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Everyone stand up - time to counter the Malaysian TPs n custom officers


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All MCFers,

I start this thread anew bcos I want to hv a focused discussion. Think many of us had enuf of Sh$t from these arse-hols. Tinted windows, unstamped passports, etc etc.


Now what can we do. How about installing some camera device in our cars or such to video some of their actions with audio conversation. And then post them worldwide.


I don't even bother to go JB now liao ....

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Neutral Newbie
All MCFers,

I start this thread anew bcos I want to hv a focused discussion. Think many of us had enuf of Sh$t from these arse-hols. Tinted windows, unstamped passports, etc etc.


Now what can we do. How about installing some camera device in our cars or such to video some of their actions with audio conversation. And then post them worldwide.


Bro, so what if we make a video out of it and shows it to the whole world. Do you think they care or will change?? The Minister will just say "please come forward and make a police report so that we can take action"...hahahha...their action is no action.


It is the people up North themsevles that put the corrupts people in power even though they knew these people are corrupted...so what can we says about the them?


If Singaporeans really wanna stand up for Singapore, they will stop going up north!! Do you think Singaporeans will do that??? Not that I am looking down on ourselves but the reality proves it...

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That's not the worst.


My uncle's car was once stopped by a MY TP who wanted to give him a summon and the reason given was that the wheel of my uncle's car crossed the white dotted line and that was considered as "lane changing without signalling, a form of dangerous driving". But the fact is my uncle was going straight. My uncle just gave him some cash and drove off without even taking out his licence.


KNN!! The TP might as well just say "I want money", 3 words can liao. Talk so much crap for Fxxk! Waste everybody's bloody time!

Edited by Ultramega
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boycotting is de best way.when they announced dat they wanted to charge us de RM20 some of de merchants already suffered.my colleague's bro-in-law has a shop selling clothings.he said dat when de announcement was made,even b4 it was really implemented,he suffered more den 50% loss of income.he said dat was one of de reason de decision was put on hold.de merchants' association there objected to de ruling.so....if we all boycott them...their economy will really suffer...

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wah, sound like we are the king [hur] without us, JB will die izzit? [:|]

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Hard to stop ppl from going to malay-asia as the exchange rate is too attractive liao.Money talks both ways.They are poorly paid and so this tactic.Anyway, become culture liao,we all started donkey years ago with massive corruption,only silly-pore more honest.

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Neutral Newbie

Yo bro I fully support boycotting them lor. If u remember i made a post about my incident with them a few months back.


Check out my thread.



WTF complain liao also no use. I wrote to their Inspector General no news wrote to Embassy they say cannot help. CB now theri website my IC and car plate all listed as summon ticket amounting to RM900!!! ask them fxxk off if they think i will agree to pay. Bloody thiefs these corrupted officers.


From then on I never go in JB liao and I dun think I will again in my life. I say BOYCOTT them till they rot.


All MCFers,

I start this thread anew bcos I want to hv a focused discussion. Think many of us had enuf of Sh$t from these arse-hols. Tinted windows, unstamped passports, etc etc.


Now what can we do. How about installing some camera device in our cars or such to video some of their actions with audio conversation. And then post them worldwide.

Edited by Luger17
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Neutral Newbie
All MCFers,

I start this thread anew bcos I want to hv a focused discussion. Think many of us had enuf of Sh$t from these arse-hols. Tinted windows, unstamped passports, etc etc.


Now what can we do. How about installing some camera device in our cars or such to video some of their actions with audio conversation. And then post them worldwide.


[laugh] sorry bro, cant side you....coz i dun even bother to go in there. i always skip them and fly to bangkok to buy stuff... [:p]

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understand your fustration bro. actually I originally intend to go in with 3 other cars during CNY. We ve since changed our minds [nod]


Complaint to their upper echelons is of no use bcos thats where the root of the problem is. Its systemic corruption at every level.


My next trip up north will probably be in June when I had to see a relative who is getting old in PJ. As many hiadees had suggested here today, I will support the boycott to jaybee for a while [laugh]

Edited by Ahbengdriver
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it's $1mil a day to b exact.


their minister beg u no use one. wait until they start shooting regularly at criminals lor. i mean if they hv enuff police to do it.


china saying... know mountain got tiger, dun go mountain hor.

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Neutral Newbie
How about stop going JB and stop boosting their economy?


No point in boycotting JB . There will be always be some singaporean clowns who risk their lives and reputation going to JB. (Look at the woodlands checkpoint every weekend) And when they get "hit", they blame the singapore government for not doing enough to protect them ..... [shakehead]


On top of that, there is a sizeable number of singaporeans who own JB property. They have to go there weekly to check whether the place has been looted or most recently to check how badly it was affected by the johor floods.

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I could understand how u feel. Could you imagine ppl living in MY who has to face them every single day? Well, ask ur fren how to deal wif them. For me very simple, juz give me d tic or XXXX off. Other than speeding, what other more 'crime' can u commit? I used to live in KL and i 'committed' more serious crime than speeding. I still got off without any summon. If u 1 2 know d 'crime', PM me. If u 1 2 sell off ur ka in 3 yrs, don't bother 2 pay d fine. If not, juz walk into d police station & pay. They will still give u 'discount'. Don't worry!

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not all of them go in for this reason. some got relative inside like me, so hv to go in once in a while [shakehead] bo pian bro [shakehead] the northerneans know what is going on the minds of we sillyporeans ... especially those inside their gharmen agencies. they know we still will go in one... [:|]

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