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ACEA 1/3 engine oil?


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ACEA A1 = FC economy oil

ACEA A3 = Long drain/extra protection oil


yes you can use it provided you adjust your oil change patterns to suit (Trex, Genie correct me if i'm wrong).


If you want the best of both worlds, ACEA A5 if the way to go. Do a google search on ACEA and you'll find all the info you need.

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A1 Fuel Economy Petrol

A2 Standard performance level

A3 High performance and / or extended drain


A5 is like a A1/A3 combi, a fuel economy and long drain spec.... but doen't mean it's better performing than A3...


A3 should be the most stringent spec... best to look out for A3-02, it's the most current.

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i remember using the Carrefour Mobil 1 oils that carried an A5 rating...but they weren't of the 0W30 variety... it was either the 5W30 or the 10W30...


it was cheap, but i didn't think it could last at least as long as the Castrol SLX...


but then again, ratings are one thing, quality is another...

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you don't need 0w30 in sg. 5w30 and 0w30 still have the same viscosity at -10deg cel... but the 5 turns into a gel faster below that temp while the 0 will remain viscous till -20deg (from memory)


Why didn't you think it could last as long??? I figure getting an oil analysis done would be the best way ard it.

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the A3 Castrol SLX is legendary.... and along came the mobil 1 oils that were A5 rated... but i didn't see as good results from posted SLX UOAs


the mobil 1 oils could last 10k, no prob, but i really doubt it can last as long as 20k, like wat the SLX is capable of doing...


tat said, i gues a UOA would be the best way of telling...

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It would also depend on the application. The mobile one's were thinner at the respective tests at 40 and 100 deg (which explains why they had A5) and imho something a lil more important in heavy duty work. a higher flash point (230deg vs 212deg).


Anyway i'm using something better than both of them now (don't ask, got it free)... motul's 8100 in 5w30 [sly] may not be their top of the range double ester but at least its an ester based oil. [laugh] Honestly i would only use a UOA for info on engine health coz i still change my oils every 5000kms.

Edited by Elfenstar
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pose this to you... would the additive package help the oil in achieving A3 or A5 rating?


even if an oil can meet certain ratings, how long it can stay in that state depends on quality of the base oil and additive package right?

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ACEA does not test the base oil per se (not like SAE for grade). They test how it deteriorates and gives rating accoring to that. Same with the API ratings in which mobil one had a SM rating while SLX had a SL rating.

Edited by Elfenstar
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