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Safety during Refueling at Kiosk


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Hi to all MCF members


Received this report from friend in regards to safety in refueling at petrol kiosk. The report from Shell inwhich an incident had occurred oversea during refueling by a driver answering to a phone call. As the file of the video is to big to be posted in this forum, I am attaching a report on safety for all to view.


Some members might had seen this report before but we can take it as a reminder whenever we do refueling.


Cheers....... [drivingcar][drivingcar][drivingcar]


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100% of the cases are from static electricity. From wearing furry stuff and having rubberised soles, and getting in and out of the car touching the leather seats, and touching the car metal surfaces. There are currently NO documented case where using a mobile phone has cause an accidental ignition. Sigh....

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3 years back, I recieved a similar report from Shell about vehicle caught fire while refueling and making a phone call at the same time. I remember filing the report somewhere but unable to trace the report. If traced, I will post at this forum.


Regards [sunny]

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If it is Shell, I remember that report. There's also a video of the incident showing a lady in pink furry pullover. Static electricity was the cause. Let me know when you find that report. Cheers [;)]

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Not sure if it's against the law in SG, but there are signs stating 'no hp usage' at petrol stations. Once I forgot and was politely reminded not to use my hp by the attendant.

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Neutral Newbie

There was this show on Discovery channel a couple of months back called the "Myth Busters" that investigated this particular claim. Suffice to say, its a myth. The cause of the ignition of the fuel is not due to the handphone but static electricity.


Some measures to observe to reduce the chance of fuel ignition:


1) refrain from getting in and out of the car, especially if your car seats are the fabric kind, you can become charged when your clothing comes into contact with the fabric repeatedly.


2) before refueling, touch a metallic portion of the car, this will cause you to discharge any charge you have on you.


If all fails, call the petrol attendant to help you refuel ")

Edited by Coke21
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