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Zaino + Aquawax ( DG #951)


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BRO MD ! i knew that whatever you said, would hold wateR! I never regretted trusting you and going over my comfort zone of worrying whether i would intro swirl marks !

I am glad ! Mdds soon ! see if i can come or not. =)

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thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif thanks Bro.. I guess u must be happy and the satisfaction u have nowthumbsup.gif



yr hard work pays off

Edited by Maddriver
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Yeah. But i must get Zaino to polish off ALL the little scratches!

Whole car is very shiny from afar.

But little imperfections can be seen when you look at the paint under the sunlight... Few scratches here and there. I know the car cant be perfect. BuT human phsychology takes over me and i want the car spotless, scratchless, swirl-less and shine-full ! [sunny][sunny]

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Hey Pet bro, i thought you also a mini MD liao ?

By then, if i get into JC, i got to worry abt JC liao , but no major exams lah. Then i reserve every sunday to go for MDDS lah. Then.. WOOHOO. foam party? Detailing orgy ? lets go man ! WOO ~~

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Neutral Newbie
[laugh][laugh] tks for the compliment..but i am not mini MD..there is 1 MD only [laugh] you solid la..already draft your plan [thumbsup] MD effort not wasted [scholar]
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Neutral Newbie

zaino isn't that hard to use really.


your results are really out of this world.


good job.

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Neutral Newbie

this thread is created by you and the pictures in this thread is your ride..of course is referring to you la [thumbsup]

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Huh? the last part, is it part of chinese idioms? Like qiao dao zi ran guo ? Sorry arh, chinese O's over, i throw everything away liao .

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Bro, i got car meh? I only got two KAR. Unless i detail my two kars lah !

Sorry hor, cant detail. Not shiny one. cause got leg hair.. ahhem ! WOOPS.


No lah, I will drop by soon. Whenever i can.

My parents, this object, that object. After O's i will push my way OUT of the house and come find you guys ! And dont molest my car ! Only I can molest my car. =) I jus almost kissed the cefiro bonnet jus now

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Neutral Newbie

During my trip to States,my states friend told me most detailer are comparing Zaino and Duragloss product and rumours is that the chemist quitted Zaino to set up DG.Alot of them have switch from ZN to DG becos of the prices.Don't quote me and this is what I heard and they are comparing DG AW and ZN Z8.

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Yeah. But i must get Zaino to polish off ALL the little scratches!

Whole car is very shiny from afar.

But little imperfections can be seen when you look at the paint under the sunlight... Few scratches here and there. I know the car cant be perfect. BuT human phsychology takes over me and i want the car spotless, scratchless, swirl-less and shine-full ! [sunny][sunny]


all it take is a nice little key


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Did you try to compare btw these 2:

1) Zaino + AW

2) Zaino + Z8


Just keen to hear from different people.

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