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25 vehicles burnt in 3 Woodlands carpark fires


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Some psychos are setting fires at our carparks. Beware..






"Three multi-storey carparks in Woodlands Avenue 9 were up in flames early on Sunday morning (26 August)," STOMPer Khoo said of the fires which damaged 24 motorcycles and a car and woke up the neighbourhood.




In an email to STOMP today, Khoo said: "The multi-explosions woke up the sleeping estate at 4am to 5am.




"A large anxious crowd was kept at bay by the Police while the firefighters rushed to put out the fires in three different spots within the carpark of Blk 749A.




"The aftermath has an estimated count of 14 motorbikes burnt beyond recognition at the carpark Blk 749A and another burnt bike at the garden across a walkway.




"A 5-minute walk to carpark Blk 766A showed another 3 bikes and a car damaged by the flames.




"Not too sure about the damages of the 3rd carpark, which is also within walking distance."




STOMP contacted the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) which said it received a call about the fires at 4.22am.


It said a total of 25 vehicles were damaged - 24 were motorcycles and one was a car.




At Block 748A, 17 motorcycles parked at different decks were burnt.




At Block 768, three motorcycles were damaged, of which two were reduced to a shell.


And at the multi-storey carpark of Block 766A, four motorcycles and a car were damaged.


No one was injured. SCDF said the cause of the fires is still being investigated.










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