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Panasonic plasma


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anyone bought panasonic plasma TV lately? any feedback on watching TV 5 & 8 vs DVD movies? How does it compare to LCD in TV 5 & 8 prog vs movies (DVD)?


pls share yr experience. many thanks

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Neutral Newbie

I have been using Panasonic Plasma since 2002. Is small one, 37". So far till now no problems. I think that is good. My TV Ch is from Starhub, seems normal to me. DVD is player is Sony. Seems ok too! [;)]

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Thanks, I heard that plasma is good for watching normal TV (if u watch a lots of TV program ie. subscribe to MIO TV etc). , while LCD ideal for DVD . Is that true, more feedback, please. Thinking of getting 50" plasma or LCD. Thanks, pls share your views.

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I just migrated from CRT to Plasma. Decided to buy the assembled-in-Singapore because of brandname, confidence in local production and cost.


No regrets.

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If u are watching TV most of the time, plasma will be a better choice but you may not like the reflection on the screen. LCD doesn't have this problem but the picture quality sucks when it comes to normal TV broadcast. So it depends on your preference.

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bro, care to share which model u hv, pls. what makes u decide on it? thanks


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Bot from Best Denki TH-42PV70H. Was comparing with a similar size Sharp Full Definition LCD($4800+), also 3 years warranty. The Panasonic was priced at $2400, after discounted the $400 NTUC voucher. Then there was a further $200 NTUC voucher from Panasonic after my set was delivered and setup.


The salesman from BD called to informed me, this is thumbsup.gifservice.


Cost difference was the main consideration. Others were these models were the first to be assembled in Singapore so I am sure utmost effort must have been put through. Of course the brandname sells too.


With a 3 years warranty, I guess its easier to buy a new one having paid $2200 for 3 years use. But I think it sgould be abled to last for 5 years.

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LCD is better


Its so obvious that plasma is losing this game

the no. 1 bane of buying a plasma is that it doesn't support PC input.


Even panasonic's viera has to keep coming out with "reasons to choose plasma over LCD chart"


I got Sony Bravia V series 46inch. one can argue that the contrast ratio blah blah for plasma is better. but come on, LCD is the way to go.


Look at Sony, Toshiba, Hitachi, Samsung, LG, Sharp and other big players, they have stopped producing plasma and concentrate full force on LCD.



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I share a rather different opinion from you.


Maybe most like big players are lining up more LCD than Plasma but in term of picture quality, which one is better?


PC input? how many surf internet or work on a word document using a 50inch monitor?


One of the reason why people are giving Plasma a miss is the old way plasma was made which resulted in burnt mark, higher energy consumption and at times, shorter life span.


But as times go by, the above have been addressed properly with better technology.


If you are watching local channels most of the time, try burning one into DVD and bring it to the showroom and play it over LCD vs Plasma. Maybe you have already know the difference but for others looking for LCD vs Plasma, they shd try it rather than watching those high quality HD motion clips that keep playing in the departmental store.


So many of those LCDs are selling on HD ready or with built-in HD, but which channel in the local station or SCV is pumping out real HD? Ch 5 or National Geographic? what else?



LCD might be the way to go, but I would say that they still got some distance to cover and the finishing line is not reached yet.



Edited by Sony
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anyone bought panasonic plasma TV lately? any feedback on watching TV 5 & 8 vs DVD movies? How does it compare to LCD in TV 5 & 8 prog vs movies (DVD)?


pls share yr experience. many thanks


Plasma will be better for Ch 5 and 8. For DVD, it's quite on par..

Thus it boil down to the technical spec. Generally, Plasma have better black while LCD is better in term of white due to the light tube.


Beside pana, can I suggest that you look at LG's PC5 series of Plasma. It's single panel, similar to pioneer, thus when you hold a lighter to it, you see single reflection while Pana and Hitachi will show double. The techinical spec is also impressive and the price is quite right as well.


Having said that, LG is still not the king of Plasma given that their older generation didn't do so well.


Pioneer is the most expensive of the lot but now is already coming to Aug, so either you hold and grab the bargain during clearance when new model is out in sept or wait for new model.


For pana, the local-made is serialized "70" while the japz made is "700". There's minor difference but some gap in prices.



Hope that give you some idea and doesn't confuse you.

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Thanks bro for good inputs, I watch TV more on channels 16,12,11 & 10 more often. Based on the feedback, seems plasma has an edge over LCD at the moment.


I am thinking of pana model 50PV700, it has SD card slot. I saw the LG plasma with harddisk, looks good, oso the samsung plasma ( only concern, samsung seems very good in LCD tech). the pricing is not much difft, give & take abt $500-700 between these Jap vs Korea plasma model

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thanks bro,

Wow good deal, you mean your pana 42PV70 is $2400 then less(- $200-$400) = $1800 for 3yrs warranty? Can confirm pls, if yes, then I will go to Best today or tmr to get 50PV700 Did you get the 5 yrs warranty?

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I'm also planning to get a 42incher plasma but still could not decide which one.

Pana has very high contrast ratio, very black, but I notice the white has a slight tint of yellow.

Pioneer PDP-427XG very ex.

Anyone can advice on Hitachi 42PD9800TA, which is made in Japan. I heard from a shop that it's the best?!?!?

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I beg to differ. LCD is better in what ways? Plasma I believe also have its good points. I currently own a samsung 26" LCD from starhub promo. I dun like the black as it looks like grey from certain angle. And in dark scene, everything looks the same, no depth. I dun own a plasma so can't comment much, but plasma suppose to have much better white:black contrast.

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Neutral Newbie

I have both plasma and LCD.


One word...just get the Sony Bravia X series LCD.


Since late last year, or at least since the early quarter of this year, reviews of both LCD and Plasma shows that the comparision between them are so close that buying a LCD saves you lots of money in term of product cost and also you electricity bill. The cost per inch for LCD is so much cheaper than plasma.


Lets just take for example the Bravia X. Though they are relatively more expensive the other brands, the quality you get out of the product is better than all other brands, IMHO.


In fact the Bravia X was awarded by What Hi-Fi mag (IMHO the best source for ref.) being the best, and even better than alot of Plasma screens.


Though bro and I can say that Plasma does produce better contrast, that was the thing of the past now. In fact the latest LCD by Sony and even Samsung (both companies shares the same LCD glasses but just uses their own engines) can produce black so rich the the contrast is as good as plasma.


The other most important factor is your viewing environment. Are you going to view in a well lit room or always dimming your lights? LCD can give you the flexibility however for viewing of plasma, the latter is always recommended.


Lastly, most plasma power consumption is higher that LCD.

Edited by Sirbrian
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I saw the 50" plasma at Mustafa for $3999, free HDMI 1080p upscaling DVD player and home theatre. Just a reference so u can compare with Best. Can't remember the price at Best.


I was looking around searching for a screen for my PS3, but decide to stay put with my DLP Projector(1280 X 768 only). If I were to buy 1 now, it will either be the Sony or Samsung LCD. The Panasonic Plasma(Full HD Compatible) is only 1280 X 768 native resolution, and has a processor to run 1080p. No matter how, it still is a 720p native to me, thus I will not bother to buy it. a 1080p Plasma is currently offered by Pioneer now at $17k, which is ridiculous for my budget. I think the reason why some people feel that Plasma is better for watching TV, is due to the fact that the Plasma is NOT Full HD, thus the picture won't distort that much as compared to a TV with native resolution of 1920 X 1080. Anyway, if you are going to spend a few K on a TV, my advice is full HD, unless u planning to change in 3 years after warranty.

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