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any bros here doing re-finance for coe cars? or got any lobang? pls advise. thanks!

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unfortunately, the answer is no. even if you want a loan for COE car, almost all banks will say no.


usually they will only loan up to 12-14 years old. anything after that becomes very high risk for them, same for insurance. to them, it's like an unsecured loan.


that is why many people who buy COE cars get "trapped" in in-house loans with bad interest rates and rule of 78 does not apply here.

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lolz bro old topic le.


i know one lah. old car most finance company not willing. same even for insurance! KNN.. [furious]

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Neutral Newbie

Haha, I did manage to get a car loan approved by a bank for my 16 years old starlet. However, they require at least a TPFT insurance.


You can try Maybank for the loan, and AXA for TPFT insurance.

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