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Army so desperate?


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SAF only for the scholars lar, peasants get no where. my friend is a technician, tells me come out also no job, since inside so long, better stay there, if can come out can find outside job would have done so long ago.. bo pian.


many fear trap inside no skills and no value, who want to employ some one who only know how to chiong sua and shout puseng puseng.


only white horse want to be ministar then got fast track to one star and cabinet

Edited by Nolicense
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I like the Mr Tan's reply, "I don't think I'll look just at the money. Money I can get anytime. I also have to consider how my career's growth prospects." thumbsup.gif

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Sell your soul to the devil for six years....not worth it.


Two and a half years of NS is way too long enough for me already.


I want to live my life as a human-being, not a dog.

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Roman reported to pay the Russian 1 million pound each (i think so about this figure) if they beat England tonite.(in football everyone wants to win,so this is super extra $.)They said i'm playing for my country..not for the $...even if win,also reject this $ coz not its the passion to serve the country to drive them to win instead.i wonder how many 'them' here will do this[sly] ...take note..footballers not all educated there...but the distinguish the pride and for the service to the country...

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Depends on vocation. My friend who left the airforce as aircraft technician could find a job quite fast. Maybe he was lucky, but think it's due to his vocation and with Singapore wanting to be a regional aerospace hub, I think it should be quite easy for aircraft technician to find jobs.

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That is the reason why very few pple want to sign on with the army. If only they do not anyhow chop pple off when they are 45 yrs old (for even non-combat vocations [thumbsdown] ), things will be alot different liao. Probably I'd have signed on liao [laugh]

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agree man, too many regulars worry about being jobless after they leave army.

they still have the mentality of a lifetime ricebowl. which is not true.


Today, when i went to work around 7am in the morning, i saw a KFC uncle, about 50+ yo sleeping on a bench outside KFC. The KFC wun open until 11am.


so i concluded that he slept there over the night til the next day he start work again. Could be homeless as well as no family.


when i saw that sight, i told myself, i cannot end up like that.

i think we will work till we die with no retirement....

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These regulars aren't living as dogs, it's just that the army treat them as dogs, everything 'bao ka liao' but pay so much lower than officer.

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Exactly..I really think the army should consider pro longing the age whereby one can serve as a regular, espcially in the area of non-combat or support units.


I don't see why one cannot be a competent medic/aircraft tech/mechanic/radar operator/logistic just because he/she is 45 yrs old..stupid policy the army has [hur]


For pple who sign on chiong sua vocations like infantry & armour I understand...but at least give pple the option to be transfered to any non-combat vocations or at least go back to the lower level of civil service. [rolleyes]

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Those 1* & above need not worry, at most the gov will create a special position somewhere for them to continue working like the recent fellow who left the Army to join Temasek in a new job.

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