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Why Mazda Engine Noisy?


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Neutral Newbie

bro, i said it is not so noisy if compare with altis, vios & getz but in most of the threads reg. mazda's car, ther r some many comments on the noisy engine & under powder.

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Neutral Newbie

oic...coz of the thickness, molecular structure for these 2 different material...which explains on the ability to transmit/absorb sound energy....hmm...dunnoe my science failed me not... [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
[nod][nod] u rite...the 1st and 3rd gear u floor it is basically waste of petrol.... [sweatdrop]


the 'semi-auto/manual' gear definitely helps on the pickup, 拉长捕短. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

bro...as a mz3 owner....they are correct in certain aspect...


altis and vios are certainly more quiet(normal cruising without audio on) and having better power to weight ratio...


but no cars are good in all aspects and mz3 do win them too..which y i choose mz3 rather then the 3 mentioned..


there's good and bad and how much u willing to accept before committing..all are personal view and opinion..its best to test out the rides before you commit based on hear-say. forum is good place for getting information and i benefit alot but we must filter out unnecessary stuff accordingly... [:p]


get wat i trying to say??

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Neutral Newbie

i dont use the steptronic...its bascially a kiddy stuff..too many electronic safety features in built... [:|]


can be used from start to drag the gears for pick up...if use for speeding..i suggest u forget it...

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Neutral Newbie

bros, r u a mz3 or legacy owner?

to me, the 'steptronic'is quite useful leh.

i feel that there is more powerful in steptronic mode the n auto mode, say both r in 4th speed. can any bros confirm this? or it is only a psychology effect?

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why so many bros/sis said mazda engine is noisy? especially mz3 & mz6. i owned mondeo, tried altis, gen2 & recently vios, getz, they are all noisier then the mz3, the worse is the mondeo. I can't remember how is sunny behave but i have not try honda.


I think when you are above certain rpm, you will hear engine noise, which car in this cat dun? At this moment, I cant think of any yet perhaps the smallest LEXUS I guess. Mazda has never been famous for making refined cars and their sound proofing does lose out to some. I tried the previous generation of 626 in msia to Mersing and it was disappointing. Also tried a Mazda 3 and it was all show no go, passenger complain cramp space and car not powerful even though it looked so sporty. Sad to say, it is a poser to me. But it is interesting to c so many ppl still get attracted to Mazda. Mazda in some eyes is a BMW wannabe from wat I heard, it only further affirm me when I look at the owners.

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Mazda 3 looks nice but cannot run... :(


Agree?! Something interesting here....take a look at most Mazda 3 owners. If it is a female, they are normally the type who loves to carry branded stuff and gave the "wealthy" perception to others, dun dress very fancifully but ppl call them charismatic or rich tai tai (Like those you see in Orchard, just put on jeans & polo-tee, light make-up & carry LV bag.)


For a male, he will normally be a stylo-mylo one(hunk with trendy sun shades waiting to impress).


abit OT here but just to make evryone here from wat I heard from someone else. but kinda agree with the person who sais that. [laugh]

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Agree?! Something interesting here....take a look at most Mazda 3 owners. If it is a female, they are normally the type who loves to carry branded stuff and gave the "wealthy" perception to others, dun dress very fancifully but ppl call them charismatic or rich tai tai (Like those you see in Orchard, just put on jeans & polo-tee, light make-up & carry LV bag.)


For a male, he will normally be a stylo-mylo one(hunk with trendy sun shades waiting to impress).


abit OT here but just to make evryone here from wat I heard from someone else. but kinda agree with the person who sais that.


1. Your standard of "wealthy" too low lah. I thought you are describing OL instead.


2. Any average income earner can drive home a Mazda 3 these days.



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Neutral Newbie

i drive mz3sp..legacy GT is my cousin's...


in 'manual mode' the rpm is higher compared to auto mode that y u feel more powerful...aka more fuel consumed... [:p]


y i find it not useful is becoz i cant select the gears i want at whatever spd i am... [:|]

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Neutral Newbie

bro..then u only look at a small portion of mazda owners....i and cheekg for sure not those ur mentioned stylo-mylo hunk that out to impress...those who met us before can vouch for that and those mazda owner i know of are not ur mentioned kind..


its just like categorised all honda civic drivers are ah beng and in truth which is not... no doubt there is a small group of pple in every make or brand that tries to impress...(mindful some of the mz3 lup turbo and not ur look nice cant run type)


everyone buy a car that fit his needs or is wat he wants and is up to his/her discretion to do wat they want to their ride and how they want to project themselves with it...its personal and shall not brand them to a brand or make....


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in short..


Mazda 3 = cheap

Buyer = usually not much money

the not much money = usually need to hide the fact

need to hide the fact= must act rich

must act rich = buy branded goods


The end ...

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Doctor... Cannot understand why you like to offend people whenever you can? [shakehead][shakehead]


Does that make you feel good? [hur] Do you know how many bros here driving mazda 3? [flowerface]


I am not surprise if you will are wacked or kana beatup if you go for any meetups [rifle] , please do so this Friday at Bishan driving range if you have the guts..


If sick please consult a specialist [dizzy] don't try to treat yourself, it will make your condition worst [dead][dead]

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Thank you for your reply. Pls dun get me wrong...as i mentioned most Mazda owners, on the contrary I believe there will still be a handful who are not. I'd not be bothered by those who lup turbo, but normally ppl who lup turbo dun lup a good set of brakes to match that turbo they lup. Good ryhming hor... [;)] I'm pretty sure you fall into those humble kind, not those flashy ones nor those who lup lup here, stick stick there with stickers. But from my observation, Mazda 3 owners mostly belong to the younger grp or yuppies who place much emphasis on looks / image etc. Cruelly, the products we buy reflect somethings too...it may sound abit too generalising but it may be a fact. This grp of buyers could be Mazda's target market afterall. Take BMW owners for i.e. most are more "educated" with a "class" of their own, loud but in an "artistic" way. Look at Mazda's product line and you will know, they are portraying the Japanese BMW impression since early days, just like the Honda, the poor man's Merc...Agree?

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why so many bros/sis said mazda engine is noisy? especially mz3 & mz6. i owned mondeo, tried altis, gen2 & recently vios, getz, they are all noisier then the mz3, the worse is the mondeo. I can't remember how is sunny behave but i have not try honda.


Really? Didn't know this was a problem in the first place [:p] I'm a mazda owner and there were couple of times, I cranked the engine not knowing that the engine was already running! I am quite happy with the noise level of the engine.

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