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hey buddy, R you a bitter old fart?

not Gettin laid as often as u want?

maybe your dick spoilt huh?

the nerve connectin your brain n finGers workinG properly?

your boyfriend broke up with ya to buy a subaru huh?

i'm just wonderin about the possible reasons behind your

bitterness about subarus?

y would u want to start a gay thread n Bitch?

enliGhten us..please..

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Neutral Newbie

I mentioned about one idiot driver and seen some others driving recklessly. I am not sore over the incident nor venting my anger over such a trivial matter, but just narrating a bad experience that I'd encountered a couple of mths ago. I am not here to create any trouble, but if someone is sick up there in their mind to write gibberish remarks, then it's not worth wasting time on such. What's wrong with this people??????

Edited by Alcapone
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Neutral Newbie

Seems that this thread has ruffled quite a few feathers.


Folks, please let's take a moment to for a ceasefire here ok?


There will be people who will form their own personal opinions and stereotypes and we cannot help that. But on the other hand, just cause we experience 1-2 cases of such behavior we conclude that the entire group is the same. In my own humble opinion and I mean this with the best intent, that is a very myopic and shallow point of view. Sorry to hurt your feelings but its true.


Also there is a general belief here that every make has their fair share of bat hats.


This is getting very confrontational and abusive... can these solve anything?


Chill Guys... if Subaru folks strongly feel and are convicted that they are not what these claims are.... just leave it be. For the more you try to vindicate yourself the more others will tend to believe. They say the best defense is an offense.


Why waste time and grey cells bickering like little children and name calling....... Life is simply too stressful and short.... go for a drive and CHILL [nod]

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Bro ...i am still a little skeptical if it can smoke a radio controlled WRX!



then again, maybe not bro...you're right...anyway, this fella turned into smoke liao...disappear into thin air.

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"hahaha...that's funny mate...cerato smoking other cars...he prob can only smoke radio controlled WRXs!!!"


sad to correct you but you may find some RC cars smoking real car....lol


really? show me dude...talk is cheap...

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You've got a point there ... ok all proceed!



Max Power 104 Bhp / 5800 rpm Max Torque 146 Nm / 4500 rpm

That's like 3 lawn mower engines ....

Add some blades and you could even mow a lawn with a cerato!


hahaha...that's funny mate...cerato smoking other cars...he prob can only smoke radio controlled WRXs!!!





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In recent months, I'd came across many Subaru drivers trying to show off their machines. How lian, ah? But many a times, I'd seen them stopped at traffic lights after a short distance, or held up by other cars in front refusing to give way to them. I'd even came across a few driving dangerously......



you act as if you're totally innocent...

let me help you remember wat you wrote earlier on


"I'd came across many Subaru drivers trying to show off their machines"



"i'd even came across a few driving dangerously"


many = 1 or some others?

is this wats written in your dumb wit dictionary for the aged n retarded?

just be a man and apologize for your dumb azz assumptions and we'll try to

stop thinking that you have a dick up your arse..

Edited by Kissergal
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Neutral Newbie
Well, it is the character of the engine and not because the driver wants to show off his skill or haolian or etc. Did you ever get aroused and force to shut down when interrupted? I mean that is the feeling...


Perhaps you can try to relate to a more real experience such as saying it is like you going to cum already but the other half wants to withdraw? [laugh]

Hi Thermo, your version is more suitable for JDM spec where you are ready to hit 181kph, your partner withdraw suddenly. [laugh][laugh][laugh] My feeling was both me and partner were ready and wanted more, but a third party [smash] on my door and disrupted the fun. [sly][laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
I mentioned about one idiot driver and seen some others driving recklessly. I am not sore over the incident nor venting my anger over such a trivial matter, but just narrating a bad experience that I'd encountered a couple of mths ago. I am not here to create any trouble, but if someone is sick up there in their mind to write gibberish remarks, then it's not worth wasting time on such. What's wrong with this people??????



Ur post is just a big welcome sign that says "FLAME ME PLS!!!!"


If u replace "Subaru" with any other brand (eg. BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, Toyota, Mitsubishi etc) and u will still get the same response.


Suggest u learn from this and think through before u press "Post New/Post Message".



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cool it kissergal.. (are u from SCS??)

it's a virtual world in here... he may have said those things in a fit of anger..

let it rest man... the issue should be on the driver.. not the subaru.. get it??



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I on the other hand thinks that he was trying to create a new model called Cerato Euro R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BTW where is the Fast and Furious Cerato dude?

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came across a black TS driver trying to drive the car like a super sports car last 9.. [thumbsdown] he tried hard to pick up when traffic light turn green.. when i step hard on my accelerator.. the car is so far behind me.. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


confirmed is the driver..

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Good for you, you have a fast car....... [rolleyes]


I see nothing wrong with him trying to launch from the traffic lights, as long the person did not cause any danger to you or anyone for that matter. What's wrong with the driver?


Hmmmm... so what are you implying??? You have a very fast car, or at least a faster car compared to the TS? [:/]

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