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Dynaudio WLQ on active setup


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Neutral Newbie

Hey, then you must remember that its in an automotive environment hor,

not in the luxury of your living room, with massive pieces of equipment sitting on the floor type hor?

Expectation must moderate for the 12V power supply only, not 240V unlimited somemore


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I know. wink.gif So unless I strike Toto or something, then my car will be running its ICE in stock form. tongue.gif And by then, I'd might as welll upgrade my home hi-fi set also. sly.gif

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Neutral Newbie

hahhaaha...... work hard and save up for it lor.

All hard work, and sweat mah.


Hey, you are online

You going down for the meetup?

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Neutral Newbie

hi.... glad you have chosen the euro sport.


they are really great and sweet sounding speakers.

the magic is in their cross as well as the mid range.


you said you looking for tarantulas?

dun use it for your euro man.... will sound bad..


as for human reign... i thank you mean the da vinci by soundstream right?


well dia-ichi has it. around 2.5k.


i seriously suggest you try this amp if you can lay your hands on it.


zapco competition, or sony xes-m50 or a butler. should drive your speakers pretty

decently. :)

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Neutral Newbie

Hi DanzDanz,


Thanks for your reply.


Essentially looking at something more than my Soundstream Rubicon 604 to drive the Eurosports. My current amp pushes 100w rms @13.8-14v, something like that, and my voltage is stable in that range.


I posted the thread seeking help because i am looking for around 150w per channel upfront.(At least thats what the eurosports are rated at)


DaVinci pushes 50x4 or 100x2


Human Reign pushes 200x4 or 500x2



Concern here is that by bridging the amp to increase power, i have been told by some that i will lose sound quality.


I can bridge my current 604 to 2 channel to drive 300x2, 4ohm, but have been advised that it sound quality would suffer


What would you advise? Go ahead and bride 4channel into 2channel?




BTW, anyone tried BRAX amps?

Edited by Redliner_sg
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Neutral Newbie



sometimes it's not just rating and power to pump the speaker..... it's also about the control and the sonic accuracy of the amp also.... also if they are matching to your speaker....


the best amp in the world might not work well with your speaker.... like wise the best speaker might not work well on your amp..... so as the best speake in the world not with the best amp also.... because everyone's best is very different.


like you like the da vinci and human reign? well i prefer to have many two channel amp driving the indivdual sections of the sound. remember every amp have one power input.... and only that much stability can be achieve by the power supply in the amp.... no matter wat they say.


now the question is wat kinda sound you like...?


warm? hard? tight? bassy? or vocal?


watever it is.... sometimes the only way to find out which works best for you is to try every one.... :) spend money lor.....


well go for a butler la.... 150w x 2. tube hybrid amp.... set you back around 1+k but worth every cent la seriously. this amp make cheap speaker sound fantastic......good ones? dunno yet havent try. :)


but there will be a bit of a delay in the signal...... so there might be a little lag in the speed of the bass. but clarity and warmth is there..... thoeratically it should work well with your euros.


i should be getting one set of euros soon too:)

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Neutral Newbie

hmmm... .you seem pretty pro Butlers [laugh][laugh][laugh]

I have very deep roots in Soundstream, the older Handcrafted in USA series, not the current ones


Not had any experience with Butlers before, but i have seen many in the workshop, so i am abit worried about the reliability part of it. [dizzy]

Would you happen to know who brings in Butlers to Singapore, so i can go get further info?


As far as how i like my music, its within the car and not outside the car if you know what i mean [laugh][laugh][laugh]


Mebbe after you have system ready, and let me have a listen, I might be converted.


Presently saving up for second set of Euros for rear fill [inlove]

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Neutral Newbie

well.... ya la.... i very pro butler..... they pay me loyalty.... HAHAHAHA!!!!


no la. just that i have heard quite a number of amps and figured that this one suit my

music taste. and also speakers.


well if you have the money i seriously suggest not to waste the money on rear fill.


unless you have like full time alignment to enjoy the rear fill properly.


otherwise you should in fact use the money for custom fibreglass doors. air tight ones.


you will be blown away by the performance of these custom doors.


i heard wooden custom doors in indonesia... they are fantastic...


rear fill..... hmmmmm ..... seriously... ???


well tube wil be tube sound.... transistor will be transistor sound....:)

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Neutral Newbie

[thumbsup] Thanks for the tips [thumbsup]


Making me very curious to hear your setup [bounce2][bounce2][bounce2]


Time alignment - YUP ! [thumbsup]


As for custom fibreglass doors, dont think so, as i try to keep my car original in showroom class.

But, have chosen to go for double layer of dynamat xtreme [laugh][laugh][laugh]


Dont think doors can be fully airtight, as the space between will still have leaks.


As for the tube sound, ..... yes, have heard it in home stereos and really blown away.

Only issue is reliability in the harsh automotive environment


Could be seriously considering the Butler 2150, i think that would meet my specs.


Only issue is, who brings it into Spore? [crazy]


..... and warranty support? [dizzy]

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Neutral Newbie

well you can have your standard doors still.... wat happens is that they will make you a door trim.... and let you keep your old one.... :)


so when you sell your car can put back.


anyway wat car you drive?


aiya when you really wan to pay money for such an amp.... you seriously will not really consider that much about support or warranty already.


anyway the amps are quite hardyly built and also the issue of heat is ok as these tubes operate quite cool surprisingly... i guess the reason is dun to it's hybrid nature.


no one brings them to singapore.... just order from overseas la.... i got mine second hand la.


dun bother to listen to my setup la.... :)


probably dun suit your taste also..... :)

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks for the info on the door panels.

Have gone through those times when i was younger and downunder


As for money spent on amp, it would really be a shame if it arrives dead on arrival, and no recourse for me, so not a good idea.


Granted that it may be a good amp, but have seen and heard too many stories to risk it.


Wont ask you for a audition if you not keen and know what my taste is.


Thanks anyway

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Neutral Newbie

well well well....

wat to do.... actually even if you get some unique and good amps in singapore when the thing died....also.... he he he...



you wanna do it just do it.... dun care wat others say!




well hows your music taste like>?

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Neutral Newbie

tell you wat....


gimme a call and wats your number



maybe we can check things out together.... like i pump one of my butler into your euro and check it out.


perhaps you might wanna buy one from me



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Neutral Newbie

As you said earlier Jun 4, 2003, 1:00 PM


dun bother to listen to my setup la.... :)


probably dun suit your taste also..... :)



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