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Is my milage high?


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hi guys,


just curious, my car just hit 3 yrs and 1 month ( car arrived 1st aug 2004).


i'm almost hitting 88k km liao..


is this high or normal? wats your milage? just curious.



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average sg driver = 20k per annum


but my friend weekend plate sdm plate already hit 70k, so its subjective.


congrats, in sg car so expensive the more you use the better.

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Norm is about 20 to 25k per year as what one brother mentioned.


Where you stay and where is your work location also plays a part.


Just 5km more a day will work out to be quite a lot over the years.

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hi guys,


just curious, my car just hit 3 yrs and 1 month ( car arrived 1st aug 2004).


i'm almost hitting 88k km liao..


is this high or normal? wats your milage? just curious.




And i thought my dads mileage of 53k for 2 yrs was alot.. haa... My aunt, 2 years, clock 70k... within 3 yrs sell her car, cause she believe in not driving over 100k km. LOL! haha!

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hi guys,


just curious, my car just hit 3 yrs and 1 month ( car arrived 1st aug 2004).


i'm almost hitting 88k km liao..


is this high or normal? wats your milage? just curious.




Thats quite normal lah, in SG, usually cars will clock around 25K +/- per year.


I clock about 28K km/yr.

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i clock ave 100km/day, so one yr 36500KM, 3 yrs u go calculate lah... [:/]


We all under utilise our car liao lar [laugh] SG's car average mileage is just a fraction of what a similar make clocks in other large countries.

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Neutral Newbie

Not the most..


My friend in sales, travels up north for golf clocks on average 80k per year. so that is about 3x more than average here.

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Bro, average mileage is about 20-25k per year [nod][nod][nod]


Hence your mileage is still consider ok [:)]


By the way, i'm running about 25K per year [;)]


Yesterday, saw my friend's Altis ODO meter and he has just reached 47K after 3 years 2 months of usage [sunny][sunny][sunny]

Edited by Mzrmazda3
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mine is 2 1/2 yrs liao


110k mileage...


i think for the amount of money we are paying for the car, we got to utilise it as often as possible... unless there are the other group of people who changes cars like changing pants... [laugh]



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Think ur friends altis cant beat my mom eh?

Our previous 200JK, clock only 21200km in 21 months owning it

Our new 230JM, now 13 months le, 9600km ONLY. lol! My mom drive LITTLE !

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