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Neutral Newbie

NUS campus

"Hi people, was wondering if you guys actually have anything to share about hostels, since i had heard so much from my friends about their hostels... here are some stories which i would like to share... both of my friends were staying in the EuS**f Hall in NUS..


Girl A story

She was preparing something for the orientation camp that night, so the glass bottles (in crates) were placed in her room as she was one of the games master. That night she and her room mate was packing the stuffs and the next morning, they had breakfast and went to their lectures separately... Suddenly halfway through the lecture, her handphone rang and the number in display was the hostel room's number.. she was really puzzled and wondered if it was her roommate... since it was halfway through the lecture, she could not answer the call, so she just hung up... After the lecture, she called her roommate, sking if she called her from the room..her roommate replied that she was in lecture as well, and did not call her... hummm...since only the two of them had access to the room, there was no way that anyone, besides them could use the phone..she was really scared and asked the roommate to accompany her back... Once the both of them stepped into the room, they had a shock... all the bottlecaps of the unopened glass bottles were pryed opened (remembered those "retro"looking glass bottles, which you would need bottle opener to pry open?) and the bottlecaps were all over the floor... since the bottles were not placed near the window, and the room was not heated to the extent that the bottles would expand and pop-ped the bottle caps.. till this day, she was very glad that she did not answer the call that came from her room...wonder what she would actually hear...humm..


Girl B

She told me that during her stay at the Eus**F Hall, there was a story about this old lady who stayed in the cupboards in the hall..and heresay was that she was just crouched inside any of the cupboards in the Hall, not in any particular locations... "


NTU campus

"i am not from NUS, but i can share some stories from NTU. if u've visited NTU hall 2 by any chance, most likely u would notice that block 2 is closed for students (at least during my days in NTU, not sure abt now), and it's told that the reason is because the house is not 'clean'. here's some stories i heard from seniors...


story 1:

once there's a birthday party in block 2, when time's getting late, everyone was a bit drunk and high, as the last program of the celebration, all party members carried the b'day boy to the lake behind hall 2 and threw him in. as the boy was a good swimmer, nobody gave a second thought b4 going back and sleep... then some time in the early morning, the roommate of the b'day boy was waken by the sound of door opening, then he heard someone came in, closed the door and went to the other bed in the room. naturally the roommate thought the b'day boy was back but too sleepy to check it out, so he went back to sleep... next day when the roommate got up, he saw muddy foot prints on the floor, all the way led to the other bed, and the bed sheet was wet but there's no one on it... later the same day, the b'day boy's body was found in the lake.............


story 2:

on the first day of one semester, in the morning, all students in block 2 found them wake up in the corridors instead of beds in their rooms... since then, block 2 was closed.


another one should not be considered as a story, it's abt the room i was in then, also hall 2, but block 5. one day a senior student came to visit me and told me he used to stay in this room, and once one of his friends who has those 'yin yang' eyes came and told him later that there's a cleaning lady sitting in his bed (which was my bed at that time)... damn that really freaked me out icon_mad.gif "

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story 1:

once there's a birthday party in block 2, when time's getting late, everyone was a bit drunk and high, as the last program of the celebration, all party members carried the b'day boy to the lake behind hall 2 and threw him in. as the boy was a good swimmer, nobody gave a second thought b4 going back and sleep... then some time in the early morning, the roommate of the b'day boy was waken by the sound of door opening, then he heard someone came in, closed the door and went to the other bed in the room. naturally the roommate thought the b'day boy was back but too sleepy to check it out, so he went back to sleep... next day when the roommate got up, he saw muddy foot prints on the floor, all the way led to the other bed, and the bed sheet was wet but there's no one on it... later the same day, the b'day boy's body was found in the lake.............


err.. if this is true, won't the guys throwing the bday boy into the lake be charged with manslaughter? [whip]

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Neutral Newbie

Hospital tales

"I have an experience at Txn Txck Sxng Hospital I would like to share... in fact it's a few but only one I'm dead sure that it's a ghost


1) My grandma was having a nose surgery coz something inside keep causing her nose to bleed. Then I remember she fainted once or twice. I was outside the theatre waiting for her along with my parents and family, I was sitting on the chair facing the C-Class wards (the one with many beds in a single big room) or D... I dun remember...


But what I saw then was 2 woman crying beside a person, apparently an old lady... They knew that this old lady was gonna pass away soon so they sat by her death bed. I observed them becoz I had nothing to do while waiting...


Then suddenly, the 2 women CRIED.... I think one of them kept calling out the old lady.. (you know it when the person has passed away). I knew it.. then I felt very sad for them.


Suddenly, I saw an apparition rose from the old lady's body... It's like water but more translucent... then like a wave, it began to move towards me... I observed it closely... this entity does not have any malice...


As the apparition approaches me, it turned to my right and flew out by the window...


It has been many many years liao but I can still vividly remember... it's true! I swear!


2) This isn't much of paranormal... although I had suspicions... my dad's eldest sister was wared in TTSH also then... my parents wanted me to go with them to visit her but I refused coz everytime I go there, I'll get sick after I leave... dunno y.


So in the end, I still went to visit her but straight after I came back from the hospital, I fell sick...

tat's all lah, perhaps there's a strain of flu virus spreading in the hospital? heh... but I noticed that the Yin energy is really strong there. Y? Simply becoz when u breathe the air, it's stale even though you breathe in the open space. And the presence of that seem to weaken me then as well... Made me feel lethargic... "

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Another Police Academy True Story


Here's another Police Academy story which i bear personal witness to coz i was there when it happened.


When i was a trainee there from end 1997 to early 1998, my barracks was the one facing the CISCO training school, anyway can't rem which Coy that was already. Back then food from the canteen (not the mess) wasn't allowed in our barracks although we often go there in the evening to 'ta pao', esp the chicken wings.


One fine day our instructors decided to conduct a spot check. We managed to spot them & quickly dashed up to one of the empty bunks on the 3rd floor & left the food there. Obviously they didn't find anything but when we went back to the unit to retrieve our food, we found the door locked. Well, all i can say is that the door could only be latched & locked from the inside. One of our guys climbed inside from the parapet to unlock it, & found that there wasn't anyone inside. Oh..just to add, some of the wooden doors of the units had long scratches on them...can't be made by cats coz the scratches were much higher...of chest level at least.


Thank god the academy has moved to Choa Chu Kang now...this mystery still puzzles me till now [sweatdrop]

Edited by Jermy
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Neutral Newbie

creepy? to women maybe....


Source: http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_1599945,00.html


Riot Hlatshwayo and Oris Mnisi

05/10/2004 12:50 - (SA)


Bushbuckridge - Limpopo women are claiming they're being raped "long distance".


The women in Edinburgh village near Bushbuckridge say their attackers are using muti called Mtshotshaphansi that allows men to rape the women without being physically present.


"I don't sleep at night because I keep on feeling as if a man is having sex with me, causing me to reach a climax and I become very tired," Hleziphi Ngwenya told a public meeting at the kraal of local induna Mngoni Malamule.


When her fellow villagers hooted with laughter, she said. "It may seem funny, but I experienced the problem at least once a week."


Ngwenya, 29, says she's told her husband, who is looking for work in Gauteng, about the problem.


Julia Khumalo, 30, says she's raped even when her husband is asleep next to her.


"My husband was fast asleep next to me one night but I had a sexy feeling and it felt like a penis was penetrating me," she said.


She said she never believed in Mtshotshaphansi until it happened to her.


Pinky Gumede, 35, said she eventually went to a doctor at Tinstwalo hospital for help, and he said she had a growth on her cervix and gave her pills to take.


The induna warned that if the incidents didn't stop, he would track down the men responsible.


A local sangoma, Daniel Ngobeni, confirmed that Mtshotshaphansi existed. He also said it could be that a Tokoloshe is raping the women.


A senior researcher at the Centre For Health Policy at Wits University, Marion Stevens, said she had also heard of Mtshotshaphansi, but that it was possible the women were having vivid sexual dreams.

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Neutral Newbie

Ghost captured on video!



Sci-fi channel paranormal investigation series 'Ghost Hunters' this week featured a clip which some believe is one of the most convincing pieces of ghost footage ever recorded. The video was shot in Pennsylvania Eastern State Penitentiary, and shows what appears to be a ghostly 'phantom' figure moving towards the camera, then away from it again. The figure seemed to be wearing a black cape, and moves in an unnatural manner. The TV show's film crew didn't believe that this was someone playing a prank, the individual would have to have hidden in the building for the whole day, and would have needed considerable knowledge of the camera locations and placements. In addition there should have been nobody in the building at the time that this footage was captured. If there is an alternative explanation for the figure, it is by no means obvious.


The video clip can be downloaded from the Atlantic Paranormal Society's web site ( http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com/ghosthuntershome.html ) , near the bottom right hand corner of the page.


Although it is unclear from the footage exactly what it is that we are seeing, the clip is one of the most noteworthy pieces of evidence ever captured on a paranormal television show.

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Neutral Newbie

more creepy stories..here it goes...


from a lady, Nicole, early 30s,who possess 3rd eye..her story was featured in Ch5..below are some her very own personal encounters written in a forum


I used to work in this old colonial camp and it was wonderful frolicking around its lush surroundings.

One has to be careful though....as it was in a very secluded area over a wide plot of hilly land.

If one was to walk around to explore during lunch time, be sure to have somebody go along with you.


One place I do not like the feel of, was the Male Officer's Toilet.

I used to walk around it all the time and do not feel comfortable with what it holds.

Perhaps it was a lack of human traffic flow....there were few male officers in that camp then.

Also, with that reason, we decided to convert that male officers' toilet to a female officers' toilet.


Even after the conversion, I would walk an extra 100m to go to the other female toilet.

One day, I mustered up enough courage for the convenience.


There is nothing special about it; except that it is exceptionally spacious, cool and dark.

It also has something you seldom see in ladies toilets.....urinals...a row of 3 tucked in one corner.

Perhaps I grew accustomed to the resident of the toilet.

After a while, I was comfortable enough to use it; but I would always announce my arrival outside the toilet.


One saturday, a group of us started chatting around the meeting table and the topic got exciting.

We started talking about the paranormal.

An nsf officer who was temporarily posted to our camp revealed that he has yin yang eyes.


Now, I got excited.

"Have you seen any around here?" I asked deliberately.


Guy : "Haa....ya. The ex-male officers' toilet."


Nicole : "You mean you see him as well??? Haa..."

"ok, ok.....on the count of 3, we'd both say where he is and what he looks like."


It was agreed. 1- 2- 3!


Guy : "young man in white t-shirt standing between 2 urinals facing wall."

Nicole : "teenage boy in t-shirt and berms always facing the wall between the 2 urinals nearer to the corner.


WOW! SAME! We both see him! We both chuckled like nobody's business.


By then, all our colleagues gathering around the table have all gone white.

The girls all started screeching in fear; which led to all the attending NSFs walking over to ask what happened.


Guy : "I always talk to him when I go and take a piss by the urinals with him beside me. Tell him don't blur, he needs to go liao. Scold him, but he's always still there."


Nicole: "He's gone already. He probably don't like women using the toilet. He left a while back but he was there a couple of months after we converted the toilet."


It tickled me that the nsf officer actually bothered to talk to him while he takes a piss.

I would normally just tell him to go off in my mind and never actually saying it out....save for the few times I shouted at him for peeping over the shower.


We both agreed that this white t-shirt fella was harmless even though we see him somewhat differently. I see t-shirt guy as about 70% tranlucent while he saw t-shirt guy as being relatively faint. From then on, I have to convince other female officers to go to that toilet with me despite my reassurance that the fella has gone.

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From Changi airport toward marine parade area ... just as the left side becomes thick with trees ... i was driving at about 2am (after sending off my cousin at the airport) ..i saw a yellow cab infornt of me we were travelling slow ...about 70kmph on 3rd lane ... suddenly i saw a mass forming at the top of the cab ... saw two bright red (like red eyes of a cat) and a whitish form ... i filtered to 1st lane and sped up ... i can see the thing looking and at me ... wah damn chilling!!!!


even the opposite road is the same towards the airport

as last time when i tumpang my friend to his work on my bike at airport in 5am


another bike overtook us

thats where my friend exclaim to me to look at the bike

but when i see is aw nothing

i ask him what

he said nothing

only in the evening when i fetch him home that he told me

something was hovering on that bike

when he exclaim at pointed out

the thing just disappear [sweatdrop]

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Wa... This is really creepy and getting a chill off my spine. I cannot imagine what would have happened if there wasnt any road block and I guess those policemen muz have been shocked by what they saw too... Peter would definitely be avoiding that road and reduce his late nights out after that incident [sweatdrop]

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From Changi airport toward marine parade area ... just as the left side becomes thick with trees ... i was driving at about 2am (after sending off my cousin at the airport) ..i saw a yellow cab infornt of me we were travelling slow ...about 70kmph on 3rd lane ... suddenly i saw a mass forming at the top of the cab ... saw two bright red (like red eyes of a cat) and a whitish form ... i filtered to 1st lane and sped up ... i can see the thing looking and at me ... wah damn chilling!!!!


u dodo...because u sped up, the lady deem u as a more potential accident case mah... and considering to swtich target [laugh]

Edited by Evildoer
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Neutral Newbie

Army tales (from local paranormal site)

Would like to share this story, which happened to me during the year 1999

I am enlisted to Palau Tekong for BMT, I am under the obese batch (meant only for the fat). There are many strange happenings that I encounter which I will share with you my dear readers.


1st story

Hawk Platoon have just completed 10km route march, the weather was hot and most of us have difficulty walking a long distance like this carrying 10kg worth of equipment. Night fall came and we have finished the march returning arms and off to do all the necessary before we hit the slack. As I am the arm squad man for the day, I am tasked to fully check arms before closing of the arms store, as I make my way up to my bunk I felt that something was tailing me. I shake off everything as imagination, too tired perhaps or too sleepy to think correctly. Just then, I heard a voice shouting....


"I just want to die let me jump, let me jump..."


It is then I realised got free show... I was on the fifth floor and the voice came from the sixth which was my bunk... I ran up and got a fright of my life. It was dead quiet so quiet that you will hear a pin dropping... Then all of a sudden, I feel a blow into my ears... Trust me I ran for my life, I did not even look back and luckily for me my bunk is just maybe less than 8m away from me (I live near the staircase) . I then jump onto my bed, did not have the courage to bath or do anything. The next day I have a platoon mate who have third eyes (he is a typical ah beng, front tattoo Nezhe, back Guan Gong, side arm is Thai scripture which I don know how to spell sorry), he told me yesterday something was disturbing him and he look sad and told him he looking for a substitute. Then I know how lucky I am, lucky that day I did wear my Buddha that is why I managed to get away.


2nd story


Our whole platoon is at the range and firing away as this is the last range before we will be posted out to unit. As the toilet is under renovation I decided to run to the back and have a cigar as well as take a leak, I was wrong something even more sinister is waiting for me. It is a night range and yes, there are no light expect for the moon and the renovation toilet light. I am urgent for a leak and cigar before I went for my final shoot, I told my officer I need to go to the gents and will be back 5 mins. He agrees and off I ran to the back, I took out my cigar and lighted it then took out my pistol shooting away happily until..... I noticed the tree in front of me is shaking violently, so violently that it is swinging from left to right to and fro.. I know that could be done by a monkey but come on it is nearly 12am and which idiot monkey would be so free? Then I felt something that I never felt before... My Buddha is getting hotter and hotter...... I started to turn back throwing away my cigar, but not running and not wanting to alert any strange beings that will be following me. I begin to walk back just then that platoon mate of mine started to look into my direction and he shouted run.... I ran back to his direction and he told me to shut up, my instructor then walked clamly over and asks my mate....


" If this is a sick joke, you goin to Detention Barracks, there is 3 misfire because of you."

" Ok Sir before you charge me I want to speak to Encik"

" Ok I will let u speak to him"


Encik went next to him and they strated to whisper, my Encik ask me over in a while's time and ask me if I do wear a Buddha. I took out my Buddha and realised that it is broken into half. The casing and the gold surrounding it is ok just that the Buddha cracked in the middle by itself and it is greenish in color. The range was ceased and will be resumed the next day, thus all our schedule will be changed. The day affair was kept a hush hush kind of thing but all of us know that something was wrong. The next day came and I managed to catch hold of my mate....


"Hey what did you see yesterday? I think it is something that I should not know but I hope that you will tell me."

"Yesterday I saw something sinister behind you and I tell you would not want to know..."

"Ok like that it is because of what my Buddha crack?"

"That thing tried to harm you, it is taking out a knife or something like that and stabbing you. I believe that is why your Buddha cracks and protected you."


The rest of the events went naturally and nothing was discovered.


3rd Story

Posted to unit 41 SAR


Everyday I was being ordered around and I have little friends and most of them I do not know them at all. At that time I am a driver (I am sure you will say that is good life but I lost a good 15kg so tell me is it a lousy life?), I am doing more duties more than others. I then was out field in one events that make me more cautious of my surrounding.


Aug 2nd


I was out field and damn tired driving my 3 toner, had not slept for more than 21 hrs... Finally got a chance to rest but during resting a few tanks went pass me and at the rate, it is going I can count four tanks per 15 mins. The exercise ended at 2330 hrs and I need to clean my vehicle first in Sungei Gedong before I can move out... After cleaning I am all alone driving back to my main unit in CCK (attached to HQ Amour), I always thought that I might met something along the way as I need to go through cemeteries before I can hit the expressway. But luckily never met (if you read properly that is the seventh month), I am happily driving back to my unit. I drove past my guardhouse and was humming to myself as tomorrow is the weekend. I then proceed to park my vehicle in my vehicle lot... That is where the nightmare begins...


While reversing I always make sure I look properly otherwise got charge or sabo also don know why. As I was reversing I stepped on the brake making my brake light on, to my horror I saw a figure behind waving to me... I stopped the vehicle and confirmed again to make sure rubbed my eyes and figure is gone. I confirm saw that thing but it just disappears, I decided to reverse again (my Encik is a Devil if did not do properly hehe confirmed weekend burned). Just when reversing I heard a loud bong... I stepped on the brake again and look in my rear mirror; I was very shocked that there was this figure or rather half figure and waving at me. I stepped on my fuel to drive into my MT line. I jumped down the vehicle and left the engine running ran into the room and my two duty driver look at me, with what the hell look... I told them what I saw, they told me they have experienced the force tonight and that is why they did not sleep.. They felt a hand pulling their leg and slapping on their face. I was then accompanied by my mate to off the engine and sleep together in the office, yes in the morning I did not wake up early enough and my Encik came into the room with his face black and told me "You today no need to go home" That the life of a NSF man....

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Neutral Newbie

Army tales (cont..) Tekong

DSCF0021_th.jpg DSCF0072_th.jpg

As an NSman I am the GPMG Commander belonging to 524 SIR, Delta Company, Platoon 16, part of 2 PDF.


I remember during one in-camp we had to stay in Pulau Tekong for 2 nights. Those were two nights that few of us would forget. As we look back as our boat left the island, it was with a relief. Those 2 nights left a deep impression on us that most of us who went through won稚 forget.


Those two nights were spent in an old abandoned (I think) primary school. Ask around, anyone who had to stay in that school in Pulau Tekong were bound to have some encounter or another.


Well, this is my story.


I was the advance party, and our group arrived at the school in the afternoon to do to do the initial setting out.


The school building was typical of the older primary school that can be found on the Mainland. Long rows of single storey classroom, with the canteen (a little shop) right at the far end. Two companies shared that school during our stay. The other company took the front rows of classrooms, while my company took the back classrooms.


I remember as I was setting my station I keep looking at the open, broken down empty space that was what the canteen store once was. I remember feeling queer, and a bit afraid.


Well that night my company came back after training. I remember walking pass the other company, seeing their lit up rooms, with small laughter, and snatches of chitchats drifting to my ears. And I remember when walking to the classrooms where housed my company men, the lights seemed dimmer, the men more sombre, the atmosphere more quiet.


Eventually after all the hassle of bickering and other army stuff we settle down to sleep, each platoons in a classroom. We all of course slept on the floor.


Then it began.


I remember I had a dream, or thought I had a dream. You see, I had a big mongrel of a dog then. Often it would come to me and lick my face with her slopping big tongue, pasting its saliva all over my face.


And so I dreamed that my dog licked me. I remember giggling out in real-time 塗ee..hee..hee・.・as I squirmed to get away from its invading tongue.


Then the scream happened. It was a loud scream, following by wailing. Everyone got up and rushed to where the screams occurred.


When I reached that classroom it was a flurry of activity・ There were some men looking very shaken, there was 1 who was crying, and almost everyone was looking pretty scared.


Slowly the stories emerged. It would seem that most of the men in that bunk had seen something of sorts. There were even talks of someone floating up in the air.


I regret I didn稚 remember all the sightings, saved this one.


One man was sleeping, when he realised he was being licked by something. He (I am not sure here) opened his eyes and saw a figure next to him・apparently after that he screamed・the man sleeping next to him supposedly sat up, and he said that he was pushed with great force to the wall. A third witness was the sgt, who was resting by the door. The malay sgt said that in-between nodding of his head to sleep, he spied a white figure standing by him (the man who screamed). He said that he couldn稚 see the face, as 蘇er・back was towards him. But he said that he noticed there was something long and dark coming from where the mouth supposedly to be, and hanging down to the floor.


The malay sgt said the he saw the man screamed, saw the man next to him being shoved aside, as the white thing zoomed passed him out of the door.


There were many other stories, but I couldn稚 vouch for them, as they were told after the incidents. Like the night guard who saw figures in the big field, and a sharp pointed eared man who said that he saw two figures sitting up in the trees that same night.


But back to the story. The next day, we had our training, and returned back to the school to sleep. I remembered that everyone who slept in that bunk refused to sleep. They were about 30 men, and each of them sat together, burning their white SAF issued candles. I remember the OC asking them to sleep, and they said they would sit out the night.


Then I don稚 remember so well. All I recalled was that everyone slept. And the screams happened again. I remember hearing that the OC was the first one to reach that classroom. And I, regrettably, do not remember what happed after that.


My next memory was leaving the island, in my boat, and looking back at the reducing landscape that was Pulau Tekong, and thanking the gods above that we have left that place.

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