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Complaint Singaporeans


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Tell them move to the West best, cos a lot of schools there, Poly & Uni also there. Work in the West also. Complaint no more.


I work and live in the west, i nv kena affected by all the ERP charges too.

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I think everyone should forget about everything 1st and look at the fundamental of the COE and ERP...and see how far it has derailed over the years. It is starting to expand it's initial purpose into something else and the purpose of such policies are becoming more washed down.

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They keep wanting drivers to take public transport, have car doesn't mean muz drive to anywhere. I think maybe this day will come when cost of usage is sky high and make driving very ex and hence u will only use it when needed. No more go out for no purpose, jalan jalan or for a spin liao....

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Neutral Newbie

Because they are making it somewhat fair for the No.3, there are people that do not need to use the ERP while to work.

If increase the one you mentioned, it would be unfair for people who did not contribute to the congestion in CTE.

Either way, increasing ERP still does not solve their problem, and i wonder why they don't want to widen the road since it their flawed design. CAN'T THEY JUST ADMIT THEY ARE IN THE WRONG!!!


Alternatively, i would much prefer they charge ERP on entrance and exit of the expressway, and remove all ERP on small roads.

Pay only when you use the Expressway. Just my thoughts.smile.gif

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actually i don't necessarily disagree with you but i think there are a lot of cases that are not on the way, judging from the traffic on school days. even if on the way, a lot of parents want to make the queue (another source of jam) to drop their children into the school compound instead of dropping them by the nearest pavement for them to walk in themselves.


secondly on the way is too general a justification - if the timing is not close to the parent's workhours, if it involves detour of 4-5km and if it involves going to congested roads, it is not a on-the-way thingie already especially if you consider the additional time spent, sleep lost etc. it is not always a mileage consideration thingie


no matter how close bus fare is to buying a pte car to send children, it can nvr come that close if you do your maths properly. a lot of people tell me buy opc is cheaper than taxi. but that is not really so for 80-90% of the cases if they do the maths properly. plus there is actually a time cost of the mother/father's time incurred to wake up early to send the kids etc that is not costed in.


but i am not actually saying parents shld be so calculative towards the children. But my point is giving the children the best is making the children soft. so if can save money, time and effort by giving the children training under tougher conditions, why not?

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I sometimes do not know what the gov is doing.


They :

1. Reduce road tax by 8% starting Sep 2007, this make road tax a little bit more affordable.

2. COE recently plunge twice to less than $10k level, this encourage more people to buy car.

3. With the increase in GST from 5% to 7%, HDB season parking and hourly coupon parking never increase their charge.


The above 3 are making onwing a vehicle more friendly but they increase ERP??




bottomline is they feeding you drugs by making cars more affordable (through liberalisation of car loans, increasing of coe supply during certain time) but let the poisonous effect of drugs set in slowly by implementing more and more erp collection but each single erp collection still affordable. drug takers by the time they realise they are stuck, is not in a position to get out anymore.

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i know...that's why i always say COE and ERP work in opposite direction.


keep both not high priced enough is useless in controlling congestion.....

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I am just waiting for the day the policy of pay per you use ur car comes out..

then sure die...

imagine that i clocked a mileage of 50,000km in one year...

Now how much that will escalates in terms of cost per usage?

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erp consider lenient liao. there may come a day when all cars must be equipped with GPS system. payment may be based on the km you travel per day.

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Good morning all:


Yesterday "TODAYS" newspaper forum got 2 woman write in to complain about the new ERP regulations. The gist of it is they dun wanna pay ERP to use CTE, so they gotta leave home earlier to send their kids to school, then go to work. If day in day out early go out and late come bac, will affect their family life.

The women are Connie Kum and Jennifer dun noe wat.


I got few points that i pondered and wat say you.


1. The road conditions are worse now since GOV gave green light for easier car affordability, almost every family owns a car now. There is a need to regulate the traffic flow.


2. Why send the kids to school? Why not school bus or register in a school nearby? Its not the Gov's fault that parents have to send kids to school. Thats a privilege not an entitlement.


3. If say u take 1.5 hours to take train to work, and 1.5 hours to drive to work, why not take the train?


4. Without the ERP, we all noe, that the roads would have come to a full stop during the peak hous.


5. My take is, if u wana drive in Singapore, pay to do it. It should be a privilege since land is scarce. No point complaining about road-vehicle related increase because it will only continue to do so. Before getting a car, one should think carefully whether the usage is justified, whether u can afford all kinds of increase and of course, the road bullys and jams on SINGAPORE ROADS.


Tats just my personal view on some thorny issues like this. No offence will be taken for your views, dun worry.




If only their complaints were backed with more objective reasons. only then the LTA will respond.








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wat if the scholars implement a levy on the number of passengers also while travelling? then verifying whether you got put coupons when u parked at those unmanned lots or even illegal parking???

now that's what i call ideas...


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Agree...all talks are useless unless the really problem is solved.


I do agree that the gov would be better off using the money they used on the tunnel under the old library on CTE....where the problem is more serious and urgent.


Bro, I fully agree with you..


At first, I tot where the tunnel would leads to.... When I use it, I was like, wtf??!! such a short distance? build for what? Waste of $$.

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Neutral Newbie

Because short roads holds lesser car, in any event if the road is "packed with car" they build an ERP to "ease the traffic". laugh.gif

Can't imagine IF they really thought of that unimpressed.gif

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maybe they have this little handbook that says:


" ERP, the way of life !"




Anyway, I'm the sort of person that does not fit in a gahmen job..laugh.giflaugh.gif

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