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Where to install horns


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hi guys..

Thinking of installing stebel magnum 2 or any btter horns.

any workshop to recommend?

perhaps in the west..



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U can try Autobacs at Bukit Batok. 2 days ago, I went and saw only 2 boxes of Stebel Magnum 2 left, at $18 each, installations will be an extra $20 charged. I got the horns installed there but wasn't satisfied with the workmanship because that mechanic, broke the clips of my LHS and RHS signal lights, when I reached home then I found out... And remember to keep the relay as well... Best is DIY, plug and play, some only needs minor socket mod... Hope it helps...

Edited by Heartbreakid
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hi guys..

Thinking of installing stebel magnum 2 or any btter horns.

any workshop to recommend?

perhaps in the west..




did my stebel magnum 2 at autobacs, bukit batok... $38.. other places i looked also charge same price...

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is that so... MMmmm... then i think i buy lots of items first before asking people to do for me at that price.. hahaha... now i got pedal kits waiting for installation.. then get a strut bar too.. then get the horn.. then at the end.. one shot ask them do all..

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if u noe wat u r doing.. the best way to save $$ is to buy all ur stuff when u find it cheap or on discount or ppl selling cheap or watever.. hold on to it.. then one shot ask some guy who u know to install all at one go... best if u got a fren doing the same thing then two go together should be cheaper.. if one mech doesnt want to do it cheap.. i know there are many others who would love ur business...

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Yes, it's too ex. My bro juz installed Stebel Magnum 2 for his CR-V for $35 at Autotrend and that includes removing the whole front bumper coz the horn was behind it. If no need to remove bumper, only $30.

Edited by Fcw75
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Neutral Newbie

I also thinking of installing 2 pairs of horns to blast "bad" drivers. Where is best? How much would i expect to pay? Mine need to remove whole bumper kind.

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too bad.. next time must do search first.. but only $12 more lah.. it's ok...


anyone knows if i can install two sets of stebel magnum 2 in my car??!! hehehe.... not loud enuff leh...

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