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Taxi + Lane 1 = Road Hogger


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Neutral Newbie

Anyone experience this? Taxis cruising on lane 1 and hog the road.


Shouldn't taxi be ban from traveling on lane 1 like all the other heavy vehicle?

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Maybe you can give more details like how fast was its crusing speed.


MCF has never been able to agree on whether lane 1 is for overtaking or for cruising at the speed limit so unless he was cruising 70 on a 90 road, then we will have a topic to discuss.


But then again...i have seen many other car makes doing 70 on a 90 road...i will just go up and horn them till they get out of the way or speed up. I suggest you try it next time. its effective.



Anyway taxi slow may mean that there is TP ahead. They have island wide walkies to warn each other. So if you see clear road and taxi not speeding, better keep eyes open also.

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Neutral Newbie

I have met countless taxis doing 80+ kmph on open roads and clear of tps too.. Really annoy me when they dont give way and have to overtake on the other side..

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eh.. wat's so grand abt occupying lane 1? drive along the lane tonite can strike 4D meh? if u want that lane, just horn the bugger lor. later ur car kena scratch dun say i sabo hor.

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everyday every hr and every min. ther are road hoggers out there...


if u r at the back of the jam.chances u will see ther is a road hogger bar-long-long traveling at a speed which is blocking the back from passing him (ROAD HOGGING).


Be is any speed.. as long as the front car is slower than you and ther is no traffic infront of him. Thts road hogging already....


Taxis,male female.. young old. all road hogging..but majority is taxi and [gorgeous] .

ther are some nice ones who will auto gif way to you or some will after u honk honk or high beam them..


Ther are many who simply bo chup or dnt care who is behind. As long as he SONG driving on lane 1.Thts all it matters....u high beam him. u HOOORRRNNNNNN Him/her also no use.


This kind one go malaysia sure kenna [furious][knife][whip][rifle] .. which they deserves.... [mad] road does nt belong to them only...

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Neutral Newbie
Anyone experience this? Taxis cruising on lane 1 and hog the road.


Shouldn't taxi be ban from traveling on lane 1 like all the other heavy vehicle?


not just taxi.. they should ban everyone from lane 1 except me [drivingcar]

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Neutral Newbie

most taxis i encountered gave way auto one so no problem with them.. i onli dun like MPVs and small hatchbacks especially unkers driving on Lane 1 like he own the lane.. overtake them can see they simply bo chup + song song face [furious][furious]

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my experience.. most yellow top/black body taxi i encountered are road hoggers.. maybe they are the lao-jiao/old-school bochap ah peks.. [shakehead]


Last week on cte one yellow top hogged lane 1 with a string of 6-7 cars behind it, (its front was clear to about 500m,) and one comfort also one of those stuck behind.. which overtook at lane 2 eventually

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Neutral Newbie

Ya, since you agreed taxi are majority. My point is to ban them from overtaking on lane 1, just like other heavy vehicles. Therefore, this should help clear up the roads. Even if there is a jam. Taxi can only travel on lane 2 and above, allowing us to use lane 1 for 'overtaking' as many cars, taxis as we wanted..

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u sounds like the road belongs to you, why not ban everyone on lane 1 except u?


I notice small cars tend to road hog since they are slower in picking up, why not limit all <1.6L car to only extreme left?


BTW, taxi paid 6 times more road tax than you do, why not ban everyone else on lane 1 except taxi?

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Neutral Newbie

That sounds great. But I think it impossible and non-logical..


Btw, which sentence makes me sound like I own the road?

Edited by Mmatrix
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hmmm banning taxi on lane 1.. dnt think thts possible. First u haf to look at the population of taxi. freakly a lot. DO u knw tht taxi company haf to relase a certain of NEW taxi every certain months..thts y u always see new taxi out very fast.

If to ban. Lorries on first lane. taxi all on second lanes. First lane lagi more jam. [laugh][laugh][laugh] .....


no choice.road is for publice use.haf to share to use it. just tht many road hoggers on lane 1.


One more problem to those KNN driver. They simply cant stay in thier lane when taking corners.. and they got this KNN thinking. I SIGNAL means i haf the right to turn out.

No loh. u signal still need to check blind spot. [furious][rifle][whip] . who just turn out w/o thinking for other road users... Pui them...


Last nite. a lady driver on ECP road hogging all the way of extremem right lane where ther are no vehicles. KNNCCN.... think the road belongs to her..and guess wht. Her kid was nt belt up..saw her when she was apporaching airport...irresponsible [gorgeous] driver...

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