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Are Skodas really overpriced in Singapore?


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its happening now already. whenever I have to fly off, I always call for Skoda cab fm Jurong to airport thumbsup.gif


no more crown, merc, cedric etc, etc...


Oh does Silvercabs allow you to specify the car type?

Only on advance bookings or current bookings?

Is the booking fee the same as for Crowns and Cedrics?

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Yes, you can ask for SilverArrow.


I've only tried current bookings & no, booking fees are slightly more expensive (can't remember how much but not really a lot).

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Not surprising, looking at the sales figure.


Oct only register 2 vehicles ..... tongue.gif


And I only saw 2 forumers here who are driving the Octy A5. Still very new ......

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What do you expect ? When they TAXI-ed it, it is as good and closing down the Skoda agency ! People would avoid the Skoda for fear of being flagged down along the road especially when you are driving a silver unit. Look at the Sonata....how many new Sonata have you seen so far ? No need to talk about overpricing the car !




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Lol.... but I still see white Mercedes cars around [scholar]


It still boils down to their car price vs equipment level. Skodas in Singapore are simply too skimpy in terms of equipment level to compete as an entry level European offering.

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Is the white mercs u saw the same model as merc cab?

If it's old mercs, not counted. [:p]

Anyway, it's rare to see a private white merc nowadays. As for private superb, I only saw once. Sonata still quite common though. [nod]

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Neutral Newbie

Sigh, sad to say they create the mess they are in.


Still believe thay have great cars just bad distributor here in sg.



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HK conti car price is close to the jap car, I don't think those conti car here do really worth that $$. Is the support the owner get from the agent here which turn away buyer.

All this reflect from the nos. of conti car on the road. I drove a citroen van b4 which is a petrol version with a engine same as the Xsara 1.4L, the servicing is average $300 for 10k and the parts is very ex. .Although we commonly hear about the good handling from conti but other than that I dun find anything great about it as compare to a jap car.

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