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Beware : Folks in CCK and YT


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Neutral Newbie

Saturday, 3rd March 2007, 12:00pm+

Yew Tee Close. Outside Yew Tee MRT.


I dropped my wife off to do some errands near Yew Tee MRT. I waiting in my car parked along the road, Yew Tee Close. Caught up with some ZZZzzz.


Was awakened by a knock sound on my car, then saw somebody walk close beside my car.


He looked kind of suspicious, so I kept my eye on him.


He proceeded to the next car infront of me, and tried to open the front driver door. Then to the next car and so on. At least 6-cars he tried to open the door.


When he noticed me staring, he walked away.


Few minutes later he came back round this time directly to a car which had just parked behind me. He went straight for the drivers door. But when I stepped out of my car, to confront him he briskly walked away into the pasar malam.


I managed to whip out my camera phone and caught a picture of him walking away (sorry not very clear though).


In my opinion (no racial descrimination intended) he look like a malay youth, about 170cm and 50+kgs, dressed in white polo t-shirt and blue jeans, wearing a pair of sun glass over his eyes and another pair of sunglasses around the next facing behind. Carrying a sling bag.


P.S. how to post photo here.



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Tat bugger is trying to steal....haizz no evidence,unless caught red handed.

Quicky post picture....next time i see him give a whip.gif

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Wa lao...I think you should just make a report at the NPP about what you've seen...so they will have some record and hopefully step up patrols. With a report lodged, there will be a record so they definitely have to follow up with some kind of action.

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Neutral Newbie

time for all the CCK and UT MCFers to ring around as vigilantes [:p]


these kind of ppl don't give them chance.. [:|]

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Neutral Newbie

bro, thanks for the information. we'll be on extra high alert now, hopefully will nab this guy..


if u have the photo on ur PC, u can upload the picture as an attachment when u post on MCF. the option is just below the box where u write ur message.


too add on, yew tee close... is it the roundabout beside the MRT and the coming condo?

Edited by Ecaf
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Neutral Newbie

I suggest this is not a STOMP or Forum matters, it's definitely some criminal case and the police should be the first person to think of.

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I have seen a suspicious character at my MSCP doing similar things.


He was walking car to car, looking at the door lock to see if the car was unlocked.


When he noticed that I was watching, he walked away briskly.


We can't stop strangers peeping at our cars, but we can remember to lock our cars.


IMO, they could be just trying to steal cashcards and any valuables inside unlocked cars.

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Neutral Newbie

Yup it's that small roundabout. I've seen middle-age uncles looking and opening the ERP units of motorcycles in my MSCP.. stared at him and he quickly left the car park. But this is the first time I heard of people trying to open the car doors in broad daylight.. this guy must be desperate or crazy.

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Bro, i strongly encourage you to report to the Police first, should have done that the moment you saw him fishing around cars.

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