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What is the life span of microfiber cloth & waffle weave towel?


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Say if I wash my car once a week.


Wax twice a month.


Just like to know thanks.

Edited by Thepukster
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I think it can last you months dude. Weave towel wash once a week can last u 6mths to a year. MF towel twice a month can last you prob half a year or more too.

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Neutral Newbie

My Routine is the same as your..


i'm still using the same set of MF towels i got 1 year ago... [;)][nod]


anyway, lifespan also depends on the quality of the towels...

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How many set of MF towels do you own? [:)]


I am using the Micropak ones & Fibershine. Bought them on the same day, frequency of use is almost the same. But fibershine seems to be getting much rougher than the micropak ones. Hmm... [:|]

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Neutral Newbie

I'm using fibreshine ones. Its not as plush as others but it serves as a good buffing towel.


If you think the lifespan is up, it probably is. Just condemn it for multi-purpose stuff like interior detailing/glass/wipers/rims [nod]


Heard from a fellow bro that boiling the microfibre towels will 'rejuvenate' the towels, I've yet to try that though [:p]


Since you own a white coloured ride, why not consider synthetic sealants rather than wax? Believe it will give you better results + easy to maintain. Just a suggestion

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Neutral Newbie

me ah... i throw some of them away already... now i got about 10 MF towels from 3-4 different brands.


you machine wash your Towels? I think that will reduce it's life span.... try hand wash once in a while. for the hand wash, use Hot water... i mean the water heater hottest setting. The roughness can be due to residue accumulated in the MF. Hot water can help to "melt" them.


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Wow, use WW twice a day. Quite hardcore huh? Haha.


You mean you use the WW towel to wipe dust off twice a day?


By the way, what is the life span of a sheepskin wash mitt as well since we are at it?

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Neutral Newbie

Actually i never hand wash... i "leg wash" [laugh][laugh]

I soak the MF towel in a pail of washing detergent dilution mix. i let it soak for a while, Then i stomp on it! My grandma told me that's how she wash clothes last time so i just follow lor! [laugh]

i step on it for a while then rinse with hot water again. step on it a while more.. rinse again. then that's it. Towels clean clean! [idea]

This method works for me.


For sheepskin. lifespan varies... i bought one from US, last me less than 3 months! [thumbsdown]. But normally i guess 6mth to a year [:/] ???

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