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Weber carb vs su carb


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she's gone! it has been sold. [smallcry]


oh nvm i still got my $$ wif me..hopefully a better she will appear soon.

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Neutral Newbie

uzi you always get the ridiculous mileage engines one leh... my SU only give me 11km/litre on 92, and i never go above 3000rpm [knife]

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Neutral Newbie

Good Fc doesnt happen overnite bro. when i just got the webber, it gave me 250km on my first tank. I started from scatch to the 400km/tank thru trial n error........

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Neutral Newbie

wow that's encouraging... any tips? usually i would think carburetor tuning affects the most...


saber say change to 3E gearbox might help [:(]

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Neutral Newbie

another tip for u:

shifting below 3000rpm doesn't mean SAVE FUEL.

know where your engine revs at the most comfortable range, and at which type of roads/elevations/gears

IMHO, for example, my 1E shifting below 3000rpm = 11km/l confirm chopped and tested.

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is it running on 2*?


also arranging for loan abit mafan..ur fren able to help find loan? if yes i'm interested.

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i went down today liao but the fxxking dealer send the car for paint touch up. knn..tmr go see again

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Neutral Newbie

your 1E shift below 3k rpm returns 11km/litre? then at what range would you get better mileage? above 3k?


actually im quite ok with 11km/litre, but if uzi can do occasional 6k rpms on a weber with 400km mileage, i think there's room for improvement for my car =)

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