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How to aim spark plug towards the intake side of the cylinder head


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Neutral Newbie

Pls advise what is the "intake side of the cylinder head"?

Can I request the mechanic to install the spark plug accordingly during servicing?



The next time you are doing a tune-up on your ride,

be sure to take note of this modification. By simply installing

your plugs in a particular way, you will pick up roughly 1 whp,

dyno proven time and time again.

Index your spark plugs - The idea here is to "aim" the

open end of the spark plug terminal (the gap) towards the

intake side of the cylinder head. In order to accomplish this, simply

mark on the plug a small line to indicate where this gap is.

Proceed to install them as you normally would, except when

the plug is hand-tight (that is, you've screwed it in without

a ratchet as far as it'll go),


use your ratchet to tighten the plug until the open end of the plug,

faces the intake side of your cylinder head.

Try to line up as best as you can.

It may require buying 2 sets of spark plugs in order to do this,

but hopefully you'll be able to do this the first time. Be

careful with aluminum heads not to over tighten, as that could lead

to a costly repair.


That's it!

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It means the "open" end of the sparkplug has to face the intake manifold (or the back of the 90deg bend faces the exhaust manifold a.k.a. extractor).


You can ask the mech but i doubt most would do it and there's not way you can check if they did either.

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks for the directions


I guess if anyone cares about it, he would have to do it by himself. Did you do the aimimg for your car?

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hi richard. I did it on my ride recently. My butt feel tells me slightly smoother acceleration but at least it is noticeable. :)

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No i don't [laugh] The thread on the head prevents me from doing the turn without over tightening, and its a risk I'm not willing to take.

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Neutral Newbie
hi richard. I did it on my ride recently. My butt feel tells me slightly smoother acceleration but at least it is noticeable. :)


yo, stanley, in that case, you got to show me, thumbsup.gif

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Don't wast yr time on this write up. Yr mech will think that you are a nut.Chances of damaging the plugs due to overtighting is very high or combustion leak due to undertigthen causing gas leakage.

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Have not ever come across any spare part shop selling spare plug washers in my more than 35 yrs of association with the auto service industry.

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Very hard to adhere to..too troublesome..


Simple things also very hard to follow already..

Dun believe ask Apoolo, how many times he needs to mop the areas under the urinals...

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Neutral Newbie

might as well get those sparkies which have no open 'C' ends? [laugh][laugh]

Edited by Ronnie
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hello friends... wanted to increase your cylinder head hp? why dont you do cnc porting....

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