Curahee 1st Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 (edited) I also got a Q abt OPC, if a person kiss an OPC backside at peak period, OPC driver nv display coupon, so who is at fault as at the first place this car should not be moving on the road? Edited June 10, 2007 by Curahee ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devilmaycry Neutral Newbie June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 You should take photo and submit to ROV but you're will still be liable for the damages. OPC will be charged by ROV and then blacklisted. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devilmaycry Neutral Newbie June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 bro, it's totally fair game.......OPC must used $20 coupon during peak hours, no issue wat? It OPC want to cheat, who cares, that's their problem wat. Let the law enforcer & LTA to charge them, even they cheated 100 times, I don't care, good luck to them, once caught is game over. Share a secret (no secret!), the IU for ERP can be RFID to track all cars movements regardless of OPC. You can only be charged when you are caught RED Handed on the spot by law , that is evidence to charge you, then LTA will use the technology to churn out all your usage pattern from the day u registered your OPC car (uage time) [rifle]then submit it to court. that's why some OPC cheaters kenna fine terlok terlok, jialat jialat up to $20,000. That is the fair game it's play. Are you game enough? take your chance, no prob with the gahment good luck! Stats has showed that OPC offenders were on the rise and they are treating this issue as a sever problem pertaining to the traffic. 9/10 OPC drivers caught on the road during peak hours were without valid coupon thats why TP has been debrief to catch all these offenders. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver_blade Turbocharged June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 I guess it's also cos of an increase of OPCs in recent years. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gnoikj Neutral Newbie June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 Hmm..u know, thats not a bad idea. That way, no matter how many times the cheats get away, one time and gahmen earn back evrything... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sabian Turbocharged June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 if ppl feel OPC is taking advantage becoz of the 17K rebate..then go buy one and drive lah..why need to be "red eye" one ask u PPL to drive "NORMAL" car what..what bus lane adjusted to 8pm...i everyday go home take CTE..JAM until 11pm also very common..thats considered off peak or peak? give us OPC owners a break..the world is fair..we get what we pay for..OPC pay less drive less..NORMAL car pay more from 7am-7pm non stop lor..make full use of your NORMAL status y not YOU drive a normal car and u pay 17k more and suay suay infront of u is an OPC hu pays lesser rd tax than u, pay lesser price than u and is on the same road as u, u feel fair or not? c'mon ur post here is unnecessary as its 1-sided Can a red plate Rolls Royce owner and his chauffeur feel unfairly treated that your car is in front of his? After all, his car is more than 17k over yours...even after the 17k OPC rebate. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver_blade Turbocharged June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 Actually come to think of it. Most OPC actually pay more for $/km over a period of 10years than normal plate over the same period. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quekahwhye Clutched June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 Good day, Base on what??? Km travel over 10 years again the car price. You forget about 1. The amount of petrol you paid. 2. The amount of parking coupon you used. 3. The yearly road tax 4. Your working place parking cost. 5. Your every interval (base on mileage) maintenance cost (Change all type of oil and change a lot of things written in your manual) If 1 to 5 is free than you should be correct. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unfazed 6th Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 I also got a Q abt OPC, if a person kiss an OPC backside at peak period, OPC driver nv display coupon, so who is at fault as at the first place this car should not be moving on the road? 2 diff issues. Can tackle each one separately. Kiss backside still must pay damages regardless if OPC infront got coupon displayed anot. As for coupon not displayed, this can be dealt with separately. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Curahee 1st Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 I see... If u r the OPC driver, the one that kiss ur backside wanna negotiate by having u pay 50% of the damage and forgo the offense of not reporting u to the TP of not having coupon during peak period, will u buy that? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charliebrown 2nd Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 (edited) huh? you mean b'cos the OPC pays less 17K and less road tax, he cannot be on the same road as you? You feel unfair? come on wake little man. It a system that our intelligent and efficient ministers devised. And it is the intelligent and scrupulous OPC owners who knows value for money that are taking advantage of this scheme. You need to see a shrink! Every word that BenPhay says hit the nail on the head! And what do you mean by 'suay suay' see a OPC. Cannot understand. You mean you afraid of red colour plates izzit?? Red colour means 'heng heng' understand? tam po boh teo. Edited June 10, 2007 by Charliebrown Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charliebrown 2nd Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 yeah, cannot understand his rationale. Thinks he is case. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coltplussport Turbocharged June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 Hai yah, if those normal plate big heads think that owning a OPC is so easy, or OPC is for poor people who cannot afford a normal plate car, try owning one yourself. Think again, luckily there are OPCs around to take up part of the car quotas, or else, our road condition will be 10 times worst. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charliebrown 2nd Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 (edited) [reply] Yes of cos. There is a need to understand what is fair and what is not fair. Some posters here seem to condone OPC cheating. Some posters here seem to think that reporting on a crime is being a kaypoh. But I guess the bottom line really is that everything is subjective and in the end we have to base it on the law. If the law says that OPC offenders/cheats are wrong, then they are. No amount of wrangling will say otherwise. The problem then, is how we can prevent cheating. I wonder at the reaction to my suggestion. What do OPC owners generally feel about my electronic tagging suggestion? Are you guys supportive? If implemented, it would do away with (as Silver_blade claims) 'kaypoh' ppl who report...Come now,if we get enough people who support it, we could even put up a petition (remember Dagon?) MCF has certain influence... Those who don't support it, lets hear why? ----------------------------------------------------- I am not an OPC owner but have friends and relatives who are. I would say your suggestion of tagging or whatever is a load of sh@t. Why treat OPC owners like second class citizens, illegitimate children or even criminals. MCF has influence. That's Great! Go ahead and let us all here see where this goes. Edited June 10, 2007 by Charliebrown Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zippaboy 4th Gear June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 y not YOU drive a normal car and u pay 17k more and suay suay infront of u is an OPC hu pays lesser rd tax than u, pay lesser price than u and is on the same road as u, u feel fair or not? c'mon ur post here is unnecessary as its 1-sided wah lan. just passed, still P-plate and drive your dad's 626, already so xia lan. my car is more than 50k of your 626, so next time you see me, please siam far far ok? best if you stop at the road side/shoulder and wait for me to drive pass you. still a poly student right? go earn your own dough and pay for your own car first. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coltplussport Turbocharged June 10, 2007 Share June 10, 2007 Yes, agreed that tagging is just too much. Just maintain as we are right now and let our TP deals with it. The penalty is very severe and this is good enough. Singaporean are so obedient because garment is strict. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gnoikj Neutral Newbie June 11, 2007 Share June 11, 2007 You are being personal. I have not mentioned in any of my posts that OPC owners are 2nd class citizens. You construed that yourself so please refrain from putting words in my mouth. My suggestion to electronically tag OPC cars arise from Silver_blade's rant that those who report on OPC offenders are kaypohs. Face it, there are people who will abuse the system. Hence you have the carpark fellows who dun tear coupons. Hence you have the electronic gate system which does away with that problem. Why can't the same principle apply to OPC then? Do you rant and rave at the shopping centres that have electronic parking? For dealing with those who dun pay to use? Please be constructive. If you feel you have objections to the suggestion, discuss it rationally and come up with suggestions on how it may improve. For instance, minimising OPC offenders, or improving road harmony between opc and non opc owners. Right now, you have a situation where non-opc owners feel miffed when they see an opc car(without coupon)on the road between 7am to 7pm weekdays. They kpkb on these fellows, even thothe opc owner may really have a coupon just that its not displayed. With the electornic system, these non opc owners do not have a right to be angry or to comein here to slam opc owners. Why? Cos there is a system which ensures 'fairness'. See an OPC car on the road between 7 to 7? Oh its ok, there is an electronic system and the opc owner is probably paying for it. Cheating? not likely. so everyone goes off happy. Whats wrong with that? The only group who have cause for concern would be those that consistently flouts OPC rules. These owners would of course be against this idea because it prevents them from benefitting at the expense of those OPC owners who do abide by the rules. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gnoikj Neutral Newbie June 11, 2007 Share June 11, 2007 Ah,but it is mentioned in previous postings by Devilmaycry that OPC offenders are increasing. Silverblade also agrees that this may be due to an increase in OPC car ownership. So for a constant increase in OPC car ownership, there is a increase in the offenders caught. Does that not imply that Singaporeans are perhaps not so obedient? ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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