of Singapore.

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  On 12/27/2009 at 3:45 AM, Ender said:

The waiting time is mainly due to the kiasuness and kiasiness of the lower rank commanders. If HQ plan the exercise to start at 1200hrs, the battalion involved would ask their COs to get ready at 1100hrs. The COs will tell their Platoon commanderr to get ready at 1000hrs, and the PC would get their section commander to be ready at 0900hrs, and section commander will get the man ready at 0800hrs. The man themselves will ready themselves at 0730hrs.. But they wake uo at 0600hrs to prepare the stores and draw weapons..


No faith and trust in the men that serve with you. No faith and trust in the men, how to fight? I forgot this army bares its teeth only. Doesn't bite.


I wish for some kind of Mumbai terror attacks to expose all this. Useless people in charge = useless organization. Unfortunately, people have to die to expose inadequacies.


If you watched the Babylon 5, I believe in the "Shadows" ideology. Nabeh! Even Lau Lee also say that if we cannot adapt to the FTs coming in offering to work for less, we do not deserve it, then I say, bring in the Shadows and shake this place up. Let people die!


It can be me, my mother or my children. Just let them die and it indeed unfortunate for something like that I wish to happen just to expose how woefully idiotic our armed forces are.

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  On 12/27/2009 at 4:31 AM, Genie47 said:

There are two kinds of Gurkhas.


There is the police version and the army version.


The army version can only be found in HK and UK. Their pay and pension pales in comparison to the Gurkhas serving in our police force. A lot of them want to come over to the Gurkha Contingent of Singapore.


there is only 1 kind of Gurkha, mercenaries. They either after completing training and selection get drafted to their employers, who-ever it may be.

Police/militia/Private Protection Firms.


i like your "shadow" idea. Some-how, i feel that using innocent life to "expose" them is not worth it. Why do we have to pay the price of proving them right or wrong. Its better that we get on with our life. It is a dangerous notion.

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  On 12/27/2009 at 4:44 AM, Nerdyfrog said:

i like your "shadow" idea. Some-how, i feel that using innocent life to "expose" them is not worth it. Why do we have to pay the price of proving them right or wrong. Its better that we get on with our life. It is a dangerous notion.

Get real bro, this is the real world, sometimes lives need to be lost before somethings can be change or be reveal. I agree that no innocent life should be lost but this is the world, if not alot of things that we are taking for granted now wouldn't be as it is if no lifes was lost back than.

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dun 1 bamboo knock over the whole boat of ppl lah....


there are true professional soldiers like those in special ops around....

they are worth the money they are getting


its those regular "joe" that is leeching on the system....

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A truly professional army will not need conscripts. The NS idea was great when we are starting out. Now, it is a system that sucks resources. Like the US and many other places, a fully professional army is needed.


Numbers is not the reason why an army or navy or airforce is good. It is the quality and training that is pumped into the man and woman. If people are not interested in fighting for interests greater than themselves, we should not entrust our lives into such people.

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  On 12/27/2009 at 5:36 AM, Ghostami said:

They are a dying breed.... Out of 20 maybe you will find 1...




men is selfish by nature.... no choice..

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thats in a idea world....


but i think individuals will always put self before others... as i said man is selfish by nature...


man who work on noble ideologies are hard to find nowadays .... its sad...


but i agree that NS activities is sucking/wasting too much resources


the NS training system needs a overhaul to cut excess baggage....

Edited by Ngck
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  On 12/27/2009 at 5:50 AM, Genie47 said:

A truly professional army will not need conscripts. The NS idea was great when we are starting out. Now, it is a system that sucks resources. Like the US and many other places, a fully professional army is needed.


Numbers is not the reason why an army or navy or airforce is good. It is the quality and training that is pumped into the man and woman. If people are not interested in fighting for interests greater than themselves, we should not entrust our lives into such people.


Agreed but NS also serve another function for our gov- threaten, break & instill fear into our young. After NS, who don't know about charge, DB and lost of freedom? This fear factor will serve the gov well in time of election, where fear is the ultimate weapon.

Edited by Trex101
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  On 12/27/2009 at 6:56 AM, Trex101 said:

Agreed but NS also serve another function for our gov- threaten, break & instill fear into our young. After NS, who don't know about charge, DB and lost of freedom? This fear factor will serve the gov well in time of election, where fear is the ultimate weapon.


It sounds like we are still living in the ages where the king will kill anyone who oppose him, but this is the modem version of fear which is the total opposite of democracy..

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  On 12/27/2009 at 6:53 AM, Ngck said:

thats in a idea world....


but i think individuals will always put self before others... as i said man is selfish by nature...


man who work on noble ideologies are hard to find nowadays .... its sad...


but i agree that NS activities is sucking/wasting too much resources


the NS training system needs a overhaul to cut excess baggage....


i agree men is selfish by nature, but men will be willing to give and sacrifice also.

in the 2.5 years, i give my time already. i did my best. i view it as sacrifice.


after the 2.5 years, still got so much BS from them. now i see things long term. when something happen to me, who is going to take care of me? who will take care of my family? who will take over my burden?


there is a time and place for sacrifice, for noble causes, to put others before self. but after that time is over, i then ask, who's turn is it to put me and my family above themselves? life cannot be always sucking from me right?

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