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Any1 seen b4 this orange supercar-lookalike car in spore?


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carplate SX 11_ X..i did a check...it gives me volkswagen1300 year1969..i went to google it..it gives me bettle... [sweatdrop]


the car height is super low.. abt waist lvl for a 177cm like me


no chance to tk pic leh...any1 seen b4 this car? and noe wad car is it? it sounds damn sweet..like muscle car sound...haha [knife]

Edited by Defcon
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Hi [Defcon], it is a Lotus Espirit.


It looks like one of my neighbours Lotus Espirit by the look of it with the SBU plate. But without the numbers, it's hard to tell.

Edited by Mikeyeo
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I remembered you were the one who claimed you could tell the car type by merely LISTENING to the exhaust note?


Whatever happened to that amazing skill?

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Neutral Newbie

i seem it in CBD area when i was driving. it stop at traffic light in front of me. Cannot rememeber car number. is Lamborgini or lotus. Super noisy engine.

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ok..i found pic of the car i saw liao.. sorry is not orange..more like yellow..lol..tt time was night time cannot see color properly =x





so who noes is wad car?

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I've seen this car in action in orchard b4, and till date i stillcan't figure out what the hell it is. The front/side looks like a Lambo countach/vector or some reinspeed concept lookalike.


Or it could be a 1 off prototype on the road painstakely converted by the owner from a vw beetle?? [dizzy][dizzy]

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Looks like a Lambo Countach to me actually. Then again.. from the rear end like that.. cant be too sure. Definitely not a lotus.

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