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For fellow Skoda lovers - The Sweet Fabia


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the car is nice...juz that its a bit overpriced plus, distributor not actively market the car...its another alternative to Polo. nice [thumbsup]

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hi bro

Did you actually watch the video? I was referring to the video, and don't want to be a spoiler. It is "less" about the car, but do please watch the video and you will know what I mean.


bless, and keep smiling!


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WOW!!!!! lovely video!!!!


Now y can we have this type of ad air in SIN???????? It sure will attract a lot of attention.

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well said bro! For me, if the dessert is oily or sweet, I'll take a rich thick tea with no milk. haha!




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hi sis

While not being specific, I was from the advertising industry (and now an academic of the broader field of marketing), and many times, the onus is not so much if the ad agency would spend sufficiently to get the most impactful ad across, but whether the client is willing to pay for the budget to produce such an ad. And you can make your own judgment on the ads we see in this region, to know somehow, it may be that agencies' have their hands and purses tied. However, if you go up north, Thailand shares with Japan, with many really compelling and creative ads seen. :-)


Like bros here concurred, the ad made me hungry, down a big pack of nasi lemak! Now going for ice cream at the neighborhood 711. :-)




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2 things:


1) talent in the agency

2) willingness of the client to take 'risk'


Most marcom ppl here are only 'yes-man/woman' & they do not dare to take risk or venture out of their comfort zone. Always tend to stick to the tried & tested route. So most of the time, creative ideas of the agencies do not get the approval to proceed & get shot down.


Only the boring, repetitive, tried & tested themes get past the marcom ppl & those are the ones that get into production & on air. Sad.


Even MY & Thai fare better in this aspect.

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I do agreed dat the customers must be willing to spend but it also must depends on the agency dat they are with.


Basically, it takes both hands to clap.


I just hope that CA will be more willing to spend on their marketing budget and the ad agency is a good one with creativity...unlike their radio ad......shakehead.gif


FYI, i m eating cake with ice-cream now...while re-viewing the ad..tongue.gif

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I rmbr i saw a veri nice nokia ad in HK. This really makes u wanna take a phone n call ur loved ones with that ad.


I do agreed with u that we definitely see a lo of better ads overseas than in SIN.


Maybe the cost of ad production is cheaper so the agency had more resources to play with?

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in a more liberalised media mkt, that's possible.


In SG ? only mediac**ps ?


If they ask for high rates, how to run TV ads on shoestring budget ? tongue.gif

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Ya..coz finished meetings for the day liao ma. Jealous leh???? tongue.giftongue.gif


It is all Tashi's fault to post such yummy n lovely ad...make me crave for cakes since last nite. laugh.giflaugh.gif


Tashi bro,

if i put on weight (becoz of ur ad), I shall claim my shopping money from u. N dun say u will pass ur wife's clothes to me coz i m too fat to fit in. sly.gif

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hi sis

I haven't seen you, so can't comment. haha. Anyhow, how can be my fault? Eat more (like me), then exercise more lor. haha. :-)





PS - I too, ate a rich choclate ice cream, a box of chocolate cookies, and a soft drink. :-)

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ya..shall go to the gym but hopeless..been fat since i dunno when.


It is all the fault of the ad.......bigcry.gifbigcry.gif


Eh, bro...now u make me wanna eat chocolate ice cream, chocolate cookies n a ice-cold coke. Shall go n get the Godiva chocolate ice cream now......laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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