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OPC Offender


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He really just a student driving daddy's car?


Damn, if I had known these children are here in this thread, would not have wasted my time replying to so many posts. No wonder some of the replies I get are [sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

Hmmm..Strange way of looking at it...Care to share how you arrived at this conclusion? I think even for OPC owners, there is a possibility they could drive everyday between 7pm to 7am. But for the non-opc, he/she may drive 24/7...

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I see... If u r the OPC driver, the one that kiss ur backside wanna negotiate by having u pay 50% of the damage and forgo the offense of not reporting u to the TP of not having coupon during peak period, will u buy that?


IF tat's really the case, I think I will subject myself to whatever conditions he laid cos I 'm in a big disadvantage position even thou he kiss my backside & he in fault. But that will not happen in real life for my case then. Cheers

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Neutral Newbie
[sweatdrop] Similarly, another situation could be that the opc owner flouting opc rules kisses another car's backside...then he is in a double whammy and the unscrupulous non-opc owner could squeeze the opc owner for all that's worth...
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Neutral Newbie
I see... If u r the OPC driver, the one that kiss ur backside wanna negotiate by having u pay 50% of the damage and forgo the offense of not reporting u to the TP of not having coupon during peak period, will u buy that?


I think the OPC driver has a good deal.. i mean a fine is worth $5k man, plus a blackist in the opc's records so if the damage is minor, i think can consider.

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Neutral Newbie

Thank you. In-principle approval... [:)]


I wonder how much they charge for installing the the IU? OPerationally wise, i dunno if LTA or whatever gahmen agency can use existing framework/infrastructure?

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[laugh] That's interesting too. But if wanna blackmail too much to certain extent...we might as well report to become a police case bcos go under table aso die, handle legitimately aso die. Must e a win-win for both then.
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There is a need to understand what is fair and what is not fair. Some posters here seem to condone OPC cheating. Some posters here seem to think that reporting on a crime is being a kaypoh. But I guess the bottom line really is that everything is subjective and in the end we have to base it on the law.


Personally I wont go ard reporting these offenders too cos they are taking a big risk themselves & no harm inflicted to others unlike vandalism, theft etc. I dare not use the word "victimised" to OPC owners who abide to regulations all the time cos this word might be too strong. For the case of OPC offenders, imho there isn't any victim to others at that pt of time thou. Cheers...

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cheers pal. Perhaps Civicblade bro didn't see the light in my pic initially. To neutral to both of us...fair & unfair sometimes become a thin line.

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Fair to some is unfair to another. Fair today can be unfair tomorrow. Since when is life fair? Ask the guy who won the 6mil TOTO, he will tell u life is fair to him, hahaha

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Good day,


Base on what???


Km travel over 10 years again the car price....

On the assumption that most OPCs are mainly driven on weekend with occasional short trips on weekdays and base on the cost of the car itself. (That's the case of 9 out of 10 OPCs in my estate.) So OPCs with low-usage vs normal car with normal usage over a period 10yrs...the former actually cost more to own than the latter. Edited by Silver_blade
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Sorry, I'm not like you...when I use parking coupon, I don't cheat for that 5 mins.


That's a serious accusation here. but u are a hypocrite as i shall reveal soon enough


But for whatever reasons I have, I might choose to make an effort not to put parking coupon at all...


So, you are worse than what u accuse me to be [shakehead]


sorry for making u look like a self-righteous hypocrite [rolleyes]


btw, if u return to your car even 5 min after ur coupon expires, that's an offence if u wanna be as anal as u seem to be.


so, my friend, please come off your high horse. that's my message to you. u wanna bao toh pple, there's a lot more worthy causes to bao toh. why not try to catch drink drivers, for one?


btw, i'm not targeting either parking offenders nor have i been defending OPC offenders.


my car plate is black [flowerface]

Edited by Boyboy
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I also got a Q abt OPC, if a person kiss an OPC backside at peak period, OPC driver nv display coupon, so who is at fault as at the first place this car should not be moving on the road?


don't blacklist, blackmail [sly]


if the guy jam brake and caused the accident, i would actually do that. make him or her pay for all damages. if i have my camera handy [laugh]


if ur own fault, then see ur principles lor [sly]


but to put myself in the OPC owner's shoes, i would definitely try not to antagonize the other party in the event of accident and etc etc..


the best is put coupon at all times.. then no issues whatsoever [thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie

[sweatdrop] Yah, but if electronic tag, then the OPC wun be blackmailed. Since th opc offenders wanna play punk, then he put himself in a situation wher he kenna squeezed..


As for the parking offence comments, like i said, with electronic entry, parking cannot be cheated...whether its intentional or unintentional..same for OPC...

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Neutral Newbie

Ah, but maybe something good will come out of it...a better system to ensure no one has to kpkb abt OPC offenders maybe? What do you think about an electronic tagging system for OPC? Are you supportive and if not? Why not?

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electronic tagging comes at a price. i dunno abt OPC owners, but if i were to change to OPC, i wud prefer to have peace of mind. even for ERP parking, it can be a good thing although cannot cut corners [sly]


cos u can't cheat. and if pay per minute, could be fairer than coupon.


for OPC electronic tagging, they could even pro-rate the surcharge. say, use less than 2 hours during restricted hours, charge $10 only.. [thumbsup] gahmen still will make $$.


now, maybe not they feel it's not cost-effective to do tagging yet? [:/]

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