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Sounds when braking


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Is it possible that a new brake disc can warp so fast? I haven't even clock in 100km on it yet.

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I oso have this 'grock grock grock' sound when I apply brake to slow the car just 2 mths ago. Send back to TCM & they say that is due to the rotor & replace it foc.


Oh ok. Good for you. Let me see if it's also the same for mine but it's weird...the brake discs/rotors are brand new....

Edited by Brock
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My suggestion is drive for a few more days to allow it to run in. Test the braking system by doing hard braking, making sure it works and not compromising safety. As I read it, he has not even reach 20 Km, it takes much more than that in my view. Next, the brake pads could have been dirty. The sounds he described sounded like a brake contact sound, if the rotor is an issue, you can feel it. If it is not lubricated or pump issues, testing it will tell and the driver can feel it on his foot when braking.


In my view, brakes issues are easily diagnosed.

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Replied Law_ong on this...


My suggestion is drive for a few more days to allow it to run in. Test the braking system by doing hard braking, making sure it works and not compromising safety. As I read it, he has not even reach 20 Km, it takes much more than that in my view. Next, the brake pads could have been dirty. The sounds he described sounded like a brake contact sound, if the rotor is an issue, you can feel it. If it is not lubricated or pump issues, testing it will tell and the driver can feel it on his foot when braking.

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Neutral Newbie

okay thanks. yup mine not even 20k mileage too.


have tried hard brakes few times before not that often maybe try few more times to make it season...


the last servicing, they took my pad and stuff out for cleaning..


wat feel on the foot can i experience if its not lubricated? for pump issues i noe the difference in feeling but not about lubricating....please advice thanks in advance!

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I just changed my brake discs and brake pads. On the 2nd day, I heard some sounds coming from the front of the car. I'm not sure whether is it the brakes or not. When I move off slowly and gently press the brake, everything is fine. However, after travelling at higher speeds (e.g. 40km/h) and I start to brake, initially it would be fine. However, when the speed slows down to 25km (approximately) or lesser, there will be this 'grock grock grock' sound and it gets slower as the car moves slower until it comes to a complete stop. This has been happening for the past two days.


Is this normal after a brake disc + pad change? Or is there a problem? If it's the latter, what is roughly wrong with it?


Hi Brock,


Me also just changed my front brake rotor and brake pad 2 weekends ago, and since new until now no sound when braking. The job costs me around $185 for a pair of new rotor, front brake pads and labour. How much did it costs for your brake job?


After changing I run-in the new brake using the method I read from website, meaning go to cruising speed and brake gently to slow it down, and increase the speed again, and brake gently to slow it down....

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Not lubricated, you will see uneven wear on the pads; as for pump, when you are at a stop, hold on your brakes,which you will know that it is like maximium, then the pedal went deeper...that is when you know it is gone.

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Is there a safety clearance between your brake caliper and the rims?


I had this senario as yours a year ago ie. the sound is heard when i travel at high speed and slow down near to a stop.


It's the caliper scratching the inner side of the rims [sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

wah...how to check uneven sia...only eyeball and quite hard to see when the rims are covering


for pump another way to check is when the car is stationary (& not started), keep pumping the brake pedal till u cant and hold it there. turn on the engine, you should feel the pedal relax and goes down smoothly...

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Hi Octopus,


My brake rotors are OEM Brembo ones plus using Mergent (Made in Germany) brake pads. $268 including labor.


After the change, I just drive around normally like what I do almost everyday. 80% city driving. Auto tranny can't chiong much. laugh.gif I'm still at work so I can't try out the suggested methods like what Fortress mentioned.

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For the pump, you will have to have the engine on and run up, like after a drive, a good way is before you switch off the engine after parking. The process is up to you to follow. smile.gif


As for the pad, you may want to take a twig or something, mark it and compare, it is also a way of checking whether your brake has jammed. Actually thought it is a must before I hop in to drive a car. Please do this before you run the car, it will be hot thereafter.smile.gif

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Whoa...that sounds serious. How did you know it was the caliper? Problem with mine is that when i first move off slowly, no sound. But after cruising speed then when speed reaches 25km/h and below, the 'grock....grock.........grock' appears. When you move off slowly again and brake, no such sounds.

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As for the pad, you may want to take a twig or something, mark it and compare, it is also a way of checking whether your brake has jammed.


Erm...I'm not sure what did you mean by this? Care to explain more in detail?

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That was the situation that i'm in. excatly like what you said.


That is when i change my rim, went for test drive. This thing happened.

Stop my car, check my front wheel and upon closer inspection, saw some scratching marks on my inner side of the rim near the hub area. That is when i suspect the caliper as the gap is approximately 2-3mm only.


as you mentioned you changed your brake rotors and pads, so not sure whether the product is it bigger in terms of 'width'. If it is then it could be the case.

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I'll check the insides of my rims...near the calipers there. Feel if there's any depression or scratch marks to confirm...

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