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Army so desperate?


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Since they have to serve 2.5 years (compulsory), might as well sign 6 yrs contract. The salary is rather high for an 18 yr old. Just that it will remain like that for the 6 years. Even my brother did the same. At the end of the 6 yrs, Serve And F*** off. Now also doing quite well

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Funny how so many failures can still keep her post. In other MNCs. the CEO/chairman would have been removed already. Only in S'pore can this happen

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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif You really reminds me of the time when they drove their spanking new cars (Rover included) into the air force school.



4 years after leaving the Air Force, I never had a single thought of regret. I found a job with 30% pay cut, married, had a house and a kid. I am a happy man. Reservist is good coz its a holiday from work, read newspaper, watch TV, tea breaks.


All the senior guys I knew who can really work left the force. Good workers tends to clash with the management for one reason or another. Imagine a fresh grad Capt with no sense of reality being your boss.


The Force is weak (Adapted from Star Wars)



u 4got to include the NUMBER ONE n TWO ACTIVITIES: sleeping n yerrow box times!!!!!!!




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Thay is why all the sxxt will fall on 3rd Sargeants (me included). Lucky my reservist most of my men and specialist can work together. If not jialat

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1) Pilot

2) A/C technician

3) Air Engineering Officer

4) Navy officers -> MPA/PSA

5) SFI -> hawker




wah lao!! SFI how can be hawker! the food so sucks be hawker sure close shop!! HAHAHA!! [hur]

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Funny how so many failures can still keep her post. In other MNCs. the CEO/chairman would have been removed already. Only in S'pore can this happen


Well, dun say STB neber tells you:


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Yupz.. the regulars and star players get the credit, while those who support get more shyt to do. Not to mention the 3-4 times pay difference. seems like the more u get paid, the less u do. what a sick place this is.. [shakehead]

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Hope that the working culture of Singapore army can be change, its rotten now in my opinion. Hope the next star general scholar can do something to rejuvenate the army, they all no need to fight in war hence should have more energy and time to improve.

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