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Will 50% of Cars Sold in S'pore be China Cars in the Future?


Will 50% of Cars Sold in S'pore be China Cars in the Future?  

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Would you have given the Korean the chance. Now they caught up. So give the Chinese a chance.Who would give the Chinese a chance during Mao era to be where they are today.

Have some repect for them.

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the key words is "future".... what is futire here? 10 yrs in future? or 50 yrs in future?


If u look at the car internally, be it japs brand, conti brand or korean brand, easily 10% of the parts are made in China. be it electronic parts, or even replacement/ servcing parts.... plenty of these stuff are made in china now.


With cheaper labour and improving tech over time , i believe China cars can dominate world markets and take over toyota & GM, it just the matter of time....


In fact, wat is there so high tech about cars?? with internet world, there is nothing so secretive about the car makers latest techology.


If Geely want those tech... they just need to buy a ferarri, disemble it, copy + some inprovement and they can also easily make another high tech sports car with a different badge at LOWER COST.... and thats wat the japs did 50 yrs ago....

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President Hu: China Joins Nations With Capability Of Deep Space Exploration

Beijing (XNA) Dec 14, 2007

Chinese President Hu Jintao said the success of the first stage of China's lunar probe program indicated the nation had joined countries with capability of deep space exploration. Hu made the remarks at a grand ceremony held Wednesday morning at the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the first-phase lunar probe project's success. He said the lunar probe was another milestone in China's space



This is something to crow. Cars veri great meh, where are the kimchi n sushi

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Where got i always see where it is made from. If it's something i want it to last i wont take the china. 1 day show perhaps china i doubt that also. Car i'll definitely take bavarian's BMW. I'll nvr drive a china made car as it's not safe for my family. 1 accident can kill us. I don't want to put them on the line. I value family. Safety comes 1st. Not the price in terms of car.



Kekeke..Bro, Your pharse said" It's not the ride it's the driver" leh? Just joking, no hard feeling [sweatdrop]

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Does it matter?


I find it ironic, we are Singaporeans but we support other countries. Never actually thought of Singapore having their own cars?


Oh wait... maybe Singaporeans look down on their own people and say "I rather drive conti than SG.... Singapore cars need 100 years to make it."




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Right now, Chinese is the only asian that made & invent their own Turbo Jet & Turbo Fan aircraft engine! So Cars......Ha Ha Ha!


Wrong. Talking about commercial jet, Honda has already done it.



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Would you have given the Korean the chance. Now they caught up. So give the Chinese a chance.Who would give the Chinese a chance during Mao era to be where they are today.

Have some repect for them.


1. Sure, we have respect for them.


2. You guys already mentioned that car making is low tech and information are easily available but did Chinese cars sweep the markets out right? Also can't assume that Conti, Japs and Koreans are sleeping on their car tech while Chinese is improving. If the Chinese cars are improving so will be the rest. At the end of the day, it is about total package not about cost alone. Korean cars are cheaper but are they the top car seller after all these years?



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Would you have given the Korean the chance. Now they caught up. So give the Chinese a chance.Who would give the Chinese a chance during Mao era to be where they are today.

Have some repect for them.

I just said my view of the possibility on the TS's question.


There isn't any disrespect to China cars right?


Bro, you being sensitive?


And Korean cars wasn't even in this topic when it first started.


Koreans have prove their salt through the years and their progress is astounding, did i even say I look down on Korean cars?



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President Hu: China Joins Nations With Capability Of Deep Space Exploration

Beijing (XNA) Dec 14, 2007

Chinese President Hu Jintao said the success of the first stage of China's lunar probe program indicated the nation had joined countries with capability of deep space exploration. Hu made the remarks at a grand ceremony held Wednesday morning at the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the first-phase lunar probe project's success. He said the lunar probe was another milestone in China's space



This is something to crow. Cars veri great meh, where are the kimchi n sushi

Wah! Bro, U seem to aim me ah?


Can U read from thread 1 until this reply again. OMG.

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President Hu: China Joins Nations With Capability Of Deep Space Exploration

Beijing (XNA) Dec 14, 2007

Chinese President Hu Jintao said the success of the first stage of China's lunar probe program indicated the nation had joined countries with capability of deep space exploration. Hu made the remarks at a grand ceremony held Wednesday morning at the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the first-phase lunar probe project's success. He said the lunar probe was another milestone in China's space



This is something to crow. Cars veri great meh, where are the kimchi n sushi

Ah, I know why U aimming me already!!!


I replied to the wrong thread!!!!


I reply to TS and click a reply instead lah!


Wah Piangz, sorry for the misunderstanding that causes you to get so work up.


I am referring to CHINA CARS.

Edited by Viviobluerex
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Tis is onli a frenly open discussion, we exchang our personnel view, wat is there to b so wok up.If u think I'm going at you , its onli your perception. If it still hurts, please accept my apology.

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Neutral Newbie

Friend FYI,


Honda began research into small sized business jets in the late 1980s, using engines from other manufacturers. The Honda MH02, an organic matrix composite prototype, was fabricated and assembled at Mississippi State University's Raspet Flight Research Laboratory in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This research led to Honda developing its own small turbofan jet engine, the HF120 in 1999. The HF120, which was developed with GE-Aviation under the GE Honda partnership, was test-flown on a Cessna Citation and on a modified Boeing 727-100. The engine features a single fan, a two-stage compressor and a two-stage turbine. Further design testing on wing shape and design were done on a Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star, modified by AVTEL Services, Inc, and flight tested at the Mojave Airport.


GE Honda Aero Engines LLC (or GE Honda) is a Cincinnati, Ohio-based joint venture between GE-Aviation and Honda Aero. GE Honda is headed by Gary Leonard of GE-Aviation and Atsukuni Waragai of Honda Aero.



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