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Revision of COE Commission Charges


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With effect from 1 October 2007, the Open COE commission charges will be revised to $10 for each bid submitted and $10 for each subsequent bid revision made.



From $0 charges to $2 and now $10...... [shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

They should do this for all categories. Raise it exponentially even better.

This new rule I hope is to discourage last minute bids that will jam up the computer system??


1st- $10

2nd- $20

3rd- $40

4th- $80

5th-$160 on and on..


Wow...new ways of earning more monies from us!


I am impressed!

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Not really.


The car dealers (AD or PI) will have to cut out their bidding method as of now. It is not logical to spend $$ to support such speculation.


What will happen to us is the AD or PI will simply jack up the price and we may see a surge in COE.


If everyone is now only going for 1 bid per customer, many of the new owners-to-be would face the possibility of not getting the COE this round if the charges goes exponential. Thus everyone will bid much higher first round. I suspect the dealers will still give 3-4 bids for those buyers with confirmed COE. For those non-gurantee ones, good luck.

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Is it true?


Wah lau, they discourage people bid conservatively leh. In order to minimise the cost of bidding, some dealers may opt to bids at higher price so that no revision needed.


Or, it discourage the "retail" bidder like me leh.

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Yah .... People will consider properly before bidding .... which if all play safe ... then everybody will bid high.


But on the other hand .... if everybody all don't bid ... wait till 3.45pm ... see how much the bid amount is ... add $1K or $2K more and pump in the bid .... WORST!!

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i would suggest that Open Cat be removed or either tagged like Cat-A & Cat-B to owner's ID....


this way, those who are really buying car will have a fair bid, not like now... some crazy rich man could jus big all the open n keep for himself...


COE should logically only be bidded if u are really intending to buy a car n not for dealers/seller to bid n keep....

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I suppose the money will go into buying new servers so that it'll not crash/glitch or whatever they wanna call it. wink.gif

Dun expect them to use their own money to upgrade right....

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Neutral Newbie

If all the bidders wait until 3:45 or 3:50 then bid, the server cannot handle and price may drop to $1 again, then those who enter early will gain. And car buyer get $1 coe again.

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Think Cat E must stay .... as Cat E allow people who don't mind paying more $$ for immediate registration to have that choice.


If without Cat E ... then people die die must wait for COE bidding liao.

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i beg to differ.


how many immeadiate reg situation are using COE tat is bidded on tat very mth for the buyer... u r in the industry, u should know better..


wat i feel is there is still some chances for some crazy RICH ppl to manipulate the Cat-E

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