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Gear cannot engage


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Why brake step already no brake light.and gear cannot engage to reverse or drive mode.Car can start.someone pls enlighten?

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I encountered exactly the same thing as you before with my mazda 3 ride. For my case it was the brake fuse that had brown and need to change it.


I don't know what is your ride but for mazda 3 there is a button near my gear box when press upon it allow me to do a manual shift down so that I can engage the gear and drive it to the workshop and has the fuse change.


I believe most cars should have that button just try to locate it.


Hope it help [:)]

Edited by Davidwookokliang
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but i doubt is fuse spoilt.But by the way,how much to replace it?the gear still can be engage after a few attempt to depress the brake.the light sometimes on,sometimes off.it's a imported civic.

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The fuse is quite cheap.


That times it happened to me, I too cannot engaged the gear and like yours, every thing is working fine except the brake lights are not working when you depress the brake.


I called the tow truck and he just opened my door, get his pen, press the small button and engage the gear and he told me is just that simple but he still go ahead and tow my car to the workshop eventhough he told me i can drive it to the workshop just that I dont go and shift the gear to the park mode, if not need to use the pen and do the gear shift again.


At the workshop they checked and immediately told me my brake fuse has blown out and just need to replace it.


Maybe yours is either loose or what... but just my guess though because your narration is quite identical to what i experienced so maybe just share with you. [:)]

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Where is the fuse located?And also,which workshop you visited?Cause i visited one workshop and they told me is serious problem.i was like,what the heck?serious problem to me is can't even crank the car.

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Serious problem is when you crank the car and you hear loud popping sound, followed by total silence.[lipsrsealed]



Locate the fuse panel under the dash area, it's usually below steering wheel area or the glove compartment. And if I'm not wrong, usually there are some spare fuses you can replace with.

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Neutral Newbie

both the shift-lock overide and the location and details of the fusebox/fuses should be clear in the manual - i suppose its there cos these things happen :)

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I always visit Riverview at AMK auto in AMK Industrial Park 2, look for vincent if you need.


That times the mechanic did say it may only be serious if it is the brake switch that is spoilt, maybe the brake switch is expensive... but they assure me most of the time is fuse problem...


Hope this help... [;)]

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Hey bro,i visited the workshop you mention.He say maybe it's the brake switch,then i went to another workshop,he say confirm brake switch spoilt.but brake switch spoil still can sometimes light up the light?Any brothers here care to explain how the brake switch work?

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i think u all talking about the shift lock that every auto car has is it? its a button somewhere near your gear...


Yes.. this SHIFT LOCK button is to shift from out of P to whatever gear without depressing the brake pedal. or even when engine is off (not sure if u need key in ignition for that). And also from N to R without pressing on brake pedal.


Tried it on a camry, u basically hold the shift lock button and shift as per normal. but pls step on the brake or engage handbrake for safety's sake

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Hi bro, the workshop initially also did tell me is either the brake switch spolit or the fuse, but because for my case was that the brake lights totally cannot be engaged and hence the gear also cannot be shifted, so they said the chances was that my fuse was out was high.


Riverview did a diagnostic checks on the ride to confirm the sole cause of the breakdown, and through the tests they confirmed it was only the fuse.


Sad to say, the repair bill is cheaper then my tow charges, [smallcry] only if I knew about that button earlier [:(],


Nonetheless, I cant remember why initially he said he was worried for me that the brake switch maybe spolit [:(].


Brother I hope your ride can get fix real soon ya..

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