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OPC Offender


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Neutral Newbie
if ppl feel OPC is taking advantage becoz of the 17K rebate..then go buy one and drive lah..why need to be "red eye" here..no one ask u PPL to drive "NORMAL" car what..what bus lane adjusted to 8pm...i everyday go home take CTE..JAM until 11pm also very common..thats considered off peak or peak? give us OPC owners a break..the world is fair..we get what we pay for..OPC pay less drive less..NORMAL car pay more..drive more lor..drive from 7am-7pm non stop lor..make full use of your NORMAL status


y not YOU drive a normal car and u pay 17k more and suay suay infront of u is an OPC hu pays lesser rd tax than u, pay lesser price than u and is on the same road as u, u feel fair or not? c'mon ur post here is unnecessary as its 1-sided


Can a red plate Rolls Royce owner and his chauffeur feel unfairly treated that your car is in front of his? After all, his car is more than 17k over yours...even after the 17k OPC rebate.


when u see one, tell mi [cool]

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Neutral Newbie

y not YOU drive a normal car and u pay 17k more and suay suay infront of u is an OPC hu pays lesser rd tax than u, pay lesser price than u and is on the same road as u, u feel fair or not? c'mon ur post here is unnecessary as its 1-sided


wah lan. just passed, still P-plate and drive your dad's 626, already so xia lan.


my car is more than 50k of your 626, so next time you see me, please siam far far ok?

best if you stop at the road side/shoulder and wait for me to drive pass you.


still a poly student right?

go earn your own dough and pay for your own car first. [laugh]


my p-plate period is over and i didnt brag abt driving my dad car( i onli drive when he's not goin to work, i dun drive it to school everyday unlike some others oh, ive grad LONG ago), get ur facts right first, wad im refering to that post is simply 1-sided juz like wad i've posted bcos u tink my psot is 1 sided AND as i've stated earlier, i meant to the offenders

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Neutral Newbie
nothing can be free in this country. OPC saves on fuel, ERP, road tax, depreciation, parking. but if kena caught for cheating, years of savings on the above mentioned can go down the drain in just one fine.


still, not many can think like u [:(]

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the savings of 17k, excluding the road taxes are enough to buy 850 20bucks coupons...


To be distributed over 10 years = 85 coupons a year

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Just wanted to share some thoughts.


OPC vs normal car:

$17K off normal car price, and $800 off road tax per year. Taking the car to the 10 years allowed for that 1 COE, that's $2500/year savings = 125 coupons/year. (ie, 125 'normal' day usage per year)


OPC violation:

Max fine:$20000.


My views:


If normal car users see OPC without valid coupons, it's their choice to act as they deem fit. If they feel that strongly enough to report the case, by all means, please do.


OPC owners know the requirements/restrictions for the usage of the car under the scheme. The penalties of misuse/abuse is also made known to all. For those who stick to the rules, no issue. For those who chose to cheat; their choice, but also their risk. They will have to bear the consequences if they are caught.


A car is still a car, we pay different rates for different usage plans. Just like internet connections and mobile phone plans. If you feel that you have a bad deal, CHOOSE to change. Don't blame others for having a better plan.

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Assuming I want to gather evidence, how to do so ah? I can always set my camera time to 8am, then take picture of a legal OPC on the road at 6:40am. Then send in to ROV reporting him driving at 8am. U think camera time is acceptable as evidence, then anyone can frame any OPC liao?


Unless I can get a picture of the car front clearly without coupon, plus the ERP gantry timing showing 8am also in the same picture. Very difficult to get this shot.


So far only way is to report, then wait for ROV to try to catch that person red handed.


By taking a reliable picture and filing a creditable report is all it takes.


The gist of making that report sticks thereafter is HOW creditable are you as a witness.


How consistent are you in giving out the facts and you must do it without motive ( like revenge etc).


Mostly, the offender would have admitted it in the "interview" period when he/she is called up. [sly]


Seldom if ever, if you are willing to provide a good relation of the facts would the offender challenge the issue in court!


Afterall, the odds against the offender don't look too good for him/her to win and the punishment is more severe. [;)]

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gathering evidence requires time and effort. if they are going to charge the offender, the 'reporter' may have to go to court to be a witness. would anyone be willing to apply leave from work to do this?


and when the offender kena fined, there is no reward from the LTA at all.


That is what I'm afraid of if everyone thinks like you...that there should be a reward for the 'catcher' for the offence.


We catch a fella committing an offence on the road becos it is our moral obligation to do so.


I give you an example.


Handphone driving. By letting the bugger go, he/she will surely continue with such habit.


If he/she kills/injure somebody's son becos of such habit , you say: Too Bad...if he/she brakes suddenly becos of such distraction and YOU BANG into his car's butt...you say : SUAY!..now I pay.


But if you had caught the bugger once becos you were morally obligated to do so w/o reward of any kind...this bugger would think ten or hundreds of times before he/she ever dare touch the handphone again when driving.


And this is just one instance of YOU doing something right in your life by discharging your moral obligation ![;)]

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If I don't have a picture evidence and no other witnesses to back me up, it's just my word against the offender. What's the chance then of convicting him regardless how creditable I am or how smooth I can talk in court? The police won't even bring him in for questioning.


So the key thing is still a good photo or video, which I can tell u as a photography hobbyist, is damn hard to get, unless the offender willing to stop his car and pose for me

Edited by Sgnick
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I don't see where all these disagreements are leading to. Everyone is free to CHOOSE how/what he/she wants to do... BUT, there are consequences/obligations that will follow, that's all.


If a person feel strongly enough to act, follow through till the end. If not, don't report. Your CHOICE

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Neutral Newbie

[:/] I dunno abt that bro..I seem to recall in this thread and my other one that one bro mentioned something about tracking of cars usage time alrdy available? ie, LTA can probably chekc what time the car was used and all and see if the facts tally...if the facts provided by the complainant matches at least some photo showing the driver did not place coupon, then its a stronger case..


of cos, it all hinges on whether it is even possible to track the car usage in the first place...

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Suituation is very simple.


Here is HOW it goes.


When you do see the offence, walk up to the fella. Stop and tap on his car and ask to speak to him.


You can eithier record what is the conversation or file a truthful, concise and factual report based on what transpired.


Tell him/her that he /she is committing an offence. Do not threaten him/her. Inform him/her at that point that you will take down his/her car number and make a report on that offence.


Whether the authorities want to pursue or not you'll know in about a month's time.


But they will need you to be a reliable witness when they want to prosecute the offender.


Cheers. [;)]

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I am not walking up to try to stop any car, no thank you. The last time someone tried to stop a taxi, he ended up dead.


I am also not sure if u r just saying for fun or u really seriously think this is enough to convict someone

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would any of you report to the TP/LTA if you happen to see OPC driving without displaying coupons? some may think its unfair for them to be on the road during peak hours cos they got $17k and road tax rebate already.


I wouldn't even bother. Its their live.


Garment set up this system, IMHO pretty silly because monitoring is a problem, half hearted effort hoping to entice people to drive during weekend.


So, if they cheat, let the police or LTA do their job. So long they don't drive into my lane or bang me during normal days, I'm fine with it. [cool]

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Neutral Newbie

[:(] But that becomes another issue..."as long as it doesn't concern me, i'm fine with it..." must everything be such that only if it happens to ourselves will we pay more attention to it?


I still remember the sad case of the fellow whose organ was required under HOTA...that was a prime example of indifference...its like nothing happen to me nvm, something happen then i kpkb and blame game starts circulating? Shouldn't some effort be made to hopefully make things better?


If people feel that reporting on opc offender is being a busybody and all that, then what should be done? Unless of course everybody's stance is that opc offenders should just be allowed to go on scot free...

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I agree, the topic is whether we as road users should do our moral duty of reporting an offence.


The answer lies in the whether you as an individual can spend the time, effort to continue thru if prosecution of that particular offender is being pursued by the authorities after you have made the choice of lodging a report.


There are many similiar incidents such as this thread. Like illegal modification of vehicles, handphone driving,illeagal parking etc. which are open to anyone wanting to lodge a report on that particular car and driver.


My personal feeling is.. if you can gather the appropriate evidence...is to make the report.


But I get the feeling that Sillyporens are generally the ' DON"T WANT LAH, not my business I do no want trouble lah' type of ppl.


Could this be a governmental system that has caused the ppl to be like this or is this a cultural shyness inherent of Asian ppl? [;)]



do i dun report OPC offender, do i missed doing a "moral" duty???? i dun understand what you are talking about.. what moral duty is that??


if the driver is using phone while driving, thus endangering others. Or drink driving, thus endangering others. Or bully others by driving dangerously. Or a road bully threatening anybody. This i consider moral duty as a fellow driver to help.


OPC offenders broke LTA's law, but they didnt hurt, attempt to hurt anbody so please dun use the word "MORAL duty" here.


u sound like very righteous. So can i say that you will:

1. help distress vechicle on road like cars, taxu when they broke down?

2. if you see something wrong being done like some bulying taking place, u will step up and intervene?


i would help if i can but i cannot be bothered by helping LTA ern $$ as i do not in any manner consider them to be "MORAL DUTY" as a citizen and road user. To consider reporting OPC offender to me is damn bo liao. like chinese saying, eat finish no sxxt to let go. i would view it like a mental imbalance, like "wa lau eh.. OPC pay so much lesser than my car, yet still wanna cheat. Cannot, i cannot let that happen, i must report and make that bugger pay, so that pyschologically i feel balanced".

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gathering evidence requires time and effort. if they are going to charge the offender, the 'reporter' may have to go to court to be a witness. would anyone be willing to apply leave from work to do this?


and when the offender kena fined, there is no reward from the LTA at all.


That is what I'm afraid of if everyone thinks like you...that there should be a reward for the 'catcher' for the offence.


We catch a fella committing an offence on the road becos it is our moral obligation to do so.


I give you an example.


Handphone driving. By letting the bugger go, he/she will surely continue with such habit.


If he/she kills/injure somebody's son becos of such habit , you say: Too Bad...if he/she brakes suddenly becos of such distraction and YOU BANG into his car's butt...you say : SUAY!..now I pay.


But if you had caught the bugger once becos you were morally obligated to do so w/o reward of any kind...this bugger would think ten or hundreds of times before he/she ever dare touch the handphone again when driving.


And this is just one instance of YOU doing something right in your life by discharging your moral obligation ![;)]


My opinion is that calling the 'duty' to report a OPC offence as a 'moral obligation' is too extreme.

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Neutral Newbie

[sweatdrop] I thot i liked smileys...


Seriously, moral obligation or not depends on one's own sense of what is considered morality...if one's own system of good and evil cannot condone the smallest offence, then that is a personal quirk...


hence the law comes into place...some ppl are perfectly fine with cheats who target the gahmen...some will see it as an affront (maybe cos they feel that money actually belongs to the lawful taxpayers)


I would suggest then, would 'civic responsibility' apply here? So if a person does not wish to report on OPC offender, it doesn't mean he has violated any moral code, rather, he's just not very civic minded...

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