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Personally, I'm okie. But as I do not own this forum. I still need to seek further approval from MCF BOD.

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Neutral Newbie

One thing is pretty strange?


Why would some one test the product for the 2 companies for free?


Reading through the RX 8 forum, this forum etc. It gave me an idea that as long as I flame products that I am entitled to run a test on for the companies to test products.


It seems like a pretty good deal,What is his price to test?


I guess it must be a handsome payment.


Well in the field Marketing efforts of companies for products, if companies want to have opinions from Opinion Leaders and Opinions formers. They should go to professional Racers that took part in competition such as Keiichi Tsuchiya who are Opinion Leaders and Opinion Formers such as the maker of Mclaren F1.


I am wondering how credible are the comments given thus far.


This is just a hypothesis to ponder on.




Edited by Gim_ong
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Neutral Newbie

Cute- i'll be posting my findings after communicasia.


i am not paid for these reviews - those that know me and even the manufacturers themselves who have met me know that i am definitely not short of money. this is a passion which no amount of money can buy - i make much more from the stock market than whatever these guys can offer anyways


Gimmy, not everyone is as money grubbing like you - people actually do things out of personal interest without requirement for compensation. i'm not a hakkinen or schumacher, but i know my stuff. but these are two completely different comparisons. Companies pay celebs for endorsements, and between you and me, i would rather trust a user review in the forum. Just because brad pitt wears a tag carrera doesn't mean it's good, forum users will tell you that the valjoux 7750 mvt sux for example - power of forum reviews


in a nutshell, whether you guys believe it or not, maxzone is crud and ezstab works. i'll tell why after communic

Edited by Gfoo
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Neutral Newbie

Hi there,

I apologized for the late reply, have been overseas so didnt really drive.

The results for the last 4 tanks of petrol since I came back:

1. Caltex silver : 44ltrs - 485km

2. Caltex silver : 45.1 ltrs - 532km

3. Caltex silver : 43.8ltrs - 470km

4. Caltex silver : 44lts - 477km


The FC improved about 10-25km, trafic conditions and driving habits similar (i ma the driver).


The FC is slightly better as i used to hit about 490-500km for 45ltr, but I cant be 100% sure if its totally due to maxzone.

What I mod for my car since I came back:


1. Changed to Simota AeroFoam Open Pod with Carbon Shield

2. CAI

3. Sparkplugs changed to OWS

4. Rims upgraded to Enkei Bortex 17" ( 7+ kg)

5. Pumped nitrogen for tyres.


I think end of the day, as long as i enjoy my ride, doesnt really matters as long as FC reasonable. =)


Enjoy your ride...

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Neutral Newbie

well, it's pretty simple to explain really, I'm from the company, however I can't advertise or promote my company's products online, unless I'm an advertiser. So if I so far as try to promote, I'll prob get a warning from the moderators. But when I'm an advertiser, ppl will say that just becos I paid money here, then I am entitled to say what I want, regardless of the effectiveness of my product. You can say it's being between a rock and a hard place.


So when someone volunteers to do a review and has set up where he/she has done previous reviews and ppl have gone to see it, give feedback etc, then why not? This is solely a third party giving his/her honest feedback to the online community, but still ppl will said that he/she is paid for it.


Also something to ponder, if LTA says a certain product is GREAT, will it be so credible that everyone will pounce on that product?



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Neutral Newbie

Some users feedback that MaxZone works better than Maxzone GT for normal 1.6L or smaller cars. I was wondering if that could be the reason why I do not see any improvement with Maxzone GT running on my ride for more than 3 months? Mine's a Impreza 1.6i.


I was psychoed by the shop that installed for me that Maxzone GT will give me better savings in FC, pick-up, yada yada... now starting to regret and wondering if Maxzone would have worked better and yet save me $100. [smallcry]

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Neutral Newbie

Or maybe someone with the regular Maxzone might be interested to try out the Maxzone GT and would like to do a swap with me to try out for a month? [:)]

Edited by Crusader75
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Neutral Newbie

Well, it is good for you as the Marketer for Maxzone since you claimed that you are from the company.


Please flex your budget to get the REAL Experts.


You have the choice of not adverting in MCF because you have the money. You can advertise else where. Advertise as in " ABOVE the Line " advertisment.


In marketing point of view, you will stick on MCF because the cost per thousand views is almost ZERO for you. The viewing traffic is very high in MCF, probably top 5 car forum in Singapore.


Well I just prove a point, a marketing point. That people work and do it for value. Case in point, you are not leaving MCF.

By riding on third party reviews to boost your Awareness of Maxzone and hopefully sales of Maxzone is a marketing strategy that is not new.


You are paying almost nothing, for the "BELOW the Line " Marketing Communication Efforts.


People do work for Value, and MONEY is just a format of Value.


If anyone who does not work for money, why don't give it to me.


Even OLD NKF, works for MONEY.


Almost Zero marketing cost and maximum effective viewing by the forum readers.

Well It is a very good deal for your company and the marketing director is very happy.



Take it as perculiar behavior of mine, I tend to respect Innovators. That is the reason till now, I do not like TOYOTA. VVT is not their orignal Invention.

Some more MADE in Thailand. For goodness sake please get a JDM. My point is that TOYOTA is selling too EXPENSIVE because they are not ORIGINAL and they does not really invest on R&D. Made in Thailand still sell at a high price. RIP OFF!!!


Now Hyndai Avante have VVT, Suzuki have VVT. VVT is a pretty old technology.


Through the years I still respect HONDA, because no other cars can have the VTEC badget expect Honda.


Is your maxzone an orignal innovation?




On your point on LTA,....... it is because there is a certain percentage of Singaporeans are not believers in any conjunction effort of GLC ( Gov Link Companies) to push a product or service. Why did majority of the GOV departments in this world is going for online trasaction.


Marketing Communication efforts from various department globally tell us it is to our convienence and accuracy for doing transaction online.


The practical Benefit and Value is that the PUBLIC sector have been saving lots of money on Labour Cost and FIXED cost. When you transact online.


To prove my point, I will draw a similarity using Banks as an example.


Bank is trying to move majority of tractions to Internet banking. Why?


The Board Band bandwidth cost is the User's cost. Bank need to pay for Server Cost in the case of Internet banking and also certain percentage of bandwidth.


Internet banking is the cheapest among ATM, and counter services. YOu need to pay fixed cost such as for salary of counter staffs, RENTAL of Space. Even ATM have a Rental space cost. They are really costly.


Therefore who is really saving money when you transact online?


To conculde, people who are aware of such flow of value and benefits somehow feel the deal will never that true or good when GOV is involved. This is happening in USA and the rest of the parts of the world.


On top of that, nobody like to pay taxes in any format. The campaign efforts to collect taxes for the public by any GOV in any parts of the world LEAVES a very negative STIGMA on the mind of the people.


Thus, suspicion is natural presence when there is anything to do with Statutory Boards promotiing certain products and services.






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Agreed [wave] I have ripped open a red GT [lipsrsealed] and I found china "Hxx Kxx" transistor components + 1 potted 'mini cigarette box sized' cap. + white foam tape wrapping + hotglued LED. Poorly assembled POS [dizzy] they used regular screws to lock but drilled off the heads to make them look like rivets [laugh] die cast casing probably bought in bulk and made the whole pc heavy, so like alot of 'liao' (ingredients).


I showed my friend and he went [knife][knife] then he [furious][furious] then he [bigcry] then he [shakehead] then I [laugh] then we threw it away and went for tea.


Please also take time to read on all this rubbish in www.fuelsaving.info before you throw money away [shakehead]


All VS do not give any performance gains. For $100-300, don't be naive [laugh] If sure confirm will work, wouldn't you want to sell for more???

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Agree, all those discussions, reviews, meetups or even passions? If they are under advertisers thread, I dun even click on it. Over here, it's free and appear more personal touch.


Forget it, just change the battery when it's due.

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Fuel saving gadgets are always very tempting and makes the buyer feels very clever.

"Spend a couple of hundred bucks and you can recoup your investment in a few months and continue to save in fuel...." is a very big draw.


The car performance by itself has ups and downs that it is easy for someone to feel the effect, but maybe just placebo effect.

Nonetheless he feels good and has "proof" so he is happy with his purchase and goes around telling other people its beneftis. Or some find it doesn't work and is embarassed and kept away about it.

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Thanks for confirming what I have been suspecting all along... that it is just a piece of junk... well, an expensive piece of junk. Too bad I did not even get to experience any placebo effect and absolutely did not feel any improvement since day 1. I have since sworn off any "fuel saving" device.

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