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Power window unable to close fully


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whenever i press the power window to close; it move for about 3/4 up & suddenly move down by itself.


sometime the solution is to press & hold the button till it fully close or by pressing the power window button sereral times.


able to advise which part give way already??


thanks [sunny][sunny][sunny]

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motor is gg up lorry. the load of the window is too much for ur window. torque probably decreased due to carbon buildup in motor stator.

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is it possible to convert power window to the mechanical ones?


Mechanical one seems more feasable for those who frequently open/close windows, yet lighter and less things to go wrong.. [rolleyes]

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actually it is running on worm track motor so it is mechanical in a way. but if u talk abt winding arms, it's kinda weird and wun b chirp. do a 1 for 1 replacement and make sure the window slides up in proper alignment.

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mmm.. nt really weird for a coe car. Since most ppl are looking for power windows


can't think of any disadvantage besides the inconvinience. sealing wise should still be the same..

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I occasion will have heavy knocking sound when I wind down the window from the driver side wonder if this will affect my locking mechanism which at time also give me problem.

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Neutral Newbie


whenever i press the power window to close; it move for about 3/4 up & suddenly move down by itself.


sometime the solution is to press & hold the button till it fully close or by pressing the power window button sereral times.


able to advise which part give way already??


thanks [sunny][sunny][sunny]


maybe the window not so power lor.... change it to 'not so power window'

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Not sure what car you are driving but I had the same problem. If you observe the movement, it seems to be stuck at a certain point where the window is not rolled up evenly. I had the AD rectify it where they lube the window mechanism. Still observing whether if it fixed the problem.

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Same as mine.


Lucky I only have this problem of not able to wind down window fully. Left about 5% cannot go down. Resolved after my last servicing at Jurong Service Centre.


Other than that, everything's ok.

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If your ride is still under warranty, bring it back to Kah Motors and let them take a look. Better than guessing here what's wrong. [:)]


Look for SA Wong at Jurong Service Centre.

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