Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 Thailand paranormal experience (from local paranormal site) Yes.. they feel like human touch.. now remember once my army colleagues and me camped in our office (all clerks and me asst chief clerk) My chief clerk is hindu (typical) places idols and stuff on her PC.. even made me change her PC's wallpaper to show one of the indian deities.. and usually I sleep just beside my desk... (cos my area wat) but was taken up by a NS man, so nevermind.. i used my superior's area.. so i position the foldable bed in a way that when I sleep my head will be under the desk.. So after a long evening everyone went to sleep.. including me.. i was almost falling into sub consciousness... when i felt someone gently touching my stomach area.. that woke me up.. opened my eyes.. check.. no one leh... and no one cannot possibly move so fast to hide also.. so I closed my eyes.. and went back to sleep.. and it happened again... so I again opened my eyes.. no one again and I just mutter.. please.. don't disturb leh.. very tired.. then it happen for the third time.. this time round I did wat a christian would do.. face my palms at the directions of the idols on the PC... Pleaded the blood of Jesus.. and by His Name to bind every spirit and be cast away.. and that did the trick.. slept peacefully till next morning... about the voice of them.. I heard them too.. i used to sleep on the upper deck of the dbl deck bed.. and somemore against the window grille of the room next to the corridor.. and usually sleep wif the window panes open.. heard in my sub consciousness.. people's laughter.. female and male... a group of them.. and it sounds hollow.. no substance.. (btw my neighbour is a chinese medium, VERY Sianz.. lots of incensce ppr being burnt, YEs!! lotsa smoke.. no need to smoke can get lung cancer) seen a upstairs neighbour being manhandled in the wee hours to my next door.. (she was possessed) kept mutterin "wa ai see" i wanna die in hokkien... and then all the noisy rituals... sigh... can't sleep.. wif them around... and i realised that (i donno whether u call it 6 sense or wat) twice when my eldest bro (now in changi hilton) hitted one of the neighbourhood gang head's younger bro.. needless to say the elder bro can knocking wif henchmen in tow.. the 6 sense part was this.. I be sleeping soundly then all of a sudden sit up right on the bed.. will be looking out of my window and out in to the corridor.. and seconds later.. the gangster and his men will come down from the stair case (can't hear them coming down) but i can see that the gangster will be resting his elbows on the parapet wall and motion his men to "knock"... I'll be sitting on my bed with my swiss army knife with the skewer thingy out.. prepared to poke any arms that try to assault the window.. but amazingly it seems that both occasions, i detected them before visually seeing them, they did not notice me.. and the same goes with this fella trying to peep through my window... to look at my sis whom was in the kitchen.. I just sat on my bed staring at him.. not making any noise.. and this happened for another 15 to 20 secs before he looked up and saw me looking at him.. he just bolted.. made me laugh.. found it stupid to do such a cheap thing.. oh ya. about the being frenching by a spirit.. i think sucking is a more apt word.. (reminds me of movie spirit will try to suck yang chi to gain energy) can't see 'em.. Now on thailand.. Well.. not much of any encounters of the spiritual kind but sexual alot.. (i will not talk about the latter) basically thai people are very respectful of buddha, the monarchy, monks, spirits. and they will not tolerate any incidences of insults or joke to any of the 1st three... king rama V (king rama IX, bumiphol) is regarded as a demi god to most thai and they even wear his pendant, car sticker on their dashboard, it too is sometimes referred to the cult of king rama V. I personally seen in bangkok (BKK) and in kanchanaburi (K'buri) thai ppl holding joss stick, flower chain thingy, goin to some tree which has lots of flower chain thingy around it, and some colorful cloth tied around the tree.. What are they doin?? Well.. armed with the above and 2 more items... oil and powder.. and they will find a spot on the tree and just rub.. FOR WAT?? well... numbers.. YEs!! 4D.. some actually struck b4.. In thailand, monks are called up for alot of things.. and one of them is to bless the camp during the day.. (it happened 3 times in my camp, camp anniversary, christmas cum new year celebration) basically they will sit one row side by side on this make shift platform (quite nicely done by the Royal Thai Army Support Sect) recite thai buddhist incantations while passing a white rope (those used to tie parcels) and they will hold the rope in their palms (supposed to connect their power to be as one) after that they will bless the ppl wif holy water using a wisk splashing all... that's the day part.. and the night celebration is totally different 180 degree thingy.. cabaret show at the Multi purpose hall.. with a strip show as a finale... was initially shocked.. but my friends told me.. welcome to Amazing Thailand... There also the golden boy thingy.. a fetus is 'roasted' above coals and incense.. and a monk (a renegade monk, no proper monk is supposed to dabble in black magicks, and is punishable my jail sentence, but there is one who still dabble in it for the money) will be reciting incantations to remind the spirit to be obedient and to listen to the owner.. Also hear about my camp mates hunting around for the best talisman pendant... and if you seen some thai nationals or some singaporean actually wear lots of talisman pendant.. and there is supposed to be a combination as some of the gods do not like each other and will 'fight' it out causing some harm to the wearer.. some pendants value depends on the monk who 'empowers' it. More a monk performs a miracle (enlightenment), more qualification he has in empowering a pendant. same goes for the thai talisman tattooing thingy at Nakorn Chaisi.. the person who had the tattoo done will be empowered by the creature that was tattooed on to his/her body... and normally they will behave as if in a trance and very aggressive.. the tattoo has lots of talisman on it.. believe to give the person power to stop knife cuts and even bullets.. but he/she must lead a clean life.. if commits any crime.. the talisman will lose it's power.. Love potions are rumoured to be oils extracted from the chin of the dead. and made into potions. BTW did you see the movie Nang Nak (Miss Nak) If not I have the vcd original thai not cencored.. (don't tell censorship board!!).. the story is true over a 150 years old and the shrine is supposed to be near her burial site or home... sge has a shrine all to herself some where along sukhumvit soi 50+ to 70+ (sukhumvit road stretches all the from BKK till PTTY). seen the pics.. Mae Nak (mother nak) will be sitting in cross legs and cradling her baby in her arms. (and the idol is usually pasted with gold leaf by devotees) most pray for numbers... and have some friends who have seen things during their stay in some hotels.. One stayed at this Rio Residence Hotel. (our resident hotel in BKK) with a couple of friends.. (all campmate, all have rooms to themselves, so can bring girl back from what ever place, where ever place).. this particular guy stayed opposite this room which has a thai styled talisman (which is usually swirls of white 'flour'? in a pryramidically order..) on the door.. They were getting set for their night hunt so all closing their doors.. so happen this fella (who sleep directly opposite) saw some thing (looked like female, and obviously not human) seemingly struggling to get out from the door, but getting nowhere.. So then his friends remarks 'Wah so big ah!' and the fella replied 'you all see it too?!!?' but later realised that they were referrin to the talisman and not wat he has seen!!! (and that's the OH sxxt part!!) Later, when he tried to sleep (he told us this story so.. I told him to on the tv.. and put MTV on to make u sleep.. and thats what he tried and cursed and swored) the TV some how suddenly became loud and then soft and then loud again... he told us that the whole night he was tormented.. and the next day changed the hotel.. (We actually asked the recept (close friend and a gf of a colleague) 'bout the door and spirit) she just remarked it's settled! but Settled in wat sense!? oh ya, just outside the hotel has it 4 faced buddha... reputed to keep spirits out.. (and they can't leave the building too) and the thai seldom quarrel.. why?? they are afraid to offend the house spirit.. They also believe in spirit houses there are lots of these along the roads and just outside of their houses. The biggest ones I've seen are outside Mahboonkrong shopping centre.. with teak elephants flanking the side of the houses... I also realize that the pontianak and nang nak have some similarities and in both folk lore, it痴 believed that women who die whilst child birth are the most fiercest as it involves 2 spirits and not one.. About Nang Nak, I have heard this from someone (Whether Nang Naak was a real person or just a fabrication is still as mysterious as the myth itself. There is no historical evidence of her existence. However, most Thais tend to believe her story is genuine, or at least some parts are. Popular legend tells that she was born in the Phra Khanong area of Bangkok about a hundred and thirty years ago during the later period of King Rama IV (1851 - 1868) and died of childbirth complications some eighteen years later in the early part of King Rama V's regime (1868 - 1910). Others assume that she lived during the reign of King Rama III (1841 - 1851). Some believers even date her presence back to more than two hundred years ago in mid-eighteen century Ayutthaya.) ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 Nang Naak if you have watched the Thai movie . "Nang Nak", you would probably know the sad story of this woman who died during delivery..both her and baby died and turned into ghosts waiting for her husband's return who was called up by military. Finally, the husband returned but was aware of his beloved wife's death.Neighbours warned him that his wife was not human but he didn't believe them.His neighbours and friends all ended up killed by Nang Nak because they told him about her death. The whole village tried ways to destroy Nang Nak but she just wanted to stay by her husband and would kill whoever tried to stop her. Below are more info on Nang Nak..and Nang Nak Shrine in BKK The Mae Naak shrine, which is supposedly her burial place, is located at the edge of the Wat Mahabute compound in On Nut, Sukhumwit Soi 77, Bangkok. Her famed shrine attracts visitors from far and near, and the close by monastery as well as the neighborhood peddlers all benefit from her great popularity. Sweet incense and flower garlands perfume the air in the front part of the shrine when one enters her "home". With a donation of twenty baht, an offering package including stick incense, a piece of paper with a stamp-size gold leaf, and a yellow candle is available; a bundle of orchids and bottles of fragrance can be added by paying a little more. Pious worshipers, of course, would prepare their own floral wreaths, fresh fruit, and khanom as extra oblation. Colorful dresses, cosmetic products, together with various accessories presented by her believers fill every inch of the chamber. Toys, diapers, and milk bottles are heaped up as gifts for her child People are paying their respect to Mae Naak in picture 1 and in picture 2 is Mae Naak's image. Third picture is stuff for her child and television for her that's on all the time. There are footballs, dolls, toy cars, etc. for her child and cosmetics for her like lipstick, soap, shampoo, etc. The devotees kneel and pray to her statue, which sits at the rear of the room and faces a television that is kept on all the time. After paying their respect or registering their requests, some would go to the back of the house and apply squares of thin gold leaf to her statue. The Nang Naak figure is reputed to be made from soil gathered from seven different cemeteries under local auspicious belief. The shrine attendants, moreover, regularly lather the statue with ointment to make her "skin" softer and more real. People buy turtles, birds, eels and fish to set free. They do this to make merit. In the third picture , people are selling lottery tickets to the people who come to visit this temple. Nang Naak has brought fortune and guardianship to many individuals along with the local community, so her devotees believe. Apart from general blessings and protection, Mae Naak is benevolent at giving out winning lottery numbers. On the eve of the lottery draw, the shrine is particularly busy. Ticket sellers, fortunetellers, and merit-offering vendors of fish and bird flock the area, and they all seem to enjoy lucrative business. Mae Naak, furthermore, is popular among young men who are going to attend another "lucky draw", the so-called "red bean black bean" draft. Since Nang Naak's grief and misfortune was caused by military conscription, she is believed to detest the call-ups and naturally becomes the patron deity for those who want to get out of it. Notwithstanding, bestowing fertility and pregnancy are not her specialty. Expectant mothers are often advised to avoid visiting her for obvious reason. movie "Nang Nak" It was narrated by villagers in Phrakhanong district that, near the canal which was next to Mahabus temple, there was a garden belonging to a rich man called ・Phoo Yai Suk・, the leader of village. At the end of the garden, the way to the temple, there was a small house which was far from people. A couple of husband and wife lived there. The husband named Tid Mak was a man in Klong-Toey district. The wife was called Mae Nak who was a beautiful woman in Phrakhanong district. Even though, they worked in the garden and poor, they loved each other very much. Tid Mak was sent to be a soldier during Mae Nak was pregnant. Tid Mak could, at first time, come back to visit his wife. Later on, he was sent to join army in the north of Thailand for months. The army finished after Mae Nak 壮 baby had been born for two months. When Tid Mak came back from army, he, near the night time , took a boat to Wat Mahabut port to see Mae Nak suddenly. That night was Wan Phra night,15 Khum (full moon shine). The moon light was enough for him to find the way to his house. When he arrived at his house, he called Mae Nak and saw her with a baby. He was very glad and hurriedly went to her. Then he had a little bit shock when touching the unusual-cool and thin wife'sbody, also the baby. Mae Nak brought him favorite food as if she knew her husband was hungry. While a little bit eating, cool wind coming touched him and made him felt cold and a spoon fell down the ground floor. Suddenly, Mae Nak could lengthen her hand to keep it. When Tid Mak wondered, she cried and told him she already died. When the baby heard her mother talking, he ran to her mother and jump to a beam, which is under the roof to show his father. Suddenly, Tid Mak knew his wife and baby were ghosts, he hurriedly ran out to his sister house, her name was Wan, while the lamp light did not work anymore. After that, Nang Nak followed and called him. Tid Oum protected him by spreading the holy water around the house and asked her to go. Mae Nak extremely horrified the villagers because she was buried under trees called a Khian Khoo・ Before Tid Mak arrived at his house, she went to ask food from a young monk. While lengthening her hand to him, her hand was cut by a monk with holy knife. An old monk took him to Kuti, the place for him surrounded by leaves of tree called ・Bai Nad・and slept near him. Nevertheless, he was killed by Mae Nak. It was rumoured that Nang Nak with her baby always gave extremely horrible feeling to the villagers, travelers and monks. Men often got the horrible feelings from her and ran out when they knew a beautiful lady coming to them became Mae Nak. Tid Mak could not go to the other place because he was always followed by Mae Nak. Finally, Mae Nak's soul and her baby was defeated by Mor Phi (exorcist). He put her and her baby into a pot and threw it into the water. Tid Mak donated her some food through a monk. After that, she disappeared. By the way, Mae Nak Phrakhanong was legendary narrated until the film called 溺ae Nak Phrakhanong・ is made for the public. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexxmexx Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Bro, your army stories like taken from SPI forum leh Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thug Clutched February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Old house in CCk I went for a malay friend's mum funeral. Met him at his house and he just got back from the burial. Went back home that day and during night, it happened. Theres a grandfather clock in my old house living room. It will strike the number of times of the hour; 1am-1 time and 2 am-2 times etc. Woke up at 4am suddenly, with my blanket over my head. Just as I finished counting the number of strikes, I felt something pulling my blanket. I was stunned. I dare not move. Then it was standing or sitting(not sure) on my pilllow as my pillow sunk to one side. I dare not move an inch. The grandfather strikes 5 times, 6 times then 7 times. I jumped up and ran to my grandfather's alter and sat there till my parent woke up. I was 13 years old then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That was my first and last experience with something I can't explain with science. The pulling could be cause by my own toes as the blanket was tightly tuck under my leg but jus couldn't explain the sunk in pillow as I sleep alone. I'm not such as deep believer in supernaturals. I always tell my friends; you believe there will be, you don't there won't be. But being a self-employed, I strongly believe in Feng Shui, Chinese Geomancy. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freestylers09 5th Gear February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Ya..I also believe alot in Feng Shui...sometimes its hard not to believe how it change people luck ,etc. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 yes...some are from SPI forum..some are from other paranormal sites which i gathered are genuine...later i will contribute my own.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thug Clutched February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 A friend. Had a hard time during her early years. Family broke up, bully by step-mum even got beaten up by her own dad during her O level period. So I suggested to her to change her name. Normally for chinese names, the tone and the arrangement of word is very important. Her old name has a arrangement whereby it was in the same pinying. 4th sound in the 2 given name. Which is quite wierd. When she 1st came to my house(not my gf, a good buddy's gf anyway) my mum already told me after she left our house. Her is name is wierd. After she changed her name, family din got back together but at least is more peaceful. Holding a well-paid job. Ties between her step-mum and dad got better. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icebrush79 4th Gear February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Wow, I have some encounters along the ECP stretch as well. Happened a few years back, Dec 2003 to be exact. I rem we sua frm the now defunct Pink Angel at club street to East Coast Park around 4am.. Cuz my god sis was feeling very down for reasons I dun wish to divulge and she wanted to "eat air" so to speak.. Hmmm juz for the records, she can see these things.. So we went to the end of East coast (after the big car park famous for catching monkey). I reckon there was a boat club or somethin there.. It was cordoned off so I'm not too sure..anyway there were 4 of us.. We set out to a stony stretch which leads out to the sea.. Quite rocky.. I was dammed tired at that time..My sis started ranting and screaming like a siao zhar boh.. Crying and venting her frustrations to the open air as it was rather windy and well I reckon that will release pent up griviences?? I dunno.. but thing is suddenly, she juz grabbed my hand urgently and said dun turn back.. Go go go... I was rather shocked.. and frm her expressions, I knew it was not a sick joke cuz she was pale beyond words.. My other sworn brother was also very shocked.. and we juz followed her blindly.. We hurried back to shore and back to my car.. along the way, there's this sickening feeling of coldness and I felt an instant nausea sickness.. Also, we heard tick tick tick sounds (like those made by lizards) and the wind became very strong.. Well, back to the car, everyone was quiet, so I juz drove off, heading to ECP-AYE as i had to send my sis home. So I was cruising blankly along ECP, tired and very curious at the same time.. Well suddenly I saw it.. An apiriation of an old lady, holding a child at her hand, formed about 100m in front of me.. it started with a fog like mist and slowly took the form of humans.. I wasn't sure too but by the time we were about 30m close, I was quite sure it was an old lady and a child, with red glowing eyes, looking at our direction and deliberately walking very very slowly.. I knew we would bang into it.. and we did, seconds later even as I applied the brakes.. Well I felt an instant chill and I saw the figures sort of like go thru my fren (who was sitting beside me - driver's seat). Apparently they didn';t see it but he cursed and sneezed instantly.. Also, there was a sick smell in the car.. (like those of a mizture of mud and fangipani). When I finally peeped i the rear view mirror, i saw the twosome still there.. old lady doing a "waving us goodbye" gesture with a errie grining smile... Maybe its nothing much to many bros and sis here.. but it was really vivid to me.. and the fren who sat beside me when the white figures "passed" him, well he got into a freak car accident 2 weeks later.. I dun wish to relate the rest but the point is, I think that stretch is rather haunted.. And till now, my sister still refused to tell us what she saw at sea to prompt us to leave so urgently.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chiasin Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 During my uni days we used to hit the chalet whenever term breaks ... usually we will rent a chalet at east coast park ..but this time round i think we were late or something we didnt get one but instead rented a pit ( number 13 or something) and we decided to BBQ and ton the night away... there were many of us ... 15-20 ... boyz and of course "GIRLS" yummy anyways ... we partied and had fun ...and about 3am we were all tired and full ... some went lying at the little hut and some lie on the beach just relaxing away ... myself 2 guys and 3 girls decided to walk around and talk about ghost or ghost stories ... and it was errie ... we walked for about 50 mins and decided to rest at a bench at the furtherst end of the beach toward the airport ... there was absolutely no one and very little light there except us ... we sat and gazed at the sea ... we were talking ... then suddenly we see a dark figure of a long haired lady standing about 100m or 50m from the shore in the water .... looking at us ... we cant see any features or anything just the black shillouette ...one guy (Zack) decided to throw stone at it ...(acting brave cos he is courting jenny at that time) he picked up a stone and walked towards the sea ... suddenly the figure sort of "Dropped" into the sea and we heard a loud chilling scream !! as you've guessed ...we ran like crazy .... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karoon Turbocharged February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 dunno why changi always got sighting of lady in white came across this in youtube. saw this on someone's hp before. claimed this was along changi road leading to changi village taken a few wks ago. the driver of a truck saw this weird lady by the road, stopped and used hp to film her. look what happens at the end[confused] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt0szQ0CAmU Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 (edited) i have watched this vid b4..it is obviously not real as you can see the figure seems so out of place ..don't noe how to explain but it seems unreal to me...the figure appears much bigger than the surrounding trees.. and yes changi rd is very "dirty"..the changi beach was post war spot when Japanese invaded s'pore.Another hot spot is the long straight road beside airport runway...there were several accidents occurred in that long straight road...and also the ulu road to tanah merah ferry rem an accident of one rex ? a regular was killed in the accident..when his rex lose control suddenly Edited February 14, 2007 by Dumber Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 in ECP there's this yellow tower right? it was rumoured to be haunted..years ago there was this young girl raped and murdered there. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icebrush79 4th Gear February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Siao laio... That's where my work place is... Everytime when I drive on that road after dark, it seems very errie and cold... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 nice story keep it coming I read from a paranormal forum..there's this lady who possess such ability to see spirits. From her description, the "things" she sees are usually in full form just like human beings except they appear quite faint, translucent. Unlike in movies we see rotten disfigured face, headless ghost, broken limbs etc...however, I do not rule out sightings of horrible faces are out... She said they appear just like when they passed away, perhaps that explains why some died in unnatural death e.g suicide, accidents appear to look scary? she saw her grandma's ghost standing beside her at her deathbed.She saw mist rose from the body and even saw her friend's late father at the funeral wake.There are also reports of seeing the dead "reperforming" the suicide act repeatedly.Some are obviously unaware they are already dead and still lurking in this world.She also mentioned that many seem to appear very lost and in deep thoughts, unaware of her presence whereas some will stare at her, trying to communicate with her which she never did. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thug Clutched February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Its an obvious hoax. Color and size is out of place. Blurry at the surrounding but kinda clearer on the texture of the figure.... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icebrush79 4th Gear February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 Wow bro, seems that you have loads of supernatural tales to share too.. Btw you said you were in Tekong in 1999 is it?? same where... Which part of 1999?? I was in Echo, bout Aug 1999.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thug Clutched February 14, 2007 Share February 14, 2007 There were stories about the red and blue or dun know wad color houses @ the end of Changi Beach...and the Hillview mansion up the hill thingy. I say its drug addicts hiding place and spread rumours... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dumber Neutral Newbie February 14, 2007 Author Share February 14, 2007 that is the story I gathered from another paranormal forum which i find it to be geniune yes I 'm interested in paranormal / supernatural/unexplained wonders lai lai let's share.. ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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