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NanoTech 'Rain-X' - Review


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As at the 'Dun Know what Show' at Suntec and saw this product. It is a SG Nanotech firm, and have coating of almost everything.



Backside itchy so talking to them, found out they have 2 product for automotive, one is Odour Killer and the other windscreen coating ala Rain-X. Keep stressing to me unlike Rain-X their product uses nano material to fill up the 'pores'.


Anyway since my windscreen got no beading effect (cause me apply nothing) and during light showers visibily very bad cause wiper not on thru-out, so okay lah, buy and to try out.


Start of Review (So far only 2 hrs ago since I apply)

Package comes in 2 bottle, Cleaner and the Nano-sxxt with alcohol.

Instruction - Water wash, apply cleaner then the Nano. Cured in 1 hr, but best is after 24 hrs.

Me go manual car wash, then apply.


Verdict (Application and observation)

Cannot judge water beading yet, cause just apply.

Application is easy, but the Nano-shot because of alcohol smells not too good.

After application, optically the windscreen looks better, not sure if because of the cleaning effect of alcohol or the nano-sxxt at work.


To be continued after a week or so after it goes thru the REAL world test.


Oh the cost is S$21 - Promo price during the show.


* If you guys are interested in this product, I will try to arrange for a Group buy (SOG only) either with the firm itself or it's distributor.

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Got to clarify, this one is NOT rain-X but works similar. i.e water beading.


Also it is NOT suppose to contain wax unlike Rain-X.


See how it goes over the next few weeks!

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Actually if rain continue like this over the next few days & you're out on the road during the rain, will straight away know already.


Most of this 'Rain-X like' product seem to get this kind of complain though & very immediate one. Kena rain after application only, the truth is known.

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