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Friend hit taxi in Aug06 now kena lawyer letter


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Neutral Newbie

My friend just told me he had a minor accident with taxi in Aug06. last week he got lawyer letter from taxi company to pay damages of $3600. But my friend say that day when hit there was no damage at all to the taxi or the car he is driving. His car rolled forward at traffic light and bumped against the stationary taxi.


Actually when he told me he hit taxi I say die already lor sure kena pay jialat .... I told him even if u just have little scratch on the taxi the bill will be more expensive than painting the whole taxi 2 times over... how to help him?? any advice??

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there is no dmg to both vehicles


if the taxi driver did not take any pics at the point of time, all the better

if ur fren did take pics and show no dmg, even better


else just deny, leave it to the taxi insurance to proof that ur fren car did hit, without evidence its just his words against ur frens, for all u noe the taxi could have reversed and killed someone and try to cover up

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Neutral Newbie

Oh come on... the taxi co is that lame?

I presume they would hv given u some proof?? No proof...ask them go take a walk.


If hv, they shd produce to prove the reasonableness of the $$$ claim.

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Neutral Newbie

Report this to his insurance company...let the insurance company deal with the taxi company.


Insurance company will hold his NCD until case is settled.


I once hit a car at a very slow speed and only minor scratches found. That guys workshop went ahead to repair the damaage and claiming 3K+ from my insurance without my consent. Until now (almost 1 year liao, case still pending as my insurance company is not agreeing to the amount. They will drag on and on and on...my NCD drop from 55% to 20%.


Some workshop will take the opportunity to wack... [hur]

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Agree with Furrynadz. If your friend did not make claim on his own insurance..then it's up to the taxi driver to proof that the accident happened. If it's so easy to claim...then everyone can just take down any car's reg no and make a claim. But importantly, did your friend exchange details with the cabby?

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But importantly, did your friend exchange details with the cabby?


But even if his friend did exchange details when the accident happen, how come so long time then got the reply from the taxi driver lawyer?

Maybe between the time of accident in August until recently the taxi could have encountered another accident with another party and thus used back the detail provided by his friend to claim for damages?

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Have fun trying to do that to Taxi lor.


I kenna hit one taxi before...not totally my fault...he stray into my lane while taking a corner.


Can't remember the amount liao but both of us went to IDAC to report.


Months later, I kenna a letter from my insurance company stating that there was a claim against my policy...I see...WAH....little damages claim 5K ++ I call my insurance and dispute the case out right claiming that accident did happen but his damages were not worth 5K.


Next renewal...my policy kenna penalised...lost 30% of my NCB. I ask why...my useless insurance company say that for taxi, they dun do case to case but compensate base on a lump sum (several cases settle one shot). Throw ball back into my court and say that if I want to dispute, have to take it up myself.


Went to that useless insurance company to lodge complain....managed to squeeze 5k to 3k. Never win but knock 2K off also shiok.

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Accident in August 2006 and only May 2007 received lawyer letter? hur.gif

This is not uncommon my friend get into an accident and more then two years past and no news yet.

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Accident in August 2006 and only May 2007 received lawyer letter? hur.gif


There is nothing wrong becos the law states that a claimant has up to 6 YEARS from date of accident to file a claim for property damages & up to 3 YEARS for injury damages.

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Did he take any pictures? If no damage to taxi at all, ask the taxi company go fly kite.


Nowadays camera phones are so common. Please, to protect yourself, always have 1 with you. I even have a Canon 6MP camera in the pouch that I always carry.

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Neutral Newbie

I did have a bad experience of minor accident with Taxi few years back [mad] .


I also hit the bumper of this stupid Taxi in a very slow speed while filtering into yellow box [:/]. We both got down our cars and checked the damage, and there was only a slight dent on one corner of the Taxi's rubber bumper. The Taxi driver asked me how to settle, I did offer $100 in cash for the minor scratch but was rejected [thumbsdown] , as I was driving company car that day, so I asked the taxi to claim against my company insurance. We both exchanged details and left the scene. For the next few days, the Taxi driver had been calling me with the purpose of asking for more cash compensation but I refused.


After a month or two, I received a lawyer letter on behalf of the Taxi co., and wants to claim me for $3.5K+ [knife][hur] . The lawyer letter accompanied with pictures of damages bumper and rear light(my God, these were not the damages I witnessed to be) and bill for parts replacement (why not refurhishment but replaced?) and lost of man working days [crazy] . My co. insurance, another useless one, said I cannot claim insurance as I did not report the accident to them with 24 hrs (I regretted for not making police report, even with no injury). With no solid evidence on hand (no photos taken lor)and I lanlan had to call both the taxi co and their to negotiate to lessen the compensation and down to $2.5K out of my own pocket. [furious]


So lessons learnt when comes to deal with taxi co.:

1. Must take photos the damages, either taxi hit you or you hit the taxi

2. Make police report - Kaisu abit even how minor the accident was

3. Report it to insurance co at once and take action against the taxi co. rather than wait for them to write to you


Now think of this incident, I'm still [furious]

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Did he take any pictures? If no damage to taxi at all, ask the taxi company go fly kite.


Nowadays camera phones are so common. Please, to protect yourself, always have 1 with you. I even have a Canon 6MP camera in the pouch that I always carry.


[nod] most of the phone now equip with camera, any accident happen and you are still alive [sweatdrop] , first thing to do is take out your camera and take pictures! First shot, try to take at an angle with the other party car plate number in view. After that, take picture from all angles. Flash memory is cheap, buy more for you phone so that you can take more pictures! [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Can you tell me which is your useless insurance company? PM me if you cannot comfortably say here.

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Neutral Newbie

haha....hit Taxi, they will normally win the case, don't knw why, probably they have expert lawyer helps them to write police report.... [:)]

Taxi driver will try to 'create' an accident, then they can claim everything from you including their holiday when their taxi is in workshop.... [laugh]

any good advice when hit with taxi????

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My friend just told me he had a minor accident with taxi in Aug06. last week he got lawyer letter from taxi company to pay damages of $3600. But my friend say that day when hit there was no damage at all to the taxi or the car he is driving. His car rolled forward at traffic light and bumped against the stationary taxi.


Actually when he told me he hit taxi I say die already lor sure kena pay jialat .... I told him even if u just have little scratch on the taxi the bill will be more expensive than painting the whole taxi 2 times over... how to help him?? any advice??


his insurance company should be able to see roughly how much does the damages cost.

maybe the amount is what they wanted to claim but does not mean the insurance company will have to pay the amount.

usually there will be negotiotions.

but still its dfinitely more than what you expected.

the amount claim should have included of taxi driver's income...etc.

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