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MAX ZONE, A Sinful Experience


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There is a very good reason why car companies allow a huge billion dollar aftermarket MARKET.

Same reason why hotdogs aren't sold together with hotdog buns [laugh]

same reason why toyota doesn't make their own ECU chips.


In the United States alone, in 2004, the automotive aftermarket industry accounted for $257B in sales. The industry employs 4.54 million people in the U.S.


so according to you, the automotive industry must be a bunch of morons, to allow $257billion

to slip away from them.


then again, why am I bothering, you've already formulated your opinion.

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does it really work better on korean car? alright!!!! there is hope for my 1.3A getz. can't wait to install it to exact revenge on the swift sport who chiat me... [sly][laugh]

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When you say aftermarket industry, exactly which portion? VS? Bodykit? Snails? NOS? Roll bars/cages? Suspensions? Coils? Pistons? Fuel/oil additives?



IMHO, not all aftermarket stuff is good, its the same thing for OEM.



For this context, I believe Voltage stablisers occupy a very small portion of the giant pie of aftermarket industry.

Edited by Slowmo
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Max Zone is a .......haha don"t know how to explain..


But here is the link to the website http://www.maxzonepower.com


Damage done $418 with the product MaxZone(Normal) and Max Zone GT [rolleyes]


wonder who designed this webby. It has every piece of information except the manufacturer's contact and where to buy it.

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Does it matter? By his argument, car manufacturers also never thought of strut bars and fuel additives, pistons or coils, or even batteries and bodykits. I'm not defending max-zone, I'm just saying people should at least know a little bit about the industry before they make sweeping statements and criticisms.


starry, we have several dealers where u can test and purchase max-zone. Just go to our site to find out. See my sig. [;)]

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i ordered one liao...

before installation..my battery when off engine reads a 12.1v (indicator on my D1 spec VS)..

after installation..my battery when off engine reads 13.1v (also indicated on my D1spec VS)...

as for prolonging of life...not too sure yet..cos battery close to one year and not dead yet.

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that time i buy is $48 + $5 registered post..

look for the cheaper auction..sometimes it drop leh

i even saw it drop to $42.00 once.. [furious]

But nvm lah..buy liao forget it...

if u can find someone to buy a 2nd set or more..

maybe u can spilt the postage cost as its free postage for 2nd set onwards (actually the cost already included in the lst postage..i guess..already ammortised )..


very simple to hook onto ur battery one...


any issues..let me know...

i still monitoring the performance..

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Neutral Newbie

hmmm, i do not know why people are so critical and unforgiving in this thread? isn't a forum a place to share information? of course there are truths and false info outside there, but if one choose to make any comments, isn't it better to try out a product before putting the product down? [;)]


i have personally tried out the max zone GT with 2 of my friends. we tested it out on an altis and honda jazz. the drivers and passengers all agreed that they are some difference with and without the GT installed.


we choose to give the product a try, running a risk that it may eventually not turn out to be what the spec claim to be.



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Just email that guy called martin. He will surely sell to u. U just need to tt the $$$ to his DBS account and he will post the item out every monday. U will get it within one week.

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I am not too critical of this product. Nor am i a believer of such great claims. My point is that..yeah..maybe it really helps..BUT what i can say is...it's not within my budget to spend so much on such an expensive device unless it really do wonders to my car.

I have driven my frd's m2 (with some mod and some unichip -whatever u called it..not too sure). I just tapped a bit and the car move off very fast...even faster than my car. Now if you were to tell me that kinda of so called hard proven effects...i dont mind paying..cos i think is worth it...

ANyway...to each his own...

you dont really have to take the words too hard..afterall...u already said it...


THIS IS A FORUM..yeah?? [laugh]

everyone is entitled to his own good..bad..evil..funny..critical..comical or whatever and anything comments...

listen or not..up to u...


pls dont flame me... [sweatdrop]

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It would be impressive if you can dyno the before and after...


Congrats on your new found toys. but then, last time, you also said the D1 Spec was good but then....


Anyway, 130km/h is nothing to be worry about. At times, I hit 150km when going home.. but you do need to know the road well to avoid "accident". [sly]


I wish that I can do some dyno too....anyone can sponsor? hehe...

These new found toys is great..make me wanna drive out more often.. [rolleyes] Wah....150km/h ah...dare not try it yet...never know when I will see some flashes...then I can go back to buy EZlink card again... [laugh]


hi keith, i think u r just sharing yr experience and excitement but got bombarded with so many cynical questions.. kinda sympathise u..


just to let u know that alot of forum users who critices alot of stuff actually have not tried any mods before (I must stress that i am not agreeing that this maxzone works as i did not try it). some dun even drive yet comment alot in car forums. and some will criticise everything from politics to gadgets to car mades(usually the only one thing they wll not condemn is their own car).


so dun take comments from forums too personally

Edited by Chucky2007
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