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Zaino + Aquawax ( DG #951)


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I haven seen yours lei..next time I should pop by to take a look..


His ride is extreme,I have one black and one White at the MDDS as a Standard for me when I detail ppl's ride..


Next week,black Stream for me...nosebleed.gif

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Neutral Newbie

AW is not a sealant [:p] . As the name implies, its just a liquid wax tat most bro here use after QD and a topper for 476 or 845. 105 is a sealant. AW [thumbsup] after cured for a day.

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Neutral Newbie

All along i thought its liquid wax [laugh][laugh]. I thought you ever told me its a liquid wax when you just brought it in. Nevermind as long as it protect and shine the ride, I'm happy [sly]

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Neutral Newbie

Ya agree, but that stuff is [thumbsup][thumbsup], to me the water bead no match with 476 or 846. If you use 845, u'll be [jawdrop] amazed [jawdrop] with the beads, like your ride is waterproof.

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Bro Benny, I also tot AW is a wax not a sealant... i think coz of the name... why not called AquaSealant... haiz...


anyway, I apply AW as a topper over 845... any problems? I tot cannot put sealant over wax? Wah, very cunfused now [confused] ... also after AW, the following week, I will apply another layer of 845 followed by AW.. can anot?

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I read it from Autopia is a polymer sealant but Bill from DG told me is more like a synthetic/polymer wax instead.No problem topping over #845 or #476..in fact most of us uses it like a topper over waxes..

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Neutral Newbie

Pick up some duragloss from bro maddriver yesterday and did the whole process this morning.Impressed with the polish,paint bonding and sealant.Have yet to try out the aqua.Overall,a good product recommended.Apologise,no pics to show.Just a humble ride of mine.Thanks MD.

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Neutral Newbie

Bro, could elaborate,


1)spray on and leave it or

2)spray on and wipe to even out, then buff off the next day.

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