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FP60 feedback


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Neutral Newbie

Just found out we can order Ten35 online at http://www.fuel-efficiency.info/. Its 16oz bottle costs less than USD78 incl shipping to treat 32 tanks of 65L. Though its prices have gone up alot but still a very strong contender to FP60.


Looks like producer of FP60 has given local supplier the sole distribution right. Previously directly from http://lcdinc.zoovy.com/ are lot cheaper (excl shipping) for:

FP60 32oz at only USD14.99 vs SGD39 for 10 tanks of 65L

FP60 1 gallon at only USD37.50 vs SGD118 for 40 tanks of 65L


errr.... what is ten35?
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Is there any different after using FP60 when car is still new (milage <10k).

My previous car I used only after 30k and it had been more smooth and feel better pick up.

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